服部 圭祐
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.69, pp.263-276, 2020 (Released:2021-05-24)

The purpose of this paper is to examine Watsuji Teturo’s unpublished draft “Ethics” in order to shed light on developments in his ethical theory. The draft, which is archived in the National Diet Library, is assumed to be a follow-up of his 1931 paper that bears the same title. However, to our best knowledge, the philosophical and historiographical significance of the text has not been studied up to now. Therefore, this study would be the first attempt to analyze the draft’s significance. The draft is composed of three chapters in analogy to the 1937 and 1942 volumes of Watsuji’s magnum opus “Ethics”. The two works are distinct in terms of Watsuji’s definition of ‘ethics’(rinri-gaku): the draft defines ‘ethics’ as ‘the study of human being,’ whereas the book defines as ‘the study of the ethos’(rinri). The difference suggests that in the draft Watsuji had yet to develop his understanding of human beings in relation to ‘ethos’ as their ontological ground. The draft does not go beyond an attempt at grasping the essence of humanity in terms of its social nature, thereby describing actual human beings as social dynamisms. The above suggests that the main characteristics of Watsuji’s magnum opus consists in its purpose to reveal the nature of ‘ethos’, thereby describing human beings as its products. In other words, it reveals the dual nature of humanity by depicting ‘ethos’ as a dialectical relation between individuals and society. Nevertheless, previous studies tend to neglect the updated definition of humanity, thus overemphasizing the social aspect of human beings. This misinterpretation is probably due researchers’ obliviousness of the existence of Watsuji’s unpublished draft, which sheds light on the intellectual development of his ‘ethics.’
服部 圭祐
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.13, pp.86-100, 2016 (Released:2020-03-21)

This paper contrasts Tanabe Hajime’s‘Logic of Shu’and Watsuji Tetsuro’s‘Ethics of Aidagara’in order to understand their common theoretical underpinning. Whilst they are considered as typical philosophers of the Kyoto school, how their respective thinking can be connected in a philosophical discussion remains to be made explicit. The task of connecting Tanabe’s‘Logic’and Watsuji’s‘Ethics’is a task I shall attempt in this paper. I shall begin with a discussion of Tanabe’s November 1934 paper“The Logic of social being”, in which he firstly defines his theoretical basis ‘Logic of Shu’. In his‘Logic’, he criticized not just Nishida Kitaro but also Watsuji Tetsuro and the latter’s“The Ethics as the theory of human being” published in March of the same year. The first section of this paper clarifies the structure of‘Logic of Shu’and how its criticism relates to Watsuji thinking. Next I shall offer a discussion of Watsuji’s magnum opus“Ethics” published in April 1937. He didn’t offer counterarguments to Tanabe directly, but formulated an‘Ethics of Aidagara’as a‘pre-logical’principle and idea that appears to be incompatible with Tanabe’s‘Logic’. The second section demonstrates that Watsuji countered Tanabe’s‘Logic’with the views expressed in his“Ethics”. Finally I shall view Tanabe’s‘Logic’and Watsuji’s‘Ethics’as two theories that arose from a common issue shared by both philosophers. Their different views as to how the society could be and should be, seems to be in conflict. If we re-evaluate their discussion on this issue, we shall realize that they should be considered as theories which complement each other.
服部 圭祐
特定非営利活動法人 日本血管外科学会
日本血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09186778)
vol.25, pp.212-214, 2016

要旨:症例は75 歳女性.原付バイク運転中に乗用車と接触事故にて近医救急搬送された.搬送時右肩腫脹,強い圧痛が認められた.単純CT で右鎖骨骨折あり入院となったが徐々に右上肢虚血症状を伴い,造影CT で右鎖骨骨折に伴う胸郭出口部の鎖骨下動脈および腋窩動脈閉塞と診断され当院紹介された.来院時意識清明で右橈骨動脈・上腕動脈ともに触知せず冷感・しびれを訴えるために緊急血行再建術,骨修復術の方針とした.鎖骨下切開で腋窩動脈をテーピングし,鎖骨下動脈遠位部まで剝離した.損傷部位を縦切開すると,鎖骨と第一肋骨の間で挟まれた部位で内膜が解離し閉塞していた.内膜を摘除し,中枢・末梢へ血栓除去したあと,内膜の固定を行い,外膜を直接縫合した.そのあと鎖骨骨折部を整形外科で修復し手術終了とした.経過は良好で,CT で動脈の開存と末梢の良好な造影を認めた.