松島 隆真
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.2, pp.273-307, 2014-03
松島 隆真
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.2, pp.273-307, 2014-03

秦始皇帝の統一支配を終了させたのは陳渉の蜂起に始まる争乱だが、この秦末より項羽と劉邦の対決として知られる楚漢戦争までの時期は、戦国後期の状勢への回帰と看做されるのが通常である。しかし、かかる戦国後期という枠組みへの回帰をもたらしたメカニズムについては、これまで充分に考察されることがなかった。本稿はこの観点から陳渉挙兵後の状勢を国際関係として把握し、個々の事件の展開から、一定の傾向とルールを有した当時の国際秩序の具体相を明らかにした。ついで、本稿で復元された叛乱当初の国際秩序から見て特異に映る項羽の十八王分封体制も、分封以前の国際秩序に制約された結果がもたらしたものであること、また楚漢戦争の意義は、戦国中期以前の状況を指向した項羽の体制より、分封以前の戦国後期的な国際状勢へのゆりもどしとして考えることができよう。The collapse of the Qin Empire was precipitated by the uprising of Chen She (Chen Sheng), and the subsequent period of upheaval continued for eight years until the victory of Liu Bang in the struggle with Xiang Yu. In regard to the situation during this period, many scholars regard it as a throwback to the situation that prevailed during the latter part of the Warring States period, and in recent years some have also addressed Xiang Yu's feudal system of eighteen kings considering it the origin of the Western Han commandery and principality system. However, sufficient research has not been conducted into the mechanism of this recurrence of the framework of the latter Warring States period. From this standpoint, the author attempts to grasp the state of the circumstances of sudden rise of various kingdoms after Chen She's uprising in terms of the relationships among multiple states. As an initial step, I first examine the revival of the Six Kingdoms that had been destroyed by Shihuang-di after the start of the revolt and the course of the establishment of the kings. This period is generally regarded as one in which it was even possible for a person whose roots were not in royalty or the nobility prior to the Warring States period to call himself a king, and that the principle that made their behavior possible has thought to have been derived from their own achievements and character. However, as a result of the considerations made in this paper, it is clear that the principle that made it possible to become a king cannot be confirmed in internal domestic matters. I made clear that the framework of the multiple coexisting states led by the kings could be seen as the fundamental element and that the character of the legitimacy of the kings' position was established solely confirmed by receiving the recognition of kings of other states in the same system The multi-state system that appeared after the uprising of Chen She was defined and formed by the late Warring States period framework in which the Qin and Six Kingdoms coexisted, but at the core of this system was the existent of one king who could be called the first among equals. And this first among equals-traditionally the King of Zhou, the Son of Heaven-was precisely the one person who could ultimately confirm the legitimacy of kings of other states, and under the multi-state system of the latter part of the Warring States period, he held not only the authority to recognize legitimacy but was also a leader (従長) who could initiate military action leading multiple states. Conversely, examining the Xiang Yu's feudalism of the eighteen kings from the above angle, his system, son of heaven, hegemon, feudal lords, i.e., the Spring-and-Autumn-period, tri-level structure that existed until the middle of the Warring States period, was greatly different from the bi-level system of the latter part of the Warring States period. However, on the other hand, the new system of Xiang Yu that at first glance seems extreme was also constrained by the multi-state system that followed the uprising of Chen She. In addition, the primary cause of the devastating collapse of Xiang Yu's new system was that it was established on measures such as the divisions into various states and the movement of Wei that were politically ill-considered, but in contrast behind the appearance of such a system was the struggle between Xiang Yu's policy and the multi-state system that appeared in the latter half of the Warring States period after Chen She. In this way, the system of Xiang Yu led to a return to the situation of the latter part of the Warring States period shortly after it was initiated, and eventually the death of Xiang Yu in battle and the accession of Liu Bang to emperor.