宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-26, 2015-02-27

Anthony Giddens published Capitalism and Modern Social Theory in 1971 and Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber in 1972 on the base of his studies on Weber's works. This paper, which is a part of my research project Giddens and Sociologists, aims to examine how Giddens used products of his studies on Weber's works in constructing his social theory since 1973. First, introducing his interpretations of Weber's works in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, I depict the entire structure of Weber's social theory. Second, introducing his examination of relationships between Weber's political ideology shown in his political works and social theory shown in academic works, it will be made clear that the strong interest in contradictions brought by economic and political rationalization was consistent in his politics and sociology. Third, I research how Giddens has tackled central problems in social theory by learning much from Weber's social theory and politics.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.39-62, 2011-03-28

The sociology of culture has been developing, and we have many works on the sociological analysis of culture. But, from a social theoretical viewpoint, there remain undeveloped areas between the sociology of culture and social theory. This paper aims to show some ways to solve basic problems in social theory of culture. First, we define culture as systems of meaning rules, and explain theoretically constructions of producing various aspects of culture. Every action is cultural praxis, and various aspects of culture are constructed based on cultural praxes. Second, by referring to seven analytical frameworks prepared in discussions of social structures, we make it clear that they are effective for analyzing structures of culture. Third, we propose three frameworks to analyze changes of culture through investigating relationships between culture and society, which are mainly formed from generation, transmission and problematization of culture in society.
間瀬 正啓 馬場 大介 長山 晴美 田野 裕秋 益浦 健 深津幸二 宮本 孝道 白子 準 中野 啓史 木村 啓二 笠原 博徳
情報処理学会研究報告計算機アーキテクチャ(ARC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.127, pp.1-6, 2006-11-28

マルチプロセッサ、マルチコアアーキテクチャの普及に伴い、ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング分野から組み込み分野に至る様々な分野で、その特性を引出し高実効性能・低消費電力を実現する自動並列化コンパイラの重要性が高まっている。本稿ではプログラム全域の並列性およびデータローカリティの有効利用が可能なマルチグレイン並列処理を実現する、OSCARコンパイラのC言語対応について述べる。OSCARコンパイラにおけるC言語対応を迅速に行うために制約付きC言語を定めた。MPEG2エンコード、MP3エンコード、AACエンコードの各メディアアプリケーション、組込み向けベンチマークMiBenchよりsusan(smoothing)、SPEC2000よりartについてC言語対応OSCARコンパイラによる自動並列化の初期性能評価を行い、8プロセッササーバであるIBM p5 550上でIBM XL Cコンパイラversion 8.0の逐次処理と比較してsusan(smoothing)で最大7.49倍、4プロセッサワークステーションであるSun Ultra80上でSun Studio 9 Cコンパイラの逐次処理と比較してsusan(smoothing)で最大3.75倍の速度向上が得られた。Along with the popularization of multiprocessors and multicore architectures, automatic parallelizing compiler, which can realize high effective performance and low power comsumption, becomes more and more important in various areas from high performance computing to embedded computing. OSCAR compiler realizes multigrain automatic parallelization, which can exploit parallelism and data locality from the whole of the program. This paper describes C language support in OSCAR compiler. For rapid support of C language, restricted C language is proposed. In the preliminary performance evaluation of automatic parallelization using following media applications as MPEG2 encode, MP3 encode, and AAC encode, Susan (smoothing) derived from MiBench, and Art from SPEC2000, OSCAR compiler achieved 7.49 times speed up in maximum for susan (smoothing) against sequential execution on IBM p5 550 server having 8 processors, and 3.75 times speed up in maximum for susan (smoothing) too against sequential execution on Sun Ultra80 workstation having 4 processors.