山寺 静子 大谷 明 小船 富美夫 小松 俊彦 鈴木 一義 中山 幹男 萩原 敏且 松本 美弥子 山本 紀一 ルナール 純子
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.81, no.4, pp.379-386, 2007

厚生労働省のインフルエンザ対策の一環として一般市民を対象にFax, E-mailを含む電話相談を行った.<BR>相談件数は2003/04シーズンは2,813件, 2004/05シーズンは2, 444件であった.月別は10~11月が最も多く, 相談者は女性が72.5%を占め, 特に30代が最も多かった.相談者の居住地別では東京都が最も多く, 神奈川, 千葉, 埼玉, 長野の順であった.職種別では主婦が1,114件 (45.6%) を占め, 次に民間企業が447件 (18.3%), 医療従事者が227件 (9.3%) であり, 2003/04シーズンと同様の傾向がみられた.相談の内容はワクチンに関するものが1545件で62.2%を占め, その内訳はワクチン接種の是非, 副反応, 接種回数が主であった. また妊婦, 乳幼児, 授乳中の接種については296件 (19.2%) であった.2004/05シーズンはワクチン不足についての問い合わせ (7件), 重症急性呼吸器症候群: SARS (22件) また鳥インフルエンザ (22件) についての相談は前シーズンに比べ減少したが, 抗ウイルス薬 (209件) に関する相談が増加していた.<BR>毎年の相談内容は, インフルエンザの医療事情を強く反映しており, 医療従事者からの間合せも相当数みられることから, 対応する担当者の知識や情報の確保は重要な課題であると考えられた.また, 具体的な内容としては, 厚生労働省および感染症情報センターから出されている「一般向けのインフルエンザQ&A」で「妊産婦及び授乳中あるいは育児中の方へ」のようなセクションをもうけて, 解説することの必要性を提案した.
小松 俊彦
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.3, no.1, pp.8-12, 2001

In recent years, in Japanese society, Medical practice, medicines, foods, and environmental accidents and natural disasters have been happening. The importance of "Danger management" has been realized, and its system has been strongly sought. On the other hand, even about contagious diseases, treatment with sulfa drugs and/or antibiotics, and inoculation with vaccines have advanced in development. In the developed countries, contagious disease had been thought to be almost conquered. Nevertheless, in the past 20 years about 30 new infectious diseases have appeared, and the previous diseases also have gained immunity to medicines by changing character and virology, reappearing as new diseases and are looked upon as problems. Especially concerning infectious diseases, the importance of controlling dangers such as HIV infected blood plasma goes without saying. With this background, concerning the increasingly sought biosafely, biological production facilities biohazards counterplans sighted as basic lectures are to be conducted. The lecture content is dealing with biohazards, and biosafety principles and practices, and biosafety guideline in bioproduction facilities.<br>
小松 俊彦
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.3, no.1, pp.8-12, 2001 (Released:2006-07-29)

In recent years, in Japanese society, Medical practice, medicines, foods, and environmental accidents and natural disasters have been happening. The importance of “Danger management” has been realized, and its system has been strongly sought. On the other hand, even about contagious diseases, treatment with sulfa drugs and/or antibiotics, and inoculation with vaccines have advanced in development. In the developed countries, contagious disease had been thought to be almost conquered. Nevertheless, in the past 20 years about 30 new infectious diseases have appeared, and the previous diseases also have gained immunity to medicines by changing character and virology, reappearing as new diseases and are looked upon as problems. Especially concerning infectious diseases, the importance of controlling dangers such as HIV infected blood plasma goes without saying. With this background, concerning the increasingly sought biosafely, biological production facilities biohazards counterplans sighted as basic lectures are to be conducted. The lecture content is dealing with biohazards, and biosafety principles and practices, and biosafety guideline in bioproduction facilities.