齋藤 泉 大西 浩次 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-11, 2014-06-30

We measured the transmittance of filters and the substitutes for direct observation of the sun, from 2009 to 2012. In this paper, we report the results of the measurements in detail. This paper gives fundamental data for observing solar eclipses safely.
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
奥野 勉 上野 哲 小林 祐一 神津 進
公益社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.55, no.3, pp.85-89, 2013-05-25 (Released:2013-06-27)

目的:ガラス製品を製造する工場では,作業者は,炉,溶融ガラスなどの高温の物体が発生する強い可視光へ曝露される.ブルーライトと呼ばれる短波長の可視光への曝露は,網膜障害(photoretinopahy)を引き起こす可能性がある.本研究の目的は,ガラス製品の製造に伴って発生するブルーライトを定量的に評価することである.対象と方法:クリスタルガラス工芸品を製造する工場において,炉の内部の壁と発熱体,および,炉内に置かれたガラス材料の分光放射輝度を測定した.炉は,2基の再加熱炉,3基の溶解炉,1基の竿焼き炉を調べた.測定された分光放射輝度から,ACGIHの許容基準に従って,実効輝度を計算し,これを許容値と比較した.また,それぞれの光源について,分光放射輝度を黒体の分光放射輝度と比較し,その温度を求めた.結果:測定された実効輝度は,0.00498–0.708 mW/cm2srの範囲にあった.実効輝度は,1,075–1,516 ℃の温度の範囲において,温度と共に急速に上昇した.それぞれの光源の実効輝度は,同じ温度の黒体の実効輝度とほぼ等しかった.考察:炉の内部の壁と発熱体,および,炉内に置かれたガラス材料の実効輝度は,1日の曝露時間が104 sを超える場合の許容値である10 mW/cm2srの十分の一以下であった.したがって,これらの光源を見たとしても,網膜障害の危険性はないと考えられる.ただし,光源の温度が約1,800 ℃以上である場合には,実効輝度は,許容値を超えると推定される.このような高温の光源がガラス製品の製造の現場にある場合には,ブルーライトによる網膜障害の危険性があると考えられる.
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
齋藤 泉 大西 浩次 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-11, 2014-06-30

We measured the transmittance of filters and the substitutes for direct observation of the sun, from 2009 to 2012. In this paper, we report the results of the measurements in detail. This paper gives fundamental data for observing solar eclipses safely.