酒井 治孝 今山 武志 吉田 孝紀 朝日 克彦
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.6, pp.403-421, 2017-06-15 (Released:2017-07-25)

ヒマラヤの4つの地質帯を画するプレート境界断層の活動が,北から南へと移動するのに伴い山脈は上昇・隆起してきた.大陸衝突以前に深度100kmを超えるマントルまで沈み込んだテチス海の海洋プレートがslab break-offしたことにより,約50~35Maにチベット前縁山地が急激に上昇した.次にインド亜大陸の北縁の上部原生界の地層が沈み込み,地下約40kmに達し中圧型の変成作用を被ったが,デラミナーションを起こし,22~16 Maに急激に上昇した.約15Maに地表に露出した変成帯は上昇を続け,南方のレッサーヒマラヤを構造的に覆い変成岩ナップを形成したが,その運動は11~10Maに停止した.それ以降ナップと下盤の弱変成したレッサーヒマラヤ堆積物は,その先端から北方に向け約10km/Myrの速度で冷却した.また運動停止後,その前縁に生じたMBTに沿ってインドプレートの沈み込みが始まり,3~2.5Maには南方のMFTに移動し,それによってヒマラヤ前縁山地とシワリク丘陵が誕生した.
中田 高 蓬田 清 尾高 潤一郎 坂本 晃章 朝日 克彦 千田 昇
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.104, no.1, pp.127-142, 1995
30 48

Distinctive ruptures of the surface faulting which generated the destructive 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake (M<SUB>s</SUB>=7.2) appeared along the Nojima fault, an active fault on the northwestern coast of Awaji island, Japan. The surface fault ruptures in Awaji island extend southwestward continuously for about 9km from Easki near the epicenter to Toshima in Hokudan town, and caused prominent right-latearl off-sets of 1.9m at maximum on roads, paddy dikes with vertical displacement of 1.2m at maximum, while no large surface faulting has been reported in Kobe where major damage and casualties have appeared.<BR>Most of the surface ruptures follow along the pre-existing active fault traces of the Nojima fault. The ruptures are generally arranged in left-stepping echelon, and local extensional and compressional jog forms such as trenches, mole tracks, buldges are sometimes related to changes in fault strikes.<BR>The earthquake fault seems to have propagated bilaterally northeastward and southwestward from the hypocenter in the Straits of Akashi near the major jog of the earthquake fault system. The source process of the earthquake deduced from the slip distribution along the earthquake fault in Awaji island well explains near-field P-waveforms of broad-band seismometers for early part in about 4 seconds. The later part of much larger amplitude should attribute to the northeast fault ruptures toward Kobe.