齋藤 泉 大西 浩次 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-11, 2014-06-30

We measured the transmittance of filters and the substitutes for direct observation of the sun, from 2009 to 2012. In this paper, we report the results of the measurements in detail. This paper gives fundamental data for observing solar eclipses safely.
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
大宮 卓 小野 智子 菅原 正和 OMIYA Takushi ONO Chieko SUGAWARA Masakazu
岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター研究紀要 (ISSN:13472216)
vol.11, pp.99-109, 2012-03-31

茶道の歴史は長く、古くは奈良時代にまでさかのぼる。茶ははじめ、薬用として用いられたが、時代が変わると、茶を飲用だけに使うのではなく、作法と茶の精神を合わせた「茶の湯」となった。これが現代で言う茶道である。茶道の精神は「和敬清寂」にあらわされ、和して敬い合い、清らかな心を持ち、不動の精神と心を持つことによって、何事にも動じない、どんなことにもゆとりを持つだけの心の広さが生じることを指向する。そして、日常の喧騒と雑事から一時離れ、ささやかな、いっぷくのお茶をとおして"well-being"たらんとする。本研究の目的は長年茶道をたしなんできた人々(SV)と、茶道部学生(GS)、一般学生(CS)のSWB 並びにその下位6因子の相違を探求することにより、茶道が有するSWB(Subjective Wellbeing)への影響を明らかにしようとすることであった。分析の結果、SWB に影響を与える要因は加齢と茶道歴の双方であり、加齢と茶道歴のどちらか片方のみでは、SWB に影響を与えることがないことが明らかとなった。
大西 浩次 齋藤 泉 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-10, 2014-06-30

May 21, 2012, solar eclipse was observed in Japan. This time, annular eclipse occurred over a wide range; i.e. the southern part of Kyushu, the southern part of Shikoku, the southern part of the Kinki, the southern part of the Chubu, such as the Kanto. Other regions became a partial solar eclipse. Approximately 83 million people are living in the path of annular phase, we were expected many people to observe the eclipse. Eclipse is a valuable opportunity to increase interest in science. On the other hand, when observing the sun, it runs a strong risk that leads to trouble in the eyes of people due to the strong sunlight. For example, in the case of the eclipse in Germany in 1912, solar eclipse retinopathy patients of 3,500 has occurred. We conducted our activities for many people to observe the eclipse safe. One of them is the spread of safe solar eclipse observation method, another is a research study of the safety of the solar eclipse glasses.In this paper, we report the transmittance measured in the various filters; solar viewing glass on the market, and their substitutes. These are valuable archival material related to solar observation glass for the solar eclipse in the future.
齋藤 泉 大西 浩次 安藤 享平 大川 拓也 小野 智子 篠原 秀雄 高橋 淳 松尾 厚 奥野 勉
長野工業高等専門学校紀要 = Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology (ISSN:02861909)
vol.48, pp.1-11, 2014-06-30

We measured the transmittance of filters and the substitutes for direct observation of the sun, from 2009 to 2012. In this paper, we report the results of the measurements in detail. This paper gives fundamental data for observing solar eclipses safely.