平野 洋一
社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会
プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research (ISSN:09187928)
vol.75, no.5, pp.614-630, 1999-05
9 9

Recent results of confinement studies and attempts to improve the confinement in reversed field pinch plasmas (RFP) are reviewed. Several scaling studies of RFP energy confinement time are summarized and the values of the confinement time of RFPs are compared with ITER−89P L-mode scaling. A new scaling law recently proposed is also described. Results of transport studies in RFPs are summarized and it is shown that the stochasticity of magnetic field lines caused by the magnetic fluctuations of dynamo action probably plays a dominant role in the core of RFP plasma. Recent Lundquist number scaling study for magnetic fluctuations is also described. Promising experimental and simulation results are introduced which are conducted to improve the RFP confinement. For examples, five-hold improvement of the energy confinement time is obtained in MST by driving the poloidal current in outer region with the pulsed poloidal current drive (PPCD). The increase of poloidal beta up to 20% is obtained in the Improved High Theta Mode in TPE−1RM20. Improved confinement by a flow shear is also observed in RFPs as in tokamaks and helical systems. Finally experimental and computational results are described which may indicate the bifurcation from the dynamo with multiple helical magnetic fluctuations to that with a single helical fluctuation through the increase of Prandtl number. In the case with a single helical fluctuation, the stochastic region caused by the over-lapping of magnetic islands can be reduced and the confinement degradation by the stochasticity of magnetic field lines may be avoided.
平野 洋一郎
情報処理学会研究報告デジタルドキュメント(DD) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.25, pp.17-24, 1999-03-12

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)の応用として最も注目されている分野の1つが、企業間データ交換(EDI)への適用である。従来、EDIは大企業を中心に専用VAN上で展開されてきたが、インターネットの爆発的な普及に伴い、インターネットベースの安価で先進的なEDI(=インターネットEDI)導入の機運が高まっている。XMLは、このインターネットEDI上で扱うデータ形式として注目され、研究や試験導入が進んでいる。また一方では、XML化にあたっての課題も明らかになりつつある。本稿では、XMLのEDIへの応用の動向を探り、今後の方向性および課題について述べる。The XML/EDI is XML (eXtensible Markup Language) based Enterprise Data Interchange over the Internet. Since the exploding worldwide penetration of the Internet, the demand for using Internet as the transmission wire of the EDI is emerging. XML is the ideal data format for internet-based EDI system because of the suitability to the established and leading edge Web technology and the extensibility of the language syntax.