安田 将
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.69, pp.97-111, 2020 (Released:2021-05-24)

In his dialogue On the Laws(De legibus), Marcus Tullius Cicero(106─43 B. C.)argues that laws should be something which, when adopted by the people, would allow them to live happy, honorable lives. In the first part(‘Part A’)of book 1, Cicero provides the theoretical foundation for this conception, embodied by the Stoic cosmology. In the second part(‘Part B’), Cicero argues for natural justice independently of this cosmology. In both parts, the naturalness of justice means that justice is common to all. Yet, in Part B, this point does not mean that there is a common ideal state which only a few can correctly recognize as justice, as it does in Part A. Rather, in Part B, all people, including bad people, recognize the basic feature of justice: its naturalness. This change in conclusion cannot be accounted for if, as scholars tend to believe, Part B is a mere appendix, i. e., a repetition of Cicero’s conclusion in Part A, achieved by refuting possible alternatives to his view. In order to provide a reasonable explanation for this change, I intend to start by highlighting the fact that Cicero regards the arguments in both parts as necessary for achieving the aim of this work, i. e., the preservation of the mixed constitution, wherein all people judge what is just or not without leaving such judgments to the few aristocratic leaders. On this basis, I will argue that it is necessary for Cicero to suspend the conclusion in Part A and modify it in Part B, because Part A concludes that the naturalness of justice cannot be recognized by all. The skeptical reservation put forward in Part A seems at first sight to be precisely the perplexing and superficial pretense that scholars considered it to be in the past. Yet, in fact it is necessary. Cicero needs to argue for natural justice as he did in Part B, not A, in order to achieve the overall aim of the work and present laws which can preserve the mixed constitution, i. e., the laws whose justness all people can judge and adopt by their own judgment. In this way, Cicero’s skeptical strategy enables him to evade some ideas from Greek philosophers and unfold his political thought philosophically.
安田 将 杉本 元一 後藤田 直人
一般社団法人 日本外科感染症学会
日本外科感染症学会雑誌 (ISSN:13495755)
vol.18, no.2, pp.314-321, 2021-12-15 (Released:2022-01-07)

【目的】大量肝切除術前のリハビリ栄養療法(リハ栄養)による骨格筋指数(Skeletal muscle index,SMI)変化および術後経過への影響を検討した。【方法】2008年9月から2019年5月までに門脈塞栓術後に大量肝切除を施行された全99症例のうち,術前待機期間中にリハ栄養を行った症例群(リハ栄養群)と対照群で臨床的特徴およびSMI変化率を比較した。また,リハ栄養群においてSMI増加群と減少群の術後合併症発生率を比較した。SMIは門脈塞栓術前後の腹部CT画像で評価した。【結果】リハ栄養群30例では対照群69例と比較し,SMIの有意な増加を認めた(中央値+1.8% vs. +0.1%,P=0.038)。リハ栄養群30例において,SMI増加群21例では減少群9例と比較し,術後に手術部位感染(臓器体腔)(14% vs. 56%,P=0.032)と肝不全(14% vs. 56%,P=0.032)の発生率が低く,術後在院日数(17日 vs. 24日,P=0.033)が短かった。【結論】術前待機期間中のリハ栄養により骨格筋量が増加し,術前の骨格筋量増加は術後合併症軽減に有用であると考えられた。