小黒 千足 SUCHANA WISS SUDARA SURAP 笹山 雄一 内山 実 菊山 栄 小笠原 強 平野 哲也

カニクイガエルは海水に適応しうる唯一のカエルである. 通常は両生類に適さない環境に, カニクイガエルがどのように適応しているかを知ることは, それ自体長い間動物学上懸案であった問題を解決するばかりでなく, 両生類のみならず他の動物群における適応性を論議する基礎を確立するものである.昭和62年4月16日より2週間タイ国, バンコク, アンシラおよびその周辺で, チュラロンコン大学理学部海洋学教室の協力のもとに, カニクイガエルの採集および採集された個体の実験とサンプリングを行った. その結果以下の点が明らかになった.(1) アンシラにおけるカニクイガエルの生息箇所の池の水の塩濃度は海水とほぼ等しい(第3ページ表1)(2) カニクイガエルの血清の塩濃度は, 淡水に生息するトノサマガエルに比して高い(第3ページ表2)(3) 体組織および器官の塩含有量中, Ca, Mg, Naは部分によってはトノサマガエルに比べ著しく高い (第3ページ図1)(4) 実験的に明らかにされた耐塩性は, 両生類としては特筆すべきものである. 順化なしでは16ー24時間, 次第に順化された場合には, 48時間全海水中に耐えることができる. なお, 比較したトノサマガエルの全海水中における生存時間は1.5時間であった.以上の結果より(1) カニクイガエルの耐塩性が実験的に示された.(2) 現在まで全く不明であったカニクイガエルのCaとMgの含有量について充分な知識が得られた. また, Naについての補足的なデーターを得ることができた.(3) 上記(1)(2)にもとずき, 両生類の耐塩性に関する生理学的基礎を明らかにすることができた.
平野 哲也
農業史研究 (ISSN:13475614)
vol.53, pp.15-26, 2019 (Released:2020-03-23)

This paper investigates the food and livelihood of farmers in the Shimotsuke Province during the Edo Period, particularly with regard to rice cultivation, and giving consideration to the market economy, it serves as an inquiry into the transformation of the consciousness and behavior of farmers towards food. From the late seventeenth century, farmers in the rice-producing regions of Shimotsuke Province labored to grow rice crops not just for paying taxes to land owners or for personal consumption, but also as a commodity intended for commerce. This rice was sold across a wide-ranging area that included large markets in Edo, neighboring castle towns, villages, river ports, and mountain villages, and even far off port cities in Hitachi Provence. There was also a demand for rice from surrounding areas for use in alcohol and confectionary production. Eventually, a demand also grew for inexpensive rice for consumption among the farming class. Landowners put effort into collection and distribution, working to meet private sector demands and bearing the responsibility of distributing the rice product over a wide area. With the advent of rice being produced as a commodity came a significant change to the food and rice-cropping agricultural practices of farmers. They became sensitive and flexible toward market variations resulting from low or abundant increased crop yields brought about by periods of cold and warm weather, respectively, and responded to them proactively. In the early nineteenth century, when warmer climate conditions led to abundance in rice crops and subsequently, a recession from the decreased price of rice, farmers adjusted by reducing or even giving up their farming work, transitioning to doing various other occupations, thus being able to buy and eat rice and other extravagant foods. However, as this way of living progressed, farmers were seemingly forgetful of the Tenmei no Kikin famine in the 1780s; they did not take the necessary precautions against famine, creating a state of vulnerability for heavy damage in the case of an eventual food shortage. A short time later, there came another a period of famine from the 1830s (called Tenpou no Kikin) during the final period of the Tokugawa Shogunate. During this famine, the price of rice suddenly increased, leading farmers in rice-producing areas to return to the fields and resulting in their return to their former lifestyle with ample food.
中島 英親 原田 香苗 寺本 憲市郎 武田 浩志 平野 哲也 米満 弘之
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.47, no.4, pp.1204-1206, 1998-09-25 (Released:2010-03-16)

We performed finger reconstruction by the toe-to-finger transfer on 15 cases. 6 cases were reconstructed for small finger amputation.We utilized a third toe-to-finger transfer for the reconstruction.Informed consent is an important fector.8 case were finger reconstruction for the multiple digits (more than 3 digits), for which we have used a II toe-to-finger transfers were used.5 of these cases had undergone amputation at the metacarpal level.The total active motion of these 5 cases was 40° on average.As for the full range of motion of the thumb, all 5 cases were able to pinch well.Improved finger function was seen, but prostheses is required for ehhancement of cosmesls.