宮本 孝雄
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.69, no.10, pp.915-923, 1990-10-20 (Released:2010-06-28)
1 1

Environmental degradation is a problem affecting the entire earth today. Among the most serious is desertification, now found in many places of the world, the solution of which is urgently required not only for ourselves but also for the future generations. In Sudan-Sahelian zone, where the desertification problem is most serious, the rate of population growth is as high as 2 percent a year. Some measures must urgently be taken to preserve the living environment for those people. Thus the need for technologies for development of the desert land will grow in the near future. This study examunes the present situation of desertification of, and approaches to, the development of the desert environment.
宮本 孝二
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.45, no.1, pp.35-45,131, 2000-05-31 (Released:2016-11-02)

This paper aims to discuss the identity and capacity of sociology as a discipline by referring to Anthony Giddens'social theory. Modern sociology has been specialized into many fields,and social theory which consists of general and macro theory has become only one of them. But we must remember that sociology was born as social theory which had grand and reflexive perspective on modernity. Now when we rethink the identity and capacity of sociology, we are faced with the task of reconstructing social theory. Anthony Giddens, who is one of the leading practioners of contemorary social theory, has constructed the strucrturation theory as a general theory and the theory of modernity as a macro theory, and he is participating in British politics as an adviser to the Labour Party. As he has created a social theory that explores a very wide range of social theories, we can reconstruct social theory by examining his one. To introduce his works briefly and summarize the essential points in it, this paper focuses on the theory of reflexivity. Because reflexivity is not only one of his central concepts, but also the true nature of social theory produced by human reflexive activities. First, I overview the disucssion of reflexiviy in the development of Giddens'social theory. He places an active and reflexive person producing and reproducing social institutions at the center of his social theory and modern society. Second, his theory of reflexivity is arranged into three categories, which are (1) reflexive agent, (2) consequences of reflexive agencies and (3) sociology as a medium of instituutional reflexivity. Third, directions of revising his social theory are showed.His social theory can be reconstructed as a theory of powers. Powers are (1) capabilities of reflexive agent, (2) resources of reflexive agencies and (3) media of instituutional reflexivity.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 = St. Andrew's University sociological review (ISSN:02876647)
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-25, 2016-09-30

The works of Erving Goffman(1920-1980)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the fourth one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, used Goffman's social theory in systematically constructingstructuration theory. The main findings are as follows. First, through interpreting Goffman's works, Giddens found systematic construction in Goffman's social theory. His social theory is constructed on the basic theory of co-presence and interaction. Second, when Giddens wrote Constitution of Society in 1984, he tried to systematize structuration theory by using Goffman's social theory as one of interaction or social process. But as he failed in finding proper place of co-presence in social structure, Giddens could not succeed in systematically constructing structuration theory. Third, in his some works, Giddens took theoretical viewpoints to find proper place of co-presence in social structure. There are five main viewpoints of depicting society as congregation of locales or regions where co-presences develop.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.49, no.1, pp.1-26, 2015-09

The works of Emile Durkheim(1858-1917)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the second one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, grasp the entire structure and possibilities of Durkheim's social theory through studying his works. The main findings are as follows. First, Giddens got reflexivity which is the central concept in his structuration theory through critically studying Durukheim's theory of suicide. Reflexivity is the concept which means an essential quality of human existence as agent and a trait of social structure as condition and outcome of agency. Second, Giddens found that Durkheim's social theory is consistent and systematic by analyzing his main works. Durkheim constructed his social theory by tackling with problems concerning capitalism and nation-state in modernization. Third, Giddens succeeded in breaking through old images of Durkheim and getting clues to the development of Giddens' social theory in possibilities brought up by Durkheim.
森 頴太郎 荘野 忠泰 井原 元 岩崎 徹 平林 俊明 依藤 良一 宮本 孝 稲垣 王子 井上 聖士 藤田 嘉一
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.26, no.6, pp.721-731, 1984 (Released:2010-07-05)

