寺本 民生
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.71, no.1, pp.3-13, 2013 (Released:2013-03-15)
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寺本 民生
pp.118-121, 2021-02-01

■はじめに わが国の医師には,医師免許取得後,2年間の臨床研修が義務化されている.しかし,その後は,各学会に所属して学会専門医を取得することは自助努力に任されていた.1962年に日本麻酔科学会により麻酔科の指導医制度が確立され,その後各学会がそれぞれの専門医を認定してきた.その結果,現在では100以上の学会認定専門医が存在し,その名称や診療内容が国民にとって分かりにくい(受診する判断材料となりにくい)制度となり,問題視されていた.この問題を解決すべく,1981年以降,学会としても第三者による専門医認定制度を創設する方向で協議会を立ち上げ,度重なる議論を重ねてきたが,学会から独立した組織にするということには,それぞれ意見の違いがあり,なかなか克服できない状態が続いた.厚生労働省もこの問題に取り組むべく「専門医の在り方に関する検討会」を2011年に立ち上げ,2013年に報告書をまとめた.一般社団法人日本専門医機構(以下,専門医機構)はその報告書に則り,2014年5月に発足した.その基本像は「①学会ではなく第三者機関として,制度の統一化・標準化を図る.②基本19領域を取得してからサブスペシャルティ領域を取得.③総合診療専門医を作り,基本領域に位置づける.④プロフェッショナルオートノミーを基本とする」とされた.
寺本 民生 木下 誠 桂川 敬太 岡崎 聡子 山中 正己 永好 昭 大濱 知子 松木 則夫 斎藤 洋
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.22, no.6-7, pp.465-470, 1994-10-25 (Released:2011-09-21)

We found that fatty liver is easily induced in a novel experimental animal, Suncus murinus (suncus) by withholding food. Hepatic triglyceride content increased linearly for up to 24 hours after fasting in these animals, while the glycogen content decreased. Although the glycogen contents returned to the level before fasting at 12 hours after refeeding, the triglyceride contents decreased gradually but did not reach to the level before fasting even at 24 hours after refeeding in suncus. Plasma lipids, glucose and insulin levels decreased by fasting and returned to the levels before fasting between 8 and 24 hours after refeeding. On the other hand, the plasma levels of free fatty acid and ketone bodies were elevated significantly by fasting and decreased rapidly by refeeding. These responses to fasting and refeeding except for the change in hepatic triglyceride are in common with other experimental animals, suggesting that there are no abnormalities not only in glucose metabolism but also in fatty acid metabolism.The study of lipoproteins from this animal revealed that small amounts of lipoproteins with apolipoprotein (apo) E but without apoB were observed in the fraction of density less than 1.08g/ml. In order to learn whether apoB is synthesized by the liver or not, isolated suncus livers were perfused with an addition of [35S] methionine. Small amounts of radioactivity were observed in apoE of VLDL, and fairly large amounts in apoE and A-I in the fraction of LDL+HDL, suggesting that VLDL was secreted with apoE but not with apoB from the liver. Northern blot analysis with use of rat apoB cDNA revealed a weak signal of hybridized rat apoB cDNA between 15Kb and 9Kb in the suncus liver and intestinal mucosa; this is almost the same size as rat apoB mRNA. This finding suggests the presence of apoB mRNA in the suncus.In conclusion, apoB is not secreted from the suncus liver, owing to a defect in intracellular posttranscriptional processing or to ineffective transcription. This might be one of the reasons for fatty deposits in the suncus liver. Suncus may be a candidate for an animal model of abetalipoproteinemia as well as fatty liver due to a defect of apoB synthesis.