橘 直隆 平野 吉直 関根 章文
野外教育研究 (ISSN:13439634)
vol.6, no.2, pp.45-56, 2003 (Released:2010-10-21)

The purpose of this study was to examine the change of IKIRU CHIKARA (Zest for living) of early adolescents who participated in long-term camping. The effects of camp programs and camp conditions (living, weather) were examined. The subjects were 1279 early adolescents (ages 9 to 15 years) who participated in 67 long-term campings, and 67 directors who administrated or supervised long-term camping. The IKIRU CHIKARA inventory (IKR inventory) by Tachibana (2001) was administered in pre (before camp) and post (after camp) design for early adolescents. IKR inventory were constituted by 14 sub-scales that have 5 items, and 3 ability-scales were measured by the 14 sub-scales. And the directors were asked as related to living condition and camp program of each camps after camping.The major findings were as follows:1) 14 sub-scales and 3 ability-scales of IKIRU CHIKARA of early adolescents who participated in long term camping showed significant change (p<.001) between pre and post test. Therefore the long-term camping effected a change of IKIRU CHIKARA.2) The psychological and social ability showed more change than moral ability (p<.01).3) The rustic condition of living and bad weather effected a change of IKIRU CHIKARA.4) The challenging camp program effected a change of IKIRU CHIKARA. The result suggested that long-term camping with appropriate stress for early adolescents effected a change of IKIRU CHIKARA.
平野 吉直 篠原 菊紀 柳沢 秋孝 根本 賢一 田中 好文 寺沢 宏次
野外教育研究 (ISSN:13439634)
vol.6, no.1, pp.41-48, 2002 (Released:2010-10-21)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the experience of camping upon cerebral activity.An experimental method, utilizing the go/no-go task, was used to examine the grasping response of a rubberboll to a light stimulus. The go/no-go task is a representative method of investigating the human inhibitoryfunction. The subjects were 46 children (27-boys and 19-girls) in grades 3 and 4 who participated in a 6-daycamp. This camp was designed to ensure that participants were given ample and vital opportunities for notonly physical activity but for communication with other people. We carried out the go/no-go experiment onfour occasions. (pre-1: 17days before camp, pre-2: first day of camp, post-1: final day of camp, post-2: 13days after camp)The following results were obtained.The post-1 data showed a significant decrease in the number of errors compared with pre-2 data. This resultsuggests that the children's camp which included vital opportunities for physical activity andcommunication with other people had a positive influence on cerebral activity. A similar result of asignificant decrease between pre-camp and post-camp was observed in two separate investigates. However, the change between pre-1 and pre-2, post-1 and post-2 were not significant. The results suggest that thedecrease between pre-camp and post-camp was the effect of camping experience, and its effect continued for 2 weeks after camping experience.
平野 吉直 小林 祥之 大日方 彩香

本研究の目的は、 中1ギャップ対策としての野外教育活動の成果を明らかにすることである。本研究では、野外教育プログラムを企画し、3中学校を対象にプログラムを実施した。また、中1ギャップを乗り越える力を測定する調査用紙を作成し、プログラムの実施前後の調査をとおしてプログラムの成果を分析した。さらに、プログラム直後に実施した生徒へのふりかえりシートの内容と、研究対象校の引率教諭へのインタビュー調査を通して、プログラムの成果を分析した。