建部 雅子 石原 俊幸 松野 宏治 藤本 順子 米山 忠克
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.66, no.3, pp.238-246, 1995-06-05

Spinach and komatsuna were cultivated with 0,10,15 and 30g N m^<-2> applications in an Ando soil, and the changes of the contents of sugars, ascorbic acid, nitrate and oxalic acid which are the constituents related with the quality of the vegetables, and the relations between the growth (fresh weight), nitrogen status and the contents of these constituents were investigated. Ascorbic acid is contained both in spinach and komatsuna, but oxalic acid is contained at a high level in spinach and at trace levels in komatsuna. Nitrate nitrogen contents increased along with the increase of applied nitrogen, and reached 1.14g (kg FW)^<-1> in spinach leaf petiole and 1.26g (kg FW)^<-1> in komatsuna leaf petiole at harvest with the application of 30g N m^<-2>. In both crops, sucrose content was highest in the plot of 0g N m^<-2>, glucose content was highest in the plot of 10g N m^<-2>, and they were lowered with increased application of nitrogen. Total ascorbic acid (ASA+DHA) content was decreased by increasing the nitrogen application : from 0.74g (kg FW)^<-1> at the plot of 0g N m^<-2> to 0.51g (kg FW)^<-1> at the plot of 30g N m^<-2> in spinach and from 1.00g (kg FW)^<-1> at the plot of 0g N m^<-2> to 0.48g (kg FW)^<-1> at the plot of 30g N m^<-2> in komatsuna. In spinach, the total (water-soluble plus-insoluble) oxalic acid content was increased in the leaf blades and decreased in the leaf petioles along with the increase of nitrogen application, and there was no difference in the whole leaves with the treatments. The contents of sucrose and ascorbic acid were high in the plants in which yield and nitrogen content were low and dry matter content was high. In view of the quality of spinach and komatsuna, the low nitrogen application is better, but the amount of nitrogen application must be determined considering the maintenance of growth and yield.
唐澤 敏彦 笠原 賢明 建部 雅子
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.72, no.3, pp.357-364, 2001-06-05
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AM菌との共生程度が低い作物を栽培した跡地では、後作物のAM菌感染率が低くなるために、その生育が劣る。そこで、翌春まで裸地になる上記作物の収穫跡地に、宿主作物を緑肥として降雪時まで栽培することによって、翌年の作物生育を改善できるか検討した。結果の概要は次の通りである。 (1)生育初期における後作トウモロコシの生育、リン吸収、AM菌感染率は、裸地あるいは非宿主作物(シロガラシ)跡地に比べて、宿主作物(ヒマワリ、ベッチ)を栽培した跡地で著しく優れ、収穫時にも優る傾向がみられた。 (2)後作トウモロコシの生育、リン吸収、AM菌感染率は、緑肥作物のすき込みの有無の影響を受けなかった。 (3)以上の結果から、宿主の栽培によって増殖したAM菌が、後作物のAM菌感染率を高め、それが、ヒマワリやベッチの導入効果の主な原因になっていると考えられた。そこで、緑肥作物を選定する際の基準に、AM菌との共生程度を加えることが有効である。 (4)ヒマワリを9月以降に播種した場合、トウモロコシに対する効果は認められなかった。そこで、緑肥としてAM菌の宿主作物を導入する場合、8月に播種する必要がある。
建部 雅子 及川 勉 松野 宏治 清水 恵美子 米山 忠克
日本土壌肥料学雑誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.67, no.2, pp.139-146, 1996

One of the main factors determining the taste of cooked rice grain is the protein content in the polished grain, usually high-taste grains have a low protein content. In the rice grain, two protein bodies, PBI and PBII are included. Glutelins are in PBII, and prolamins are in PBI which is not digested by pepsin. A recent interest is which proteins have a greater influence on the rice taste. In this study, several varieties of rice were cultivated with different treatments of nitrogen ranging from 0 to 12 gm^<-2> and the effect of these nitrogen treatments on the protein contents in the grain was investigated. The proteins in the polished rice(polishing yield of 90%)were analysed by the extraction method including the pepsin digestion. Prolamin was the residual proteins after pepsin digestion. The contents of albumin(water-soluble protein)+ globulin(salt-soluble protein), glutelin and prolamin were increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer particularly by late application, but the proportions of the individual proteins in the total protein were almost constant at any nitrogen treatment. However, the percentages of prolamin in the total protein changed with varieties and years. They were about 18% in Takanari, an indica variety, and about 10% in Koshihikari and Kinmaze, japonica varieties, in 1994, and those in Koshihikari were 10.0-11.2% in 1991 and 1994, and 6.2-7.3% in 1990, 1992 and 1993. They were lower in unfilled rice(brown rice size below 1.8mm)than in filled rice(more than 1.8 mm)and were lower in the inferior spikelets that the superior spikelets when examined in Koshihikari. Since prolamins accumulate in the later stage of grain filling than gluatelin, it is inferred that the grains which mature late have the low prolamin fraction.