児玉 謙太郎 岡﨑 俊太郎 藤原 健 清水 大地
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.4, pp.593-608, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-15)

This review article addresses behavioral synchronization between people, which is widely observed in daily communication. In particular, researchers have investigated the social function, cognitive processes, and mechanisms of behavioral synchronization from various perspectives. It is suggested that behavioral synchronization is one of the bases of human communication. However, researchers face difficulties in providing an overview of research on synchronization because previous studies have covered a broad range of topics. Furthermore, these studies have been subdivided and often include their own individually developed theories and methodologies. We categorized a vast range of existing literature into three research approaches to review synchronization studies and related research topics: 1) the social psychology approach, focusing on social factors and effects, 2) the cognitive approach, based on shared representation and predictive mechanisms, and 3) the dynamical systems approach, derived from the self-organization theory. We discuss their commonalities, differences, and mutual connectivity while considering the future direction of synchronization studies.