松田 秀人 高田 和夫 橋本 和佳 栗崎 吉博 伊藤 裕 長嶋 正實 斉藤 滋
特定非営利活動法人 日本咀嚼学会
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.10, no.2, pp.95-100, 2001

咀嚼能力の測定にジューシーフレッシュガムを用いていたが, 製造中止となったため, 代替ガムの選定を目的とした. 咀嚼能力測定ガムとして, 5種類のガムを試みたが, 歯科用キシリトールガムが最適であった. 噛む回数が20~60回では, 噛む回数に正比例して溶出糖量が直線的に増加し, その相関係数はR<SUP>2</SUP>=0.9946であった. また噛むのに要した時間は, 噛む回数に比例して直線的に増加し, その相関係数はR<SUP>2</SUP>=0.998であった. 歯科用キシリトールガムを用いて咀嚼能力を測定する際の噛む回数は, 噛む回数と溶出糖量が正比例の関係にある20~60回の中間の40回が妥当であり, このガムを用いて咀嚼能力を測定することが可能である. 他のガムの場合にはこのような結果が得られなかった.<BR>実際に歯科用キシリトールガムを用いて, 高校1年生を対象に咀嚼能力を測定したところ, 溶出糖量と人数との関係は正規分布に近い形を示した. しかも, 男女生徒間の溶出糖量には有意差が認められた. また, 咀嚼能力が強い群が21人 (16.7%), 咀嚼能力が普通の群が85人 (67.5%), 咀嚼能力が弱い群が20人 (15.9%) となった.これらの結果は, ジューシーフレッシュガムを使用した場合と同様な結果となり, 咀嚼能力の測定には, 製造中止となったジューシーフレッシュガムに代わり, 歯科用キシリトールガムが使用可能である.
松田 秀人 橋本 和佳 関 哲哉 吉田 真琴 増田 拓也 加藤 大輔 伊藤 裕 栗崎 吉博 斉藤 滋 高田 和夫 長嶋 正實 滝口 俊男
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.11, no.2, pp.141-145, 2002

チューインガムの機能には, 咀嚼能力の向上, 脳血流の亢進, 中枢神経系への作用, 唾液の分泌亢進など咀嚼による直接作用が認められている. 食欲の調節機構としては, 満腹中枢および摂食中枢が食行動調節を司っている. 咀嚼が中枢に及ぼす影響についての研究は少なく, 臨床研究は特に少ない. 摂食抑制物質のうちヒスタミンの分泌は, 咀嚼すなわち噛む刺激によることが, 遺伝性肥満動物Zuckerラット実験により判明した. このような背景から, 食事前にチューインガムを噛むことにより, 咀嚼がインスリン分泌に及ぼす影響について検討した.<BR>19歳から25歳までの健康な女子19名を対象に, ガムベースの15分間咀嚼の後, 75gブドウ糖負荷試験を行い, ガム咀嚼の前, 咀嚼後3分, 6分, 9分, 15分と, それに引き続いて75gブドウ糖負荷後の15分, 30分, 60分, 120分後の計9回, 肘静脈より採血して, 血糖, インスリンを測定した. さらに, ガムを咀嚼しない場合で同様の測定を行った.<BR>その結果, コントロールに比べてガムベースを咀嚼した時のほうが, 75gブドウ糖負荷後の30分値において, インスリン分泌量が多かった. このことから, 咀嚼による中枢への関与が示唆された.
小野塚 実 渡邊 和子 藤田 雅文 斉藤 滋
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.11, no.2, pp.109-116, 2002

In recent years, dysfunctional mastication, which is resulted from decreased number of residual teeth, use of unsuitable dentures, or reduced biting force, has been suggested to be related to the development of senile dementia. Recently, in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8 mice), we have studied the involvement of masticatory dysfunction, e.g. cut off of the upper molar teeth, extract of the upper molar teeth, or cut of the one side of the masseteric nerve, in the senile process of learning and memory. First, we found that conditions of such dysfunctional mastication progress age-related deficits in spatial memory storage in a water maze test and in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. These pathological phenomena were begun to occur in middle-aged mice, suggesting that masticatory disfunction may lead to hippocampal pathological changes in the elderly.<BR>Second, it was found that cutting off the upper molar teeth causes a reduction in the protein product, Fos, of the immediate early gene, c-fos, in the hippocampal CA1 subfield. Interestingly, both the suppression of memory storage ability and the decrease in Fos induction in this subfield induced by cutting off the upper molars were considerably improved by restoring the lost molars with artificial crowns, suggesting that normal mastication may be an important factor in maintaining normal hippocampal activities.<BR>Third, in biochemical and immunohistochemical studies examining the effect of masticatory dysfunction on age-related changes in the septohippocampal cholinergic system, we have foundthat, in aged mice, masticatory disfunction induces a decrease in acetylcholine release and choline acetyltransferase activity in the hippocampus and a reduction in the number of choline acetyltransferase-immunopositive neurons in the medial septal nucleus. However, these effects were not seen in young mice, implying that dysfunctional mastication may enhance an age-related decline in the septohippocampal cholinergic system.<BR>Finally, stress may be linked to hippocampal pathological changes induced by masticatory dysfunction. As expected, in the aged mice, conditions under masticatory dysfunction brought about a chronic elevation in plasma corticosterone levels. However, pretreatment with metyrapone, which suppresses the stress-induced rise in this hormone levels, prevented dysfunctional mastication-induced increase in plasma corticosterone levels, reduction in hippocampal pyramidal neuron numbers, and impairment of spatial memory. These findings suggest a link between the masticatory dysfunction and the glucocorticoid response, which may be involved in deficits in learning and memory and hippocampal neuronal death.<BR>In conclusion, we suggest that normal mastication may be effective in preventing senile dementia by maintaining normal function in the hippocampus, which is the most sensitive region to aging processes.
橋本 和佳 松田 秀人 高田 和夫 吉田 真琴 高橋 健太 滝口 俊男 斉藤 滋
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.14, no.1, pp.23-28, 2004-05-31 (Released:2010-07-21)

