1 0 0 0 OA 妊婦の腰痛

田代 俊之 久野 木順 蓮江 光男 真光 雄一郎 鎌田 浩史 星川 吉光
The Japanese Society of Lumbar Spine Disorders
日本腰痛研究会雑誌 (ISSN:13417355)
vol.2, no.1, pp.22-26, 1996-12-11 (Released:2010-06-28)

妊娠時に腰痛を発症する女性は多い.そこで妊娠時腰痛の発症率, 臨床像, 危険因子などを調べるために, 分娩後10日以内の褥婦175例に対し, 入院中直接腰痛に対する問診および診察を行った.その結果妊娠中68%に腰痛を認めたが, その77.3%が31週までに発症していた.また30歳未満を若年群, 30歳以上を高齢群と分けると, 各群間の腰痛出現率に有意差は見られなかった.さらに, 分娩歴, 腰痛歴, 妊娠前後の体重差, 妊娠前肥満度, 新生児体重についても腰痛出現率に有意差は見られなかった.しかし, 初産婦では若年群で有意に腰痛出現率が高かった.また, 分娩直後の診察より仙腸関節部痛が18%に認められたが, 追跡調査の結果80%は1カ月以内に痛みが消失していた.
田崎 篤 二村 昭元 加藤 敦夫 山口 久美子 秋田 恵一 星川 吉光 望月 智之
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.36, no.3, pp.787-790, 2012

<B>Background:</B> Anatomical information of the insertion of the capsule around the glenoid is essential to recognize the pathological mechanism of shoulder disorders and perform better surgery.<BR><B>Methods:</B> Twenty five shoulders were dissected to investigated the morphology and size of the insertion of the capsule around the glenoid. We treated superior capsule as capsule-CHL. The location of glenoid rim was expressed as the location of the clock face of the glenoid.<BR><B>Results:</B> In the superior margin of the glenoid, the insertion of the capsule-CHL complex covered broadly to the base of the coracoid process in a triangular shape. Belt-like shape insertion was observed in posterior margin of the glenoid. Whereas as you followed anterior to the anteroinferior part, 4-5 oclock was thicker, then gradually thin down toward inferior. The average maximum width of the anterior and posterior insertion was 8.1mm (6.6-10.1mm)and 8.1mm (6.6-10.1mm), respectively. Although the width of insertion tapered, the capsule sent its fibers and connected to the lateral part of the LHT. Its attachment was observed as a thick portion from inside of the joint. This portion was observed as the posterior inferior gulenohumeral ligament.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> The fact of thick attachment of the capsule on the glenoid rim should be considered when we perform surgery for shoulder instability. Fibrous connection between the capsule and LHT, which compensates for thin capsular attachment at inferior part, reinforces inferior stability. Since contraction of LHT pulls the inferior capsule inferiorly, this mechanism may have a role to avoid impingement of the inferior capsule.