神庭 純子 藤生 君江 吉川 一枝 山口 明子 中野 照代 荒木田 美香子 仲村 秀子 山名 れい子
岐阜医療科学大学紀要 (ISSN:18819168)
vol.1, pp.47-53, 2007

乳幼児健診の場を育児支援の機会としてとらえ,継続的なフォローアップを行うことが求められている。そこで,育児機能アセスメントッール(PAFFAT. ver. II)を用いた調査を行い3歳児健診における要経過観察群(92名)と非経過観察群(332名)を対象として育児機能の比較を行った。その結果,要経過観察群と非経過観察群において有意な差がみられた項目は4項目であった。家族の情緒機能における「家庭内の重要な決定をするのに家族がいてくれてよかったと思う」,家族の健康機能(遊び)における「子どもを友達と遊ばせている」,家族の教育的機能における「弱い人や動物を大事にするように話している」,育児満足感における「子どもを授かってよかったと思う」の各項目において,要経過観察群の方に否定的な回答が多くみられた。また,母親の経過観察が特に必要であると判断された群では,育児負担感因子4項目において育児機能の低下がみられ,育児負担感を強く感じているという結果であった。要経過観察群の育児機能の特徴をふまえて,健診後の継続的な育児支援をしていくことが重要である。
大下 敏隆 山口 明子 服藤 恵三
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
衛生化学 (ISSN:0013273X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.77-84, 1995-02-28 (Released:2008-05-30)

The analytical method for N-ethyl-3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (EMDA), one of the hallucinogenic phenethylamine derivatives newly controlled in Japan, was investigated in several aspects of forensic chemical analysis. The standard EMDA was synthesized from piperonylmethylketone. We analyzed EMDA, its related compounds (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and ethylamphetamine (EA)) and a seized sample containing EMDA, methamphetamine and caffeine using color test, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), infrared spectrometry (IR), gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS). Under the analytical conditions described here, we succeeded in complete separation and identification of these drugs. It may also be possible to apply our method for the intake of drug abuse such as EMDA.
山口 明子
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.13, pp.98-115, 1965-03-27 (Released:2017-05-23)

The assertive sentence is by definition a form of proposition the content of which is presented as an assertion made by the speaker This assertiveness can also be expressed by way of vocabulary, using a certain group of verbs called verba adfirmandi (e g arbitror, puto, censeo, iudico, intellego, scio, etc) Now arises a question what is the relation between the assertiveness derived from the very form of the assertive sentence and the nature of assertion of the above verbs common to all the members of the group ? This is the first question Then comes the second what are the features characteristic to each member of the group apart from their common class-meanings, and, what is the correlation they may have with the form-meaning of assertive sentences Through the observation of verba adfirmandi used in Cicero's Letters (ca 500 in number), it is concluded 1) that the verba adfirmandi can be divided into two sub-groups one is that of verba ludicandi denoting judgement by the speaker of the things unknown and uncertain, and the other that of verba recognoscendi which denote recognition of the things as true or certain 2) that the assertive sentence describes things as they are, with no regards to the gap existing between expression and things expressed When the speaker feels it necessary to assert the content of his utterance more expressly, either as his judgement or as his recognition, he usually resorts to verba adfirmandi, and the result thus attained is that he stands also as the subject of the verb so as to express his responsibility for his assertion more distinctively 3) that both of these sub-groups may also be used for stylistic purposes i e verbs belonging to the former sub-group may denote contents of the sentences as something uncertain or at least as a judgement made by the subject of the verb only (i e not by the speaker), regardless whether it is true or not, whereas the verbs belonging to the latter sub-group express it as a fact 4) that the difference in distribution between these sub-groups can be explained, in the present writer's opinion, by the difference in stylistic nature of the sub-groups For example, the use of the 2nd person of verba iudicandi (putas etc), when used in assertive sentences, produces an impression more or less impolite, and, therefore, it is recommended to avoid it in politer expressions On the other hand, that of verba recognoscendi can be used in similar sentences quite freely, without such restrictions 5) that when a certain group of activities, such as absolutely mental activities or activities considered not honourable to their agents, are to be expressed, the expression always takes a form of oratio obliqua led by the verb of verba iudicandi (vereris-videris vereri etc) in contrast to the activities laudable to the speaker, which are expressed by means of verba cognoscendi (tibi curae est-scio tibi curae esse etc) Though the differences between these subdivisions of verba adfirmandi are essentially of logical nature, it is possible to say that the author of the Epistulae fully makes use of such differences in his own manner and for his own purposes, communicating subtle evaluations of a given activity or of its agent on the part of the speaker, and thus accomplishing a style of a true master of prose