山田 貴志 築山 能大 古谷 野潔 岡 寛
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.21, no.3, pp.249-255, 2009-09-30 (Released:2016-03-31)

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition characterized by chronic and disabling pain. Since pain is commonly evaluated by a subjective assessment, it is difficult to evaluate the treatment effect objectively. In this report, the treatment outcome was evaluated by an objective assessment of pain in FM patients.    Eight FM patients who fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia participated. The severity of FM was assessed with the Japanese version of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (JFIQ). The pain level was evaluated by pain degree, i.e., the magnitude of pain which was quantitatively measured with Pain Vision PS-2100TM, and by visual analog scale (VAS). The treatment procedure involved the injection of a local anesthetic into bilateral lateral pterygoid muscles followed by the insertion of an oral device which restricted horizontal mandibular movements. In three cases, the treatment procedure was repeated and a clinical course was observed for 3-6 months.    Pain degree and VAS were significantly reduced after the monotherapy. There was a significant correlation between pain degree and VAS. Pain degree, VAS and JFIQ were reduced in three cases in the follow-up period, although some fluctuations were observed.    The pain relief procedure for lateral pterygoid muscles exhibited a significant effect on the reduction of systemic pain for temporomandibular disorder patients who fulfilled the classification criteria of FM, and could be considered as a treatment option for FM. It was also suggested that a quantitative measurement method for the magnitude of pain could be valuable for the evaluation of treatments for FM.
山田 貴志 渡辺 富夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.807, pp.4340-4344, 2013 (Released:2013-11-25)

In this study, we analyzed facial expressions during muscle strain using a head mounted display (HMD)-based virtual arm wrestling system designed for facial electromyography measurement. We found that facial expressions during muscle strain are characterized by tension of the corrugator supercilii and zygomaticus major muscles. In addition, facial expressions of laughter, anger, and fear, and those during muscle strain can be distinguished based on the active pattern of the corrugator supercilii and zygomaticus major muscles. These findings are useful in the evaluation of emotions based on facial expressions during muscle strain using the HMD-based virtual reality system.
池田 あゆみ 谷 将之 金井 智恵子 髙山 悠子 大野 泰正 太田 晴久 山縣 文 山田 貴志 渡部 洋実 橋本 龍一郎 岡島 由佳 岩波 明 加藤 進昌
pp.133-141, 2014-02-15

抄録 成人アスペルガー障害(AS)を対象に共感指数(EQ)およびシステム化指数(SQ)を含む自閉症スペクトラム障害関連の質問紙を施行し,ASの臨床的特徴と質問紙の有用性を検討した。健常群と比べAS群でEQが有意に低く,SQが有意に高かった。EQとSQに関してAS群の男女間に有意差はなく,ともに超男性脳傾向を示した。AS群においてのみEQと自閉症スペクトラム指数(AQ),SQとAQ,EQと対人的反応性指数(IRI)の相関を認めたが,EQとSQの相関,これらとパーソナリティ尺度との相関は認めなかった。EQおよびSQは,ASの低い共感能と高いシステム化能を反映する指標であり,パーソナリティに影響を受けないため,成人のASを診断する有用な指標となり得る。