古東 司朗 中本 和夫
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.44, no.3, pp.233-237, 1994-09-01 (Released:2011-05-30)
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鍼灸治療による医療事故の一つである医原性気胸は, 一般には, 発生頻度が希であるとされ無視されがちである。しかし今回の当院における調査の結果, 6年8ヵ月の間に頸, 肩, 胸郭部の施鍼によって749例中4例 (0.53%) に気胸が発生していることが分かった。その内の3例は入院治療を行った。このことより鍼による医原性気胸は無視のできない医療事故のように思われた。よって, 胸郭周囲部への施鍼においては, 局所解剖を熟知し, 患者の体型を考慮する必要がある。また, 雀啄をしたり, パルス電流を流したり, 保温の毛布をかけるときには鍼が深くならぬように配慮する。頸椎症, 頸肩腕症候群, 胸郭出口症候群に対する施鍼では気胸が起こり得ることを念頭におき施鍼する必要があると思われた。
東 司 田中 泰彦 石黒 徹
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.76, no.5, pp.783-790, 1990-05-01

Grain refining behavior during austenitizing of 3.5%Ni-Cr-Mo-V turbine rotor shaft steel was investigated. Special attention was paid on the effect of Ni content and role of fine carbide precipitates on the austenite transformation and migration of the acicular austenite grain boundary. The microscopic observation of grain refining behavior reveals the following results. (1) The grain refining of 3.5%Ni-Cr-Mo-V steels during austenitizing occurs through two stages. The first stage is austenite transformation which γ-phases succeed to the acicular bainitic ferrite structure. The second stage is the formation of equiaxed grain at higher temperatures by the migration of grain boundary of the acicular austenite. (2) Driving force of the grain boundary migration in the second stage is considered to be the high density defects in the acicular austenite. (3) Increase of Ni content stabilize the acicular γ-phases up to higher temperatures. This decreases the formation of equiaxed grain due to the migration of acicular austenite grain boundary. (4) Increase of V content makes the grain refining difficult because the fine carbide precipitate such as VC works as a barrier against the grain boundary migration required for the formation of equiaxed grain.
村田 純教 鷹見 恭平 神谷 美紗紀 森永 正彦 橋詰 良吉 三木 一宏 東 司 石黒 徹
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.88, no.4, pp.214-221, 2002-04

In recent advanced high Cr ferritic steels, it is known that the Laves phase precipitates during creep test when the steels contain a relatively high level of Mo+W content. The Laves phase is believed to be granular in shape and to exist in the boundaries of lath, block, packet and prior austenite grains, but a number of fine Laves-phase precipitates are found to exist even inside the martensite lath in the tempered steels containing 10 mass% Cr and 4.6 mass% W. The shape of this Laves phase is plate-like, and the size is below 300 nm. The crystallographic relationship between the fine Laves phase and the matrix phase is as follows; (111)_<ferrite>//(001)_<Laves> and [01^^-1]_<ferrite>//[110]_<Laves>. In the microstruc ture aged at 923 K for 7〜14 Ms, the fine precipitates of the Laves phase disappear inside the martensite lath, and coagulated Laves phase is observed at the lath-, block-, or packet- boundaries. Only the low C steel containing 0.08% C and 3% W shows a few amounts of the fine precipitates of the Laves phase after aging at 923 K for 7.268 Ms. This compositional dependence of the precipitation behaviour can be understood qualitatively with the aid ofthe System-Free-Energy Concept.