朴 大栄 宮本 京子
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-25, 2012-08-31

Audit failures are often caused by the inability of auditors to maintain independence. The lack of independence is an enemy of systematic and efficient audit operations. How can auditors secure independence? To answer this question, we need to discuss a wide variety of issues, including not only an appropriate organization of auditors, quality control and governance but also the necessity of auditors' rotation and the whereabouts of an authority to select auditor members or determine remuneration for auditors. This paper focuses on audit quality control, which is an essential task in ensuring reliable audit results, and discusses present situations and problems regarding audit quality control systems from the viewpoint of audit firms, JICPA ( Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and CPAAOB (Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board). We also discuss whether or not the size of an audit firms is relevant to its ability to conduct appropriate quality control of audit operations, since we consider it important to clarify such relevance or irrelevance for identifying desirable quality control systems for respective audit firms. We conducted a questionnaire survey on both large audit firms and small and medium-size counterparts to find and analyze the status of their respective quality control systems, and this paper explains the survey results.
土屋 雅春 石井 裕正 宮本 京 荒井 正夫 奥野 府夫 山内 浩 海老原 洋子 高木 俊和 神谷 知至 陶山 匡一郎
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.21, no.12, pp.1606-1613, 1980-12-25 (Released:2010-01-19)

肝細胞固有の機能の一つとして重要視されている糖新生能を,糖原性アミノ酸であるL-Alanine (以下Ala)を負荷したときの血糖上昇度および糖代謝調節諸因子の動態を観察することにより判定し,本検査の肝細胞予備能判定法としての有用性につき検討した.対象は慶大内科において確診した肝硬変症17例(代償期8例,非代償期9例)および健常対照例6例の計23例である.15時間絶食後に10% Ala溶液300mlを30分間で静注し経時的に180分まで血糖, IRI,乳酸,アラニン,IRG値を測定した.Ala負荷後,対照群では,点滴終了直後に約10mg/dlの血糖上昇を認め,以後速やかに下降したが肝硬変代償期群では血糖上昇度は7mg/dlと低下傾向をみたが有意差はなかった.これに対して非代償期群では血糖上昇度は全くみられず,むしろ低血糖傾向すら示した.この非代償期群ではAla負荷後の血中乳酸・アラニン値も停滞しAlaの利用障害が示唆された.Ala負荷後血糖上昇のみられなかった群の予後は不良であり,本試験は肝細胞予備能判定の手段として有用であることが示唆された.
宮本 京子 清島 久美 亀井 美沙 小方 由美子 前田 裕亮 前田 高宏
サイトメトリーリサーチ (ISSN:09166920)
vol.29, no.2, pp.21-27, 2019-11-25 (Released:2019-11-25)

Progress has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), and a series of novel therapeutic agents, including antibody-based drugs such as elotuzumab and daratumumab, are available in the clinic. While fl ow cytometry (FCM) is a major method for MM diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic effects, detecting MM cells after antibodybased therapies is challenging, as antibodies used for FCM sometimes recognize the same epitopes that are targeted by the therapeutic ones. As a result, FCM could fail to detect true MM clones. In this study, we examined the effi cacy and accuracy of the FCM-based diagnostic methods using an antibody targeting multiple epitopes of CD38 (CD38ME) and intracellular p63 as well as those targeting CD138 and CD38high. When we defi ned MM cells using antibodies against CD38ME and intracellular p63, proportions of MM cells were highly correlated with those defined by the conventional FCM methods using anti-CD38high and / or CD138 antibodies (r2 = 0.9967-0.9991). Interestingly, expression levels of CD38high and CD138 were signifi cantly low in MM cells obtained from antibody-treated individuals. In contrast, MM clones were accurately detected using antibodies against CD38ME and intracellular p63. Our data suggest that extra caution should be taken when MM cells obtained from patients treated with antibody-based therapies were evaluated by FCM. We propose that antibodies targeting CD38ME and/or intracellular p63 should be included in the antibody mixture for FCM-based detection of MM cells.
朴 大栄/宮本 京子 宮本 京子
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-25, 2012-08-31

Audit failures are often caused by the inability of auditors to maintain independence. The lack of independence is an enemy of systematic and efficient audit operations. How can auditors secure independence? To answer this question, we need to discuss a wide variety of issues, including not only an appropriate organization of auditors, quality control and governance but also the necessity of auditors' rotation and the whereabouts of an authority to select auditor members or determine remuneration for auditors. This paper focuses on audit quality control, which is an essential task in ensuring reliable audit results, and discusses present situations and problems regarding audit quality control systems from the viewpoint of audit firms, JICPA ( Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and CPAAOB (Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board). We also discuss whether or not the size of an audit firms is relevant to its ability to conduct appropriate quality control of audit operations, since we consider it important to clarify such relevance or irrelevance for identifying desirable quality control systems for respective audit firms. We conducted a questionnaire survey on both large audit firms and small and medium-size counterparts to find and analyze the status of their respective quality control systems, and this paper explains the survey results.