山本 荘毅
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.51, no.7, pp.517-527, 1978-07-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The author summarized a history of development of groundwater hydrology in Japan. In general, the historical development of hydrology can be viewed through a series of periods and through series of events and articles such as number of books, papers and theories related to groundwater studies. Correlating to the historical division of Chow, Ven Te and that of Hida, N. et al., he proposed the division of development of groundwater hydrology in Japan as follows: a) Period of noninterference study (_??_1940), I-II1 b) Period of study of researcher's own free will ('40_??_'50), II2 c) Period of study under governmental readerships ('50_??_'55), II3 d) Period of cooperation with government and researcher ('55_??_'60), II3 e) Period of independant and free study ('60_??_date), IIISince these periods may overlap, their time division should not be considered exact. Generally speaking, all stages correspond to that of Chow's but those begin on about ten years later than those of western one. He tried to explain such a stage of development by political and socio-economic situations and stimulation of UNESCO's IHD. Because groundwater science is an interdisciplinal and practical science for needs of water resources in a country. Finally, he pointed out present problems of modern groundwater sciences on data with regards to accurracy, collection and coordinations, terminology and its redefinition, and groundwater law in Japan.
瀬野 錦蔵 山本 荘毅 木内 四郎兵衛 清水 欣一
陸水学雑誌 (ISSN:00215104)
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-12, 1968-05-28 (Released:2009-10-16)

The lake Togo-ike with its area of 4. 1 km2 and maximum depth of 5. 2 m. is a brackish lake and situated on the middle part of Tottori Prefecture. There are many hot springs such as Togo, Shin-Togo and Asazu in and around the lake. The authors studied the influence of the change of lake level due to polderling on the discharge of hot springs. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) Togo hot spring group has the same chemical constituents and ground temperature, suggesting that they have the same origin under the ground.(2) Some of these springs discharge through the lake bottom into the lake, but they give little influence on the quality of lake water.(3) Factors which will affect the discharge of spring water are barometric pressure, rain-fall amount, lake level change, tidal change and pumping. Barometric change and tidal change are not separated. Distinguished effects of rain-fall and lake level upheaval are shown in Table 5. Pumping effect is also obvious.(4) The effect of lake water level change on the spring discharge, dQ/dh is larger at Azusa than that of at Togo (Table 6). It suggests that change of lake water level affects directly to the discharge of hot spring.The results above mentioned lead us to the conclusion that the polderling of this lake will cause the decrease of hot spring discharge.
山本 荘毅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.78, no.7, pp.471-482, 1970

Taking the good opportunity of International Symposium on Land Subsidence held in Tokyo with excursion to Osaka and Niigata from September 17 to 23 in 1969, the writer tried to review the present situation of land subsidence in the world and its related problems.<BR>He gives definition of land subsidence as the comparatively progressive sinking in a limited area due to the artificial withdrawal of fluids such as ground water, gas, oil and so on. This phenomenon is different from the slower progressive downwarping movement in a tectonic basin or relative sinking due to eustatic movement during Quaternary age with the rate of 1-3 mm per year in Japan. The rate of land subsidence may differ by as much as one or two orders in magnitude. It may also be different from more rapid collapse due to mining of coal, gold and so on. According to R. Dolzal and M. Petersen's definition, <I>subsidence, settlement</I> and <I>lowering</I> are distinguished, the writer's definition corresponds to their settlement and in some case, to lowering.<BR>He reviewed the history of study on land subsidence in Japan, and grouped them to three categories. Leveling net-work covering all over Japan was established as early as the end of 19 centuries and precise geodetic leveling has been repeated at a fixed interval. This was very useful for making clear the phenomenological aspect of land subsidence.<BR>The first researcher, who gave attention to this problem was A. Imamura with his opinion of crustal movement. In an earlier stage of this survey, his successor, N. Miyabe might have the similar opinion, but soon later noticed that its cause was the contraction of the surface soil. Among these geophisicians, K. Wadati and his collaborators pointed out that there existed a proportional relation between the rate of subsidence and that of ground water pressure changes. S. Hayami added other elements such as tidal and artificial periodic changes to this.<BR>The second group was of soil mechanicians who applied Terzaghi's theory on compaction of clay layer. Y. Ishii and his collaborators estimated future amount of land subsidence and S. Murayama conducted laboratory experiments on land subsidence. The third group which is consist of geographers, geologists and hydrologist contributed to give the fundamental knowledges, for example, F. Tada and T. Nakano supplied subsurface topography of the land subsidence areas, S. Aoki and T. Shibasaki furnished Quarternary geology of these areas and I. Kayane and the present writer discussed water balance relations of the subsiding areas. These three groups are elaborating to proceed their researches and investigations with administrative officials. Now, Japan has many observation wells in land subsidence areas. (Tab. 1) <BR>He also summarized recent trend of subsidence in Japan (Tab. 2) collecting available data on the amount and rate of land subsidences in the world (Tab. 3) and pointed out the future problems and further studies.
山本 荘毅
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.89, no.12, 1983-12-15
山本 荘毅
土質工学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03851621)
vol.20, no.3, 1980-09-15

地下水の人工かん養に関する諸問題を, 人工かん養の歴史, 人工かん養の目的, 人工かん養の方法, 人工かん養における検討事項, ヨーロッパの人工かん養の実情などの項目から論じたものである。土質力学的視点からすれば, 地表流下水を人為的に地下に貯留して再利用しようとする地下水人工かん養の問題は, 地下水の地盤浸透現象との関連から論じられる。人工かん養の方法には直接法と間接法があること, 人工かん養を実施する場合には, かん養技術, 地下水管理, 経済性, 環境に対する影響などを検討すべきであると指摘している。また, ヨーロッパの人工かん養に関しては, 水温0〜15℃, 濁度の大きい河水を揚水して氷河堆積物であるエスカーの上まで圧送, このエスカー斜面に池を掘って浸透を行っているスウェーデン・ウプサラの例, オランダ・ハーグの人工かん養池, ドイツ・ルール河畔アルテンドルフの施設, フランス東南部シャトルナールとサン・アンジオールでの人工かん養, ソビエト連邦での例などについて説明している。