後藤 将之
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.26, pp.71-86, 2015-03

The author, a nearly 30-year long educator having taught at various universities and research institutions, discusses problems of classroom attendance and students' psychology of class taking, mainly from a specific type of students' mind-set, which is here called as "GPA perspective," in this Part 1 of a series of intended research reports. GPA perspective is a concept used by sociologist H. S. Becker and collaborates in 1968, a concept that refers to an attitude of students who are only interested in grade-getting and nothing other. Since a GPA perspective-oriented student is motivated to nothing but to acquire the best possible GPA while paying the least possible effort, some untraditional behaviors in classrooms are frequently enacted and observed. The author, a specialist of symbolic interactionism sociology, describes many concrete instances of GPA perspective-oriented students' not-before-seen behaviors in classroom, their attitudes and opinions explicit and implied in classroom interactions, particularly focusing on one but many faceted aspect of educational process: classroom attendance.
シブタニ タモツ 後藤 将之
成城文藝 = The Seijo Bungei : the Seijo University Arts and Literature Quarterly (ISSN:02865718)
no.250, pp.55-34, 2019-12-27

本論は、Tamotsu Shibutani, "Reference Groups and Social Control," in Arnold M. Rose (Ed.), Human Behavior and Social Processes: An Interactionist Approach, Houghton Mifflin and Routledge, 1962, pp.128-146. の全訳 (翻訳: 後藤将之) である。
ヴント ヴィルヘルム ジャッド チャールズ・H 後藤 将之
コミュニケーション紀要 = Seijo communication studies (ISSN:02887843)
no.31, pp.201-210, 2020-03-10

本論は、教育心理学者チャールズ・ジャッドが著者 (ヴィルヘルム・ヴント) と共同で英訳したとされる『心理学概論』 (1896 ドイツ語版初版, 1897 英語版初版) の第21章「精神共同体の発達」を英訳から和訳 (翻訳: 後藤将之) したものである。
後藤 将之
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.26, pp.71-86, 2015-03

The author, a nearly 30-year long educator having taught at various universities and research institutions, discusses problems of classroom attendance and students' psychology of class taking, mainly from a specific type of students' mind-set, which is here called as "GPA perspective," in this Part 1 of a series of intended research reports. GPA perspective is a concept used by sociologist H. S. Becker and collaborates in 1968, a concept that refers to an attitude of students who are only interested in grade-getting and nothing other. Since a GPA perspective-oriented student is motivated to nothing but to acquire the best possible GPA while paying the least possible effort, some untraditional behaviors in classrooms are frequently enacted and observed. The author, a specialist of symbolic interactionism sociology, describes many concrete instances of GPA perspective-oriented students' not-before-seen behaviors in classroom, their attitudes and opinions explicit and implied in classroom interactions, particularly focusing on one but many faceted aspect of educational process: classroom attendance.The author, a nearly 30-year long educator having taught at various universities and research institutions, discusses problems of classroom attendance and students' psychology of class taking, mainly from a specific type of students' mind-set, which is here called as "GPA perspective," in this Part 1 of a series of intended research reports. GPA perspective is a concept used by sociologist H. S. Becker and collaborates in 1968, a concept that refers to an attitude of students who are only interested in grade-getting and nothing other. Since a GPA perspective-oriented student is motivated to nothing but to acquire the best possible GPA while paying the least possible effort, some untraditional behaviors in classrooms are frequently enacted and observed. The author, a specialist of symbolic interactionism sociology, describes many concrete instances of GPA perspective-oriented students' not-before-seen behaviors in classroom, their attitudes and opinions explicit and implied in classroom interactions, particularly focusing on one but many faceted aspect of educational process: classroom attendance.