The ACTH-Cortisol axis was studied in chronic renal failure (12 undialysed patients, Ccr below 5 ml/min and 17 dialysed patients). Basal plasma cortisol and ACTH levels were 14.7±1.2μg/dl, 41.4±11.6 pg/ml respectively in undialysed patients and 14.3±1.3μg/dl, 48.6±7.5 pg/ml respectively in dialysed patients. Both hormone levels were within normal range except 1 dialysed patient. The cortisol levels to rapid ACTH stimulation test (250μg ACTH, iv) in both groups increased approximately 10 μg/dl or more. Therefore, we suggest that the patients with chronic renal failure have normal function of adrenal cortex. After the administration of 1 mg dexamethasone orally at midnight as the method of examining negative feedback mechanism, both patients had normal or almost normal suppression of cortisol and ACTH level. But, quarter of patients in each group demonstrated abnormal diurnal rhythm of plasma cortisol and ACTH at 900 hour, 1700 hour. Dialysed patients showed normal cortisol response (Max. ΔCortisol 12.8±1.6μg. dl) to insulin (0.1 U/kg, iv) induced hypoglycemia as a stress test compared with normal controls (Max. ΔCortisol 9.0±0.8 μg/dl). While, undialysed patients showed low cortisol response (Max. ΔCortisol 5.9±1.7μg/dl). And there were no correlation between the Max. ΔCortisol and T. P., BUN, CRN, Uric Acid, Ca and the grade of hypoglycemia. Therefore, it is certain that the failure of secretion of corticotropin releasing factor in hypothalamus or of ACTH secretion in pituitary gland exists in undialysed patients. From these results that there may be impairment of CNS-Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis in chronic renal failure and this disturbance can be recovered considerably but not perfectly by adequate long term hemodialysis, it was considered that some uremic toxin or dialysable substance associated with uremia itself may be responsible for its abnormality of cortisol and ACTH secretion.
宮本 孝二 Kouji Miyamoto
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.38, pp.73-101, 2010-03-25

This paper aims to show how Anthony Giddens, who is one of the most famous sociologists in modern sociology, has coped with problems in constructing the sociology of the body. First, it is showed that he elaborated `body' as a theoretical concept and discussed theoretical points concerning it in the structuration theory (his general social theory). Second, through investigating his theory of modern societies, we find various aspects of body problems in high modernity, problems of body regimes and of the reproduction of the body. Third, by analyzing the contents of his textbook Sociology, which has been revised six times, we show details and particulars in the process in which he has constructed the sociology of the body.
吉川 雄一郎 篠沢 一彦 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博 宮本 孝典
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.3, pp.1284-1293, 2007-03-15

人間同士のコミュニケーションにおいて,視線は意図の伝達や会話の調節など,重要な役割を持つことが知られている.人間と対面するロボットやスクリーンエージェントの従来研究においても,それらの視線をどのように構成するかに注目が集まっているが,相手の視線の動きを考慮した枠組みの研究は少ない.しかし,相手の視線が自分の視線に対してどのように変化しているかを見ることは,人間が相手の視線を認識するうえで重要な手がかりになっていると考えられる.そこで本研究では,対面相手の視線に基づいて自身の視線を動かすことのできるロボットを構築し,応答的視線によってより強い被注視感を相手にいだかせることができることを示す.In face-to-face communication, eyes play a central role, for example in directing attention and regulating turn-taking. For this reason, it has been a central topic in several fields of interaction study. Although many psychology findings have encouraged previous work in both human-computer and human-robot interaction studies, so far there have been few explorations on how to move the agent's eye, including when to move it, for communication. Therefore, it is this topic we address in this study. The impression a person forms from an interaction is strongly influenced by the degree to which their partner's gaze direction correlates with their own. In this paper, we propose methods of controlling a robot's gaze responsively to its partner's gaze and confirm the effect of this on the feeling of being looked at, which is considered to be the basis of conveying impressions using gaze in face-to-face interaction experiments.
見神 広紀 宮本 孝道 木村 啓二 笠原 博徳
vol.2010-ARC-187, no.22, pp.1-6, 2010-01-21

本稿ではビデオコーデックである H.264/AVC エンコーダの高速化手法としてフレームおよびマクロブロックでの階層的な並列処理を提案する.H.264/AVC エンコーダの一実装である x264 上にマクロブロックでの並列処理機能を実装し,64 コアのマルチコアシステム上での処理性能の評価を行った.その結果,2 コア集積のマルチコアである Intel Itanium2 (Montvale) を 32 基搭載した 64 コア構成の ccNUMA サーバである SGI Altix450 において,フレームでの並列処理のみの場合が 6.3 倍であったのに対しフレームおよびマクロブロックの 2 階層で行った場合は 10.6 倍の性能向上が得られた.
宮本 孝二
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-26, 2015-02-27

