村井 友樹
筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)

村井 友樹 李 燦雨
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15036, (Released:2015-08-26)

The aim of this study was to clarify the background and features of implementation of the Nationwide Swimming Training for Conscription Candidates (NSTCC). The tasks of the study were to elucidate the 1) background, 2) preparation, 3) contents, and 4) results of NSTCC implementation.  The results of this study were as follows:  1) After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, the problem of a lack of swimming ability was observed among soldiers, so municipal governments and the Ministry of Health and Welfare turned to the STCC as the solution.  2) As the Sino-Japanese war was prolonged, the Ministry of Health and Welfare integrated the STCC, which had previously been conducted as a separate program, into one implementation throughout the whole country.  3) After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the situation was worsening, and the lack of swimming ability in ground forces became obvious. To resolve this problem, the Ministry of Health and Welfare decided on a comprehensive implementation program, which was planned at the beginning of 1943, through the NSTCC.  4) The NSTCC was supported by the Imperial Rule Assistance Association and its neighborhood associations. Since swimming training on a nationwide scale was not compulsory for all conscription candidates, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association mobilized conscription candidates to participate in training through different propagandas.  5) The National Physical Training Association trained coaches for each prefecture and each implementation district. Most coaches in each implemental district were school teachers.  6) In was recommended that the NSTCC be conducted using swimming pools, but a number of implementation districts did so in seas, rivers, or lakes.  7) The first half of the NSTCC was intended to cultivate the ability to float, on the assumption that this ability was basic training in order for beginners to master swimming.  8) During the second half of the NSTCC, attaining the technique of sidestroke or breaststroke was preferred. Each implementation district was able to choose a stroke (sidestroke or breaststroke).  9) Disciplinary training was highly regarded in the NSTCC.  10) As 95% of all participants were able to swim for more than 10 meters upon completing training, the NSTCC was judged to have been effective in eliminating a lack of swimming ability.
大熊 燦雨 松尾 牧則 村井 友樹

本研究は、東アジアに跨る武文化の固有性と相似性の解明に向け、文禄・慶長の役(萬暦朝鮮之役、壬辰倭乱:1592~1598年)を通して披露された日本・中国・韓国武術が、近世東アジアの武文化に与えた影響を実証的に検討することを目的としている。そのために、2019年度には、以下のような研究活動を行いに、主に日中韓武文化の交流の痕跡を物語る資料を網羅的に検討・収集した。1.先行研究の検討及び関連資料収集:400年前に起きたアジア最大の戦争であった文禄・慶長の役に関しては、その歴史や波及力の故に多方面で数多くの研究が行われてきた。そのため、前年度に引き続き多岐にわたり先行研究を含めた文禄・慶長の役に関する膨大な2次史料を検討し、本課題と関連する日本側の史資料の収集に努めた。また、それを基に、文禄・慶長の役にまつわる武に関する1次史料の範囲を絞り、その収集に努めた。2.史資料の分析:収集した日本側の関連史資料の整理・解読を進めながら、先行研究で言及された既存史料との比較検討を行い、当該戦争に対する全体像の把握に努めながら日韓武文化交流の痕跡を浮き彫りにした。3.台湾側の情報収集及び史料調査:台湾の台東大学・高雄大学等を訪問し、研究者と意見交換しながら情報収集に努め、また、台湾における武術研究の現在把握と中国武術に関する史料・情報を収集した。4.情報収集及び成果発表:東北アジア体育・スポーツ史学会、体育史学会、日本体育学会、国際体育・スポーツ史学会、筑波大学体育史研究会などの国内・国際学会に参加し研究協力者との情報交換を行い、また、Northeast Asian Society for History of Physical Education and Sport学会の定例Conferenceにて研究成果の一部を発表し、学会会員との意見交換など更なる情報収集に努めた。
村井 友樹 李 燦雨
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.565-575, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

The aim of this study was to clarify the background and features of implementation of the Nationwide Swimming Training for Conscription Candidates (NSTCC). The tasks of the study were to elucidate the 1) background, 2) preparation, 3) contents, and 4) results of NSTCC implementation.   The results of this study were as follows:   1)  After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, the problem of a lack of swimming ability was observed among soldiers, so municipal governments and the Ministry of Health and Welfare turned to the STCC as the solution.   2)  As the Sino-Japanese war was prolonged, the Ministry of Health and Welfare integrated the STCC, which had previously been conducted as a separate program, into one implementation throughout the whole country.   3)  After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the situation was worsening, and the lack of swimming ability in ground forces became obvious. To resolve this problem, the Ministry of Health and Welfare decided on a comprehensive implementation program, which was planned at the beginning of 1943, through the NSTCC.   4)  The NSTCC was supported by the Imperial Rule Assistance Association and its neighborhood associations. Since swimming training on a nationwide scale was not compulsory for all conscription candidates, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association mobilized conscription candidates to participate in training through different propagandas.   5)  The National Physical Training Association trained coaches for each prefecture and each implementation district. Most coaches in each implemental district were school teachers.   6)  In was recommended that the NSTCC be conducted using swimming pools, but a number of implementation districts did so in seas, rivers, or lakes.   7)  The first half of the NSTCC was intended to cultivate the ability to float, on the assumption that this ability was basic training in order for beginners to master swimming.   8)  During the second half of the NSTCC, attaining the technique of sidestroke or breaststroke was preferred. Each implementation district was able to choose a stroke (sidestroke or breaststroke).   9)  Disciplinary training was highly regarded in the NSTCC.   10)  As 95% of all participants were able to swim for more than 10 meters upon completing training, the NSTCC was judged to have been effective in eliminating a lack of swimming ability.