湯淺 和博 鶴崎 敬大 山崎 成
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.741, pp.949-955, 2017 (Released:2017-11-30)

The demands of photovoltaic generation (PV) are increasing as the public eco-awareness grows, but there is concern of enormous volume disposal of PV panels in the near future. It is calculated by Ministry of the Environment that if the PV panels life expectancy were 25 years, its final disposal amount reaches 800,000 ton in 2040. And its disposal amount is equivalent to 6% of the present final disposal amount of whole Japan. Considering the load to future's final disposal site, its influence can't be ignored any more. For this reason, some companies are already working to develop the recycling method of PV panels in Japan. However, details of its reductive effect of environmental load is not so certain. So the purpose of this study is to uncover the reduction in CO2 emissions by the recycling of PV panel's glasses (main constituent materials of PV panels are glasses which accounts for more than 50 % by the weight ratio.) through the inventory analysis. At first, we carried out hearing survey on PV panels disposal service vendors, recycled products manufacturers and so on, in order to grasp component materials of PV panels (5 kinds of PV panels were targeted in this research), manufacturing process of recycled products, specification of prosessing apparatus, etc. Then we set two flow charts based on hearing survey. First are proposal procedures that are processes of PV panel's glasses recycling to ceramic tiles, paving blocks, and sound proof panels. Second is currently procedure as a comparison that is process of PV panels recycling to roadbed materials (we also considered that currently procedure is landfill disposing without PV panel's glass recycling). We calculated respective procedure's CO2 emissions per PV panel ton treatment by the inventory analysis. The followings are the main findings of this study: ·Each of PV panels are composed of different materials ratio, so there are difference of reduction in CO2 emissions between respective PV panels. ·At the time of recycling to ceramic tiles, it was confirmed that the fuel consumption in the baking process can be reduced 33 % by using glass, not a natural raw material like a feldspar. Therefore, the substantial CO2 reduction effect was suggested. ·Recycling to ceramic tiles, paving blocks and sound proof panels using glass of PV panels gave more than 10 % CO2 reduction ratio, even when any PV panels were subjected. It was the case when CIGS PV panels are recycled to sound proof panel that the CO2 reduction ratio becomes biggest, and its CO2 reduction ratio was 61%. ·We showed that which productization or occasion of PV panel kinds are able to get the amount of CO2 reduction beyond 140kg-CO2. It was the case when CIGS PV panels are recycled to ceramic tiles that the amount of CO2 reduction becomes biggest, and its amount of CO2 reduction was 441.6kg-CO2. ·Amount of CO2 reduction didn't become substantial minus effects in the comparison even when the currently procedure is landfill disposing. Combined with the volume reduction of final waste, it is suggested that PV panel recycling reads to significant reduction of environmental load.
中井 さち子 丹羽 光明 山崎 成一郎 堀井 博
九州看護福祉大学紀要 = The journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare (ISSN:13447505)
vol.15, no.1, pp.13-18, 2015-03

「目 的」 生産方法の違いが、農産物の持つ抗酸化力にどのような影響を及ぼすのか、特に土壌養分の質の違いに着目し実験を行った。「方 法」 慣行農法と有用微生物群(EM)を活用した有機農法で別々に育てられた、自家採種の自然種の野菜(ダイコン)の抗酸化力・糖度・電気伝導度・可給態窒素を圃場にて栽培測定した。測定機器はウイスマー社フリーラジカル評価システムF.R.E.E(Free Radical Elective Evaluator)、アタゴ社製Brix糖度計およびHORIBA社製コンパクト電気伝導率計B-173を使用し、測定を実施した。統計処理は、Studentのt検定を行った。「結 果」 ダイコンにおける抗酸化力の平均値は、EM農法が493.05μmol /mlに対して慣行農法は440.44μmol /ml、一方糖度の平均値はEM農法が7.5Brix%に対して慣行農法は7.1Brix%であった。抗酸化力(0.01<p<0.05)、糖度(p<0.01)共にEM農法のほうが慣行農法に比較して高い抗酸化力を示した。一方、野菜から体に入り、有害とされる硝酸態窒素は慣行農法が高かった。また養分(肥料)は慣行農法の方が一気に土中に放出されるが、有機農法の方は微生物が養分を抱え込みながら徐々に土中放出することが示された。「考察・結論」 有用微生物群を活用したEM農法の方が、慣行農法に比べて抗酸化力・糖度の高い農産物を栽培できることが示唆された。EM農法で育てられた抗酸化力の高い食材を摂取していくことは、活性酸素の影響を防ぎ、ヒトの健康維持に有用であると考えられる。さらに有用微生物群は土中で養分を作物に供給する調整能力があることが伺われた。