淀川 尚子 徳永 淳也 丸谷 美紀 波多野 浩道
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.82, no.5, pp.183-202, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-10-31)

This study aimed to characterize the effects on vegetable consumption caused by mother-child food neophobia and their dietary communication, both of which have a great influence on the child’s eating behavior. A self-administered questionnaire was conducted in elementary and junior high school students who had regular dental visits and their mothers, and 193 subjects were analyzed. Items included in the questionnaire were largely basic attributes and food neophobia of the mother and child, likes and dislikes, triggers of the child’s food aversion, eating habits, mother-child communication about eating habits, frequency of vegetable intake, and preference. Multiple regression analysis determined that food neophobia of the child, experience of forced feeding by the parents, and experience of forced feeding by teachers had a significant positive influence on the likes and dislikes of children, while joint eating behavior with the mother and conversation at table with friends, child age had a significant negative influence. As the factors influencing the number of vegetables the child cannot eat, likes and dislikes of the child, mother’s preference for new food, and the number of vegetables the mother cannot eat had a significant positive influence. In contrast, food neophobia of the child had a significant negative influence. Mother-child food neophobia can affect eating behavior, specifically holding the key to vegetable consumption or non-consumption. The study results suggest that when eating habit guidance is provided emphasis should be placed on joint eating behavior of the mother and child such as food-related conversation, shopping, cooking, and vegetable cultivation, which are considered to be effective in decreasing the likes and dislikes of children, and interventions to enhance dietary communication, for example conversation at table with friends.
石原 和子 茶屋道 拓哉 増田 安代 永田 俊明 徳永 淳也
日本保健福祉学会誌 (ISSN:13408194)
vol.16, no.2, pp.1-11, 2010-11-30 (Released:2017-09-15)

精神科治療領域におけるインフォームド・コンセント(以下IC)に関わる熟練看護師の実践的知識を明らかにし、その過程を概念構造化することを目的とした。研究デザインは、グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ(GTA)で、分析手法はStrauss&Corbin 1988版に準拠した。対象者8名は、女性6名と男性2名であり、年齢30〜54歳(平均43)、臨床経験年数10〜34年(平均22.7)、精神科経験年数のうち慢性期病棟6〜28年(平均14.7)、急性期病棟0.5〜11.5年(平均3.6)であった。分析の結果、《関係性の構築》、《コミュニケーション》、《信頼性の構築》、《服薬の導入と協働》、《セルフケアと社会性》、《退院への環境調整》と6つのカテゴリの基盤となる《チームアプローチ》を導き出した。ICにおける熟練看護師の根底に人間の尊厳を重んじる実践的知識が明らかになった。