宮内 正厚 中島 英彰 平井 千津子
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.88, no.7, pp.349-357, 2014-07-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

In recent years, the importance of solar exposure for vitamin D synthesis in the human body has been pointed out. The solar exposure time necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D depends largely on geographical location, season, time of day, weather, exposed skin area, etc. Using numerical simulations we estimated that if 10 μg vitamin D were to be synthesized entirely by solar exposure to skin type III (SPT), which is considered to be the most typical skin type for Japanese people, it would necessitate 6.4 min horizontal exposure of a 600 cm^2 skin area, corresponding to the face and the back of both hands, under cloudless sky at 12:00 o'clock in July in Tsukuba. Under the same conditions, it would take 20.8 min to reach 1 MED (Minimum Erythemal Dose) which is thought to be the harmful UV exposure level for human skin. In other words, approximately 31% of the time before the skin gets red is enough for the synthesis of 10 μg vitamin D a day. On the other hand, in Sapporo which is located in the northern part of the Japanese Archipelago, the corresponding durations are 8.4 min and 27.0 min, respectively under the same conditions as in Tsukuba, whereas the necessary time in December would be 139 min and 296 min, respectively. Although the sufficient amount of vitamin D cannot be obtained by short-time exposure to solar radiation, it is thought that long-time exposure might not damage the skin. It can be concluded that for a skin area of 600 cm^2 in horizontal position, exposure time until damage would occur is generally 3 times larger than what is necessary for the synthesis of 10 μg vitamin D under strong UV radiation. It should be noted that generally, with a larger exposed skin area the solar exposure time for vitamin D synthesis could be considerably shortened.
宮内 正
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1988, no.1, pp.3-12, 1988-06-18 (Released:2010-04-21)

Face-to-face communication in modern society is more than ever susceptible to many of socially-biased and media-influenced interpretations. Erving Goffman was one of the sociologists who tried to pin down the mechanism of such face-to-face communication in everyday life. Our effort here is first to review a couple of postmodern interpretations of Goffman's original work, and second to save the nature of social selves from the context of poststructuralist trend, and third to make clear the duality of social selves and definitions of situations, and finally to link the previous discussion with the basic views which Goffman sketched.
宮内 正喜 長谷川 博
日経ニューメディア (ISSN:02885026)
no.1478, pp.11-12, 2015-08-24

ビーエスフジ(BSフジ)の代表取締役社長に宮内正喜氏が2015年7月1日付で就任した。宮内氏はフジテレビジョン 専務取締役などを経て、2007年6月から2015年6月までフジテレビ系列局の岡山放送の代表取締役社長を務めた。宮内氏にBSフジの今後の事業展開などについ…
宮内 正雄 笹原 邦宏 藤本 光一 川本 勲 井手 純也 中尾 英雄
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.37, no.9, pp.2369-2374, 1989-09-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
10 9

The degradation kinetics of pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) esters of cephalosporins in phosphate buffer solution (pH6-8) were investigated. The degradation of the starting Δ3 cephalosporin ester proceeded mainly via isomerization to the Δ2 ester and subsequent hydrolysis to the Δ2 acid. Hydrolysis to the Δ3 acid (the parent acid) was very slow. Analysis of the rate constants indicated that the isomerization rate k12 was approximately equal to the apparent degradation rate of the Δ3 ester kdeg, and slower than the hydrolysis rate of the Δ2 ester k24. The isomerization process to the Δ2 ester was found to be the rate-determining step in the degradation of cephalosporin esters. The substituent at the C-3 position of the cephalosporins affected the degradation kinetics. The degradation was accelerated by increase of pH, buffer concentartion and added protein.
宮内 正雄 笹原 邦宏 藤本 光一 川本 勲 井手 純也 中尾 英雄
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.37, no.9, pp.2369-2374, 1989

The degradation kinetics of pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) esters of cephalosporins in phosphate buffer solution (pH6-8) were investigated. The degradation of the starting &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> cephalosporin ester proceeded mainly via isomerization to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester and subsequent hydrolysis to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> acid. Hydrolysis to the &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> acid (the parent acid) was very slow. Analysis of the rate constants indicated that the isomerization rate k<SUB>12</SUB> was approximately equal to the apparent degradation rate of the &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> ester k<SUB>deg</SUB>, and slower than the hydrolysis rate of the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester k<SUB>24</SUB>. The isomerization process to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester was found to be the rate-determining step in the degradation of cephalosporin esters. The substituent at the C-3 position of the cephalosporins affected the degradation kinetics. The degradation was accelerated by increase of pH, buffer concentartion and added protein.
宮内 正雄 栗原 英志 藤本 光一 川本 勲 井手 純也 中尾 英雄
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.37, no.9, pp.2375-2378, 1989-09-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
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The effect of substituents at the C-3 position on the degradation kinetics of the pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) ester of Δ3 cephalosporin in phosphate buffer solution (pH6-8) was investigated. In the degradation, the isomerization process to the Δ2 ester was the rate-determining step. In this study, the logarithm of the isomerization rate to the Δ2 ester (log k12) correlated with the carbon-13 unclear magnetic resonance chemical shift difference value at C-3 and C-4 of the Δ3 ester (Δδ(4-3)). The energy level of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the Δ3 esters also correlated with log k12. The electronic properties at the C-2 position had no effect on the isomerization reaction. On the other hand, the logarithm of the isomerization rate back to the Δ3 ester (log k21) correlated with the van der Waals volume (MV) of the 3-substituent. These results show that the substituent at the C-3 position influences mainly the electronic structure of the conjugated π-bond system (C3=C4-C4=O) and consequently affects the feasibility of isomerization to the Δ2 ester, i.e., the stability to degradation.
宮内 正雄 栗原 英志 藤本 光一 川本 勲 井手 純也 中尾 英雄
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.37, no.9, pp.2375-2378, 1989

The effect of substituents at the C-3 position on the degradation kinetics of the pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) ester of &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> cephalosporin in phosphate buffer solution (pH6-8) was investigated. In the degradation, the isomerization process to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester was the rate-determining step. In this study, the logarithm of the isomerization rate to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester (log k<SUB>12</SUB>) correlated with the carbon-13 unclear magnetic resonance chemical shift difference value at C-3 and C-4 of the &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> ester (&Delta;&delta;(4-3)). The energy level of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> esters also correlated with log k<SUB>12</SUB>. The electronic properties at the C-2 position had no effect on the isomerization reaction. On the other hand, the logarithm of the isomerization rate back to the &Delta;<SUP>3</SUP> ester (log k<SUB>21</SUB>) correlated with the van der Waals volume (MV) of the 3-substituent. These results show that the substituent at the C-3 position influences mainly the electronic structure of the conjugated &pi;-bond system (C<SUB>3</SUB>=C<SUB>4</SUB>-C<SUB>4</SUB>=O) and consequently affects the feasibility of isomerization to the &Delta;<SUP>2</SUP> ester, i.e., the stability to degradation.