本間 靖夫
日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所紀要 (ISSN:03859983)
vol.10, pp.43-67, 1986-03-20

This is a study based on four representative journals of money and banking published during the second decade of the Meiji era (1877-1887), and follows two themes. These two themes are: 1. Basic research on the material concerning the journals of money and banking in the second decade of the Meiji era (1877-1887); in other words, a bibliographical study on the early days of Japanese journals of money and banking and 2. A Study of the points in dispute which appeared in the journals of money and banking with regard to the introduction of the banking system into Japan, and the thought in money and banking which was behind it. The journals taken up as objects of study are: Ginko Zasshi (edited and published by Commercial Banks Division, Ministry of Finance, first published in December, the 10th year of Meiji, 1877), Rizai Shimpo (edited and published by the Takuzen-Kai, the predecessor of the Tokyo Bankers Assn., Inc., first published in May, the 11th year of Meiji, 1878), Tokyo Keizai Zasshi (edited by Ukichi Taguchi, published by Keizai Zasshi Sha, first published in January, the 12th year of Meiji, 1879), and Ginko Tsushin Roku (edited and published by Tokyo Ginko Shukai Jo, the descendant of the Takuzen-Kai, first published in December, the 18th year of Meiji, 1885). Study of such journals has a unique significance and role in the diffusion of thought in money and banking as well as in the formation of public opinion. On the other hand, there has not been enough systematic study on Japanese journals of money and banking, with only some prominent ones being taken up and not considered in entirety. Moreover, one can not say that the study on the history of thought in money and banking itself has been sufficiently made. Therefore, considering the above-mentioned points, the present paper is aimed at being an introduction to the study on the theory of money and banking and on the development of a system of money and banking in Japan. The findings of the analysis may be summarized as follows: 1. The development process of journals of money and banking may be divided into the following seven periods; (1)the 10th-11th of Meiji (1877-1878), (2)the 12th-19th of Meiji (1879-1886), (3)the 20th-27th of Meiji (1887-1894), (4)the 28th-38th of Meiji (1895-1905), (5)the 39th-45th of Meiji (1906-1912), (6)the Taisho period (1912-1926) and (7)Showa period-until the 20th of Showa (1945). 2. Of these above, this paper deals with periods (1) and (2). Period (1) corresponds to the time when the government published a journal for educating banking circles (Ginko Zasshi), and the Bankers Association published a journal for educating fellow bankers (Rizai Shimpo), on the occasion of the introduction of banking system into Japan from abroad. 3. Period (2) is the time when criticism against the early banking system began and the target of enlightenment was shifted to the general public, as in the case of Tokyo Keizai Zasshi. Ginko Tsushin Roku, a journal for the exchange of information among bankers was published as the bulletin of the Bankers Association as well. 4. It was after period (6) that a large number of reviews of money and banking were published. Until that time, the two journals listed under period (2) had played important roles as representative journals of money and banking. 5. Knowledge of banking imparted during periods (1) and (2) had its source in the thought of banking among English bankers and scholars such as A. Shand, A. Crump, H. D. Macleod and W. Badgehot. Likewise, Tokyo Keizai Zasshi was modeled after the Economist of London. As "a foreigner in Government employ", A. Shand introduced the bank book-keeping system into Japan and taught the concept of English type commercial bank management, or sound banking, to Japanese bankers. 6. In the second decade of the Meiji era, money and banking theory was introduced into Japan, based on a liberal economy developed on the theory of the classical school of England. However, it was more influenced by H. D. Macleod than by the mainstream of the classical school of England at that time, the Manchester School, to which D. Ricard, J. S. Mill and H. Fawcett, etc. belonged.
本間 靖夫
千葉商大論叢 (ISSN:03854558)
vol.44, no.2, pp.1-30, 2006-09-30

本稿は1956年(昭和31年),当時の日本火災海上保険株式会社がひきおこした架空契約事件,いわゆるテーブル・ファイア事件(机上火災事件)の顛末とそれがもたらしたものについての事例分析を通して,損害保険会社の公共的性格と社会的責任を検討したものである。ここでは事件をできるだけ事実に則して具体的に多面的に示すこと,また本来の補償機能とともに金融仲介機能や貯蓄機能を併せもつようになった金融機関としての損害保険会社と銀行の公共的性格と社会的責任を,業務と経営,ならびに法的側面から比較検討することを心がけた。ここでいうテーブル・ファイア(机上火災)とは,損害保険会社の代理店に対する規定を超える手数料支払いの財源を確保するため,帳簿上で架空の火災保険契約が罹災したことにして資金を捻出する方法をいう。この事件を契機に損害保険業界は戦後の混乱期を脱して,高度成長期の損害保険事業の正常化と健全な発展に資する1つの革新をなしとげ,秩序ある市場構造が確立したと評価することができる。本稿の事例分析は,経済環境の変化に伴い現在,金融機関のみならず一般の企業の公共性と社会的責任のあり方を検討する広範な課題のための素材を提供するものともなる。本稿の構成は以下のとおりである。はじめに 1.損害保険の仕組みと損害保険事業の法制 2.戦後損害保険事業の発展と正常化 3.「日本火災事件」の経過 4.事件の結果と争点 5.事件をもたらしたものと事件の意味 むすびに代えて一銀行の公共的性格との比較
伊牟田 敏充 本間 靖夫 〓見 誠良 池上 和夫 波形 昭一 渋谷 隆一 斉藤 寿彦

1.『昭和財政史資料』など未公刊資料を収集し, 分析して, 研究成果の一部として次のような諸点が得られた. なお, 利用予定であった史料の一部(賀屋文書)の公開が遅れたため, 最終的取りまとめには時日を要する予定.2.第2次大戦下の金融構造は, 昭和初年や戦後高度成長期のそれとは異質であり, 公債消化と軍需金融を二本の柱とした資金統制計画に基く「割当型」の金融構造であった. リスクの大きい軍需金融のため興銀・戦時金融金庫が媒介機関となり, 普銀・生保等の資金が「迂回」的に利用された.3.資金調整から金融統制へと大蔵省による「上から」の統制は深まったが, それを支えたのは金融機関間の協調的行動(金利協定, 国債保有, 共同融資, 社債シンジケート団の拡大)であった. 時局共同融資団は典型例.4.日銀は伝統的中央銀行とは異質のものとなった. 兌換停止された日銀券は1941年に管理通貨となった. 日銀は国債を無制限に引受け, 国債管理機関となったほか, 商業金融主義を放棄して産業金融調節者となった.5.大戦下に銀行合同が徹底して推進され, 都市二流銀行・農工銀行・地方信託が消滅した. 地方では一県一行がほぼ完成, 貯蓄銀行が消滅した. 銀行規模の拡大・店舗網の整理・資産の整理によって経営が「合理化」され, 資金コストが低下し, 国債消化・低金利実現につながった.6.軍需企業との直接的関係の薄い金融機関(地銀・貯銀・生保・勧銀・産組中金など)は資金に余裕が生れ(戦時的資金偏在), その資金は国債消化に誘導されたほか, 金融債消化により迂回的に軍需企業へ流された.7.太平洋戦争は米英との為替取引を不可能とし, 1932年以降の為替管理は変更を余儀なくされ, 正金銀行の機能が弱化した. 円系通貨圏内決済のみ残ったが, 日銀・台銀・鮮銀・南方開発金庫・外資金庫等の特殊金融機関の連帯的行動で円系通貨を支えた.