押田 佳子 松尾 あずさ 浦出 俊和 上田 萌子 大平 和弘 上甫木 昭春
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.571-576, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)

Since middle ages Ryukyu Kingdom, Amami Oshima have long had faith in such an indigenous folk religion as Noro. This religion maintained sanctuaries such as Kamiyama (a holy mountain) and Kamimichi (a clean way), miya (a central plaza), toneya (a religious hut). However, Noro faces the crisis of the extinction as a result that a religious system changed under the influence of the modernization. Therefore, we investigated the succession of Noro religion in each village and relationship with ritual spaces from interview to regional inhabitant. As results, it was clarified that the village events as “the respect for the elderly festival” and Noro religion such as “the harvest festival” were gathered, to reduce the burden on local resident and to invite gallery. Moreover, it was confirmed that miya and toneya were not only easy to maintain but also utilized. On the other hand, kamiyama was maintained but is not used. Moreover, kamimichi was just before disappearance without being used.
大平 和弘 上田 萌子 押田 佳子 上甫木 昭春
農村計画学会誌 (ISSN:09129731)
vol.39, no.Special_Issue, pp.222-231, 2020-11-20 (Released:2021-11-20)

This study aimed to explore the spatial composition and maintenance of “Utaki”(traditional sacred space) and the management of the local festivals at Kabira, Taketomi, and Hoshidate in the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa. A spatial survey of Utaki was conducted. Further, the officers of the organization of community centers that holds each of these local festivals were interviewed. In Kabira, Utaki have a closed spatial composition and are managed by parishioners that migrants from outside the prefecture are not allowed to participate. Prayers are conducted in Utaki by a female priest called “Tsukasa” in most of the local festivals. In Taketomi, the management of Utaki differs depending on their rating in the village. Utaki have an open space like a shrine. The organization of community centers conducts festivals in which all the islanders participate. The migrants can also participate in these festivals. In Hoshidate, the organization of community centers plays a major role in the management of Utaki. Some Utaki are used as tsunami shelters and windbreaks. The organization where migrants serve as executives holds traditional festivals along with contemporary events. The above results show that the spatial composition of Utaki and the local festivals differed among the three regions. Based on this, the study makes the following suggestions. If the traditional organizations remain like in Taketomi, it is important to manage the organization to educate migrants about Utaki and the local festivals. However, if the traditional organizations are weakened, as in the case of Hoshidate, it is important for the organization of community centers to maintain traditions by making them easily accessible for the younger generations and migrants.
押田 佳子
一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター
環境情報科学論文集 Vol.35(2021年度 環境情報科学研究発表大会)
pp.96-101, 2021-11-30 (Released:2021-11-29)

押田 佳子 横内 憲久 岡田 智秀
社団法人 日本造園学会
日本造園学会 全国大会 研究発表論文集 抄録
vol.2010, pp.37, 2010

江戸時代に「観光地」として脚光を浴びた鎌倉の海岸名所の景観構成を、十返舎一九「金草鞋 二十三編-江ノ島鎌倉廻り」における記述より把握した。その結果、筆者が訪れた全107地点のうち、景観についての記述は17地点でみられ、一九が平野部が狭く急峻な山地とわずかな海岸平地で構成される鎌倉の地形を活かし、俯瞰、仰瞰のシーン景観を用いて、通過地点より捉えた景観を表現することで旅の転換点を印象付けるよう演出していたことが伺えた。一方、海岸沿いに一続きである、江ノ嶋入口-七里の浜間では、連続した開放空間を捉える事が出来、かつ眺望の変化を楽しめることより、水平シークエンス景観による演出がなされていた。また、景観の記述がみられた17ヶ所中11ヶ所で海岸への眺望が捉えられていたことより、『金草鞋』において海岸景観が鎌倉地域を象徴する景観であることが伺えた。
押田 佳子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.75, no.5, pp.373-376, 2012 (Released:2013-08-09)

“Kamakura Nikki”, a book of a journey on springs of Kamakura” was the travel literature of early modern Kamakura by TOKUGAWA Mitsukuni. They surveyed around all Kamakura about history and architectures, nature, culture, ruins of the Medieval Period of Kamakura, and the like. Then, Mitsukuni and his research companions found resources: tourism resources, landscape resources involve green. Tourism resources are 173 spots in all composition from hearing research and reading research from classical literature as ”Azumakagami”. Many of them were temples or shrines, others were occupied historic sites, road, tree, and so on. Mitsukuni and his follows were detected landscape resources as effective tools to gain view area and spatial recognition. Green resources were not recognized regional landscape resources but landmarks as spatial perceptions or holy space as “Chinju”. Moreover, they surveyed some scene or sequence, and then traditional noted place were put on recorded for coming generations. Conclusion, they led that the symbolic landscape of Kamakura was landform of “yato”.
押田 佳子
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.593-596, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)

This study aims to clarify the traditional ‘the Ancient Capital Tourism’ in Kamakura and its succession, paying close attention to the historical tourism resources, scenic landscape resources, tourism routes and sojourn hubs. In this paper, a local topography and three travelogues written by tourists, was focused on as a reference for modern tourism. Thirty-nine historical tourism resources, but not Kanazawa, were to be seen in the area; therefore it was presumed that Kanazawa was dropped from the tourism region belonging to Kamakura. And then, these tourists didn’t draw up travel plans because they followed regional guides. As for the scenic landscape resources, view point of early modern changed view object of modern time. On the other hand, descriptions of ‘Kanazawa’ which were often seen in the descriptions of Kamakura tourism until the early-modern times were seldom seen, and it was supposed that those two areas had been cut off from the Kamakura tourism region that they used to belong to by the laying of the railway and readjustments by the administration. Therefore, the modern tourism period seems to be a time when the ‘Ancient Capital Tourism,’ established in the mature period of early modern tourism, was in decline as a result of the alienation of the scenic landscape resources and sojourn hubs from the historical tourism resources.
押田 佳子 横内 憲久 岡田 智秀 瀬畑 尚紘
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.74, no.5, pp.431-436, 2011 (Released:2012-09-05)

This paper studies on the developmental process of the route planning and the staying base from analyze 18 travelogues of early modern Kamakura. Firstly, the major route in the whole Edo Era conducted that many author of travel notes came into Kamakura from “Mutsuura”, and that leaved from “Katase-gawa”. Secondly, the main spots of this area were ”Tsurugaoka-hachimangu”,”Hasedera-kannon”,and “Enoshima Island” on this course, because of the travelers was able to get travel information and that are crowded. Moreover, the hotel and the tea district tended to build on around main spots. Hotels were used only as an inn at first, as well as the travel role had changed as time passed: for example, the observatory, the attraction, and restaurant like “Iwamotoin on Enoshima”. On the other hand, tea districts were located along the Kamakura coast between Enoshima and Inamuragasaki. The note was expressed that the beautiful coastal scenery from this area was very popular among the travelers.In particular, Inamuragasaki had been actively on the tourism business which a clerk sold a traditional map and lectured to a person. Conclusion, the seashore landscape was became valuable of Kamakura tourism results from diversity of travel style with time passed.