Anthony Giddens published Capitalism and Modern Social Theory in 1971 and Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber in 1972 on the base of his studies on Weber's works. This paper, which is a part of my research project Giddens and Sociologists, aims to examine how Giddens used products of his studies on Weber's works in constructing his social theory since 1973. First, introducing his interpretations of Weber's works in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, I depict the entire structure of Weber's social theory. Second, introducing his examination of relationships between Weber's political ideology shown in his political works and social theory shown in academic works, it will be made clear that the strong interest in contradictions brought by economic and political rationalization was consistent in his politics and sociology. Third, I research how Giddens has tackled central problems in social theory by learning much from Weber's social theory and politics.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1-23, 2010-10-30

This paper aims to show analytical effectiveness of social system theory through rethinking 'Social Theory and Social System' which is the range table of possible questions of sociology in Japanese national test of social welfare qualifications. We define social system as patterned relationships among status-role sets to attain common goals, and explain three ways how social systems can be found and analyzed. First, societies are analyzed as general and / or total system from aspects of economy, polity, law, education, social consciousness, stratification, population, social change, and so on. Second, regional society, organization, family, and life are analyzed as individual and / or sectional system. Third, social problematic situations are analyzed as social system responding to and / or causing social problems which are inequality, discrimination, poverty, deviance, suicide, violence, bullying, harassment, environmental problems, and so on.
渡部 誠 野中 稔 宮本 孝雄 本田 忠義 宇野 禎芳
公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会
コンクリート工学 (ISSN:03871061)
vol.17, no.4, pp.15-23, 1979-04-15 (Released:2013-04-26)

重松 武史 牧尾 健司 中村 拓生 佐野 博之 上村 健登 西庵 良彦 宮本 孝
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.52, no.10, pp.593-598, 2019 (Released:2019-10-30)

症例は75歳男性, 透析歴は17年. 2年前よりγ線滅菌PS膜によるOn-LineHDFを施行し, 安定した経過であったが, ある時期から開始直後に収縮期血圧が70mmHg台へと低下し気分不良を伴う透析困難症となった. まずPS膜の不適合を疑い, HDモードに変更し, CTA膜やEVAL膜 (いずれもγ線滅菌) と膜素材や抗凝固薬を変更したが改善には至らなかった. 治療初期に除水速度=0mL/hやECUMも試したが血圧低下を防ぐことはできなかった. BV計でBV波形を観察したところ, 治療開始直後に異常に上昇する波形が得られ, 膜の不適合が原因で血管透過性が亢進していると判断した. γ線滅菌膜ではなく高圧蒸気滅菌PS膜に変更したところ, 血圧低下や気分不良は消失し安定した治療が行えた. BV波形も異常波形ではなくなった. 今回は同一素材で滅菌法が異なる膜への変更が有効であり治療条件は滅菌法も意識することが重要である. また治療条件変更の有効性の判定に, BV計の波形観察が有用であった.
宮本 孝二 Kouji Miyamoto
vol.24, no.2, pp.57-80, 1990-12-25

We are faced with three problems which are interrelated, when we try to construct the sociology of gender-problems. First, what areas does it cover, and what position does it occupy in the system of sociology? Second, how can it be constructed systematically? Third, how can gender-inequalities be analysed, which is one of central problems in it? This paper discusses these problems and comes to some conclusions as follows while centrally referring to recent works of Anthony Giddens, who is one of the most important sociologists in modern British sociology. First, the sociology of gender-problems deals with making of gender, patriarchy, gender-inequalities, sexuality, AIDS, and prostitution, etc. Second, it covers every area in the system of sociology, and it has the system which is from action and interaction to structure and change in various social areas. Third, when we analyse gender-inequlities, we must focus on how sexuality, gender, and inequality are interrelated.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.49, no.2, pp.7-33, 2016-02-25

The works of Karl Marx(1818-1883)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the third one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, interpreted, revised and enlarged Marx's social theory through studying his works. The main findings are as follows. First, through interpreting Marx's works, Giddens found the basic construction and contour of Marx's social theory in his early works. His social theory is constructed on the basic theory of nation-state and capitalism. Second, by revising Marx's class theory, Giddens formed the theory of class structuration. According to the theory of class structuration, the class structure is produced not only by the relations of production but also by the other socio-economic factors and it includes not only socioeconomic class but also political class or elite. Third, by introducing the theory of power, Giddens enlarged the historical materialism which is Marx's theory of social change. Driving forces of modern social change are powers of states and movements as well as revolutionary power of capitalism developing in the global systems.