C-peptideは膵臓でのインスリン生成時にプロインスリンから分離され, 新たに生成されたインスリンの量を反映する.今回, ブドウ糖摂取時のインスリン分泌の咀嚼の有無による違いを検討するため, ガム咀嚼後にブドウ糖液を摂取させた群と, ガム咀嚼を行わずにブドウ糖液を摂取させた群とでブドウ糖液摂取後の血中C-peptide値の変化を観察した.被験者は女性19名, 年齢平均20歳, Body Mass Index (BMI) は25以下である. これらの被験者に香料や甘味料を含まないガムベースを15分間咀嚼させた後に経口ブドウ糖負荷試験 (oralglucosetolerance test, 以下OGTT) を行うガム咀嚼群と, ガム咀嚼を行わずにOGTTを行うコントロール群とに分け, OGTT後15, 30, 60, 120分に採血を行い, 血糖値, 血中インスリン値, 血中C-peptide値を測定した.その結果, 血中C-peptide値は, ガム咀嚼群でOGTT30分後, コントロール群でOGTT60分後に最高値に達した. また, ガム咀嚼群はOGTT時の血糖値の上昇がコントロール群に比べて緩やかで, 血糖値の急激な上昇が抑えられることが明らかとなった. これらのことから, ブドウ糖摂取前の咀嚼の有無はインスリンの分泌に影響を与え, 過食や肥満との関連を有する可能性が明らかとなった.
小野塚 実 渡邊 和子 藤田 雅文 斉藤 滋
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.11, no.2, pp.109-116, 2002-03-30 (Released:2011-07-05)

In recent years, dysfunctional mastication, which is resulted from decreased number of residual teeth, use of unsuitable dentures, or reduced biting force, has been suggested to be related to the development of senile dementia. Recently, in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8 mice), we have studied the involvement of masticatory dysfunction, e.g. cut off of the upper molar teeth, extract of the upper molar teeth, or cut of the one side of the masseteric nerve, in the senile process of learning and memory. First, we found that conditions of such dysfunctional mastication progress age-related deficits in spatial memory storage in a water maze test and in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. These pathological phenomena were begun to occur in middle-aged mice, suggesting that masticatory disfunction may lead to hippocampal pathological changes in the elderly.Second, it was found that cutting off the upper molar teeth causes a reduction in the protein product, Fos, of the immediate early gene, c-fos, in the hippocampal CA1 subfield. Interestingly, both the suppression of memory storage ability and the decrease in Fos induction in this subfield induced by cutting off the upper molars were considerably improved by restoring the lost molars with artificial crowns, suggesting that normal mastication may be an important factor in maintaining normal hippocampal activities.Third, in biochemical and immunohistochemical studies examining the effect of masticatory dysfunction on age-related changes in the septohippocampal cholinergic system, we have foundthat, in aged mice, masticatory disfunction induces a decrease in acetylcholine release and choline acetyltransferase activity in the hippocampus and a reduction in the number of choline acetyltransferase-immunopositive neurons in the medial septal nucleus. However, these effects were not seen in young mice, implying that dysfunctional mastication may enhance an age-related decline in the septohippocampal cholinergic system.Finally, stress may be linked to hippocampal pathological changes induced by masticatory dysfunction. As expected, in the aged mice, conditions under masticatory dysfunction brought about a chronic elevation in plasma corticosterone levels. However, pretreatment with metyrapone, which suppresses the stress-induced rise in this hormone levels, prevented dysfunctional mastication-induced increase in plasma corticosterone levels, reduction in hippocampal pyramidal neuron numbers, and impairment of spatial memory. These findings suggest a link between the masticatory dysfunction and the glucocorticoid response, which may be involved in deficits in learning and memory and hippocampal neuronal death.In conclusion, we suggest that normal mastication may be effective in preventing senile dementia by maintaining normal function in the hippocampus, which is the most sensitive region to aging processes.