西掘 研人 竹内 義則 松本 哲也 工藤 博章 大西 昇
映像情報メディア学会誌 : 映像情報メディア (ISSN:13426907)
vol.62, no.7, pp.1086-1097, 2008-07-01
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We propose a new method for determining the correspondence between audio and visual events based on the selective attention which is observed in a living organism. For auditory attention, our system recognizes a target sound in noisy environments using an auditory filter that focuses on a specific period corresponding to visual events. It was confirmed that the success rate of correspondence between audio and visual events increased from 78.6% without the auditory filter, to 95.2% with the auditory filter. This certifies the importance of visual information for auditory attention. We also realized a visual attention of localizing a sound source and adjusting the line of sight and the iris of a camera when the system perceived a sound, but could not obtain visual information. The success rate of experiments based on visual attention is 93.3%. These results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
深谷 亮 山村 毅 工藤 博章 松本 哲也 竹内 義則 大西 昇
情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2003, no.4, pp.73-79, 2003-01-20

本研究では,他人の文章を真似して作成された文章を発見するための文章間類似度の計算法を提案する.真似した文章の多くは,もとの文章に含まれる文と類似した文から構成され,類義語・同義語へ言い換えることなどにより表層的な表現を変化させる.そこで,本手法では各文章を構成される文単位で照合し,表層的な表現の変化に対応するため単語の頻度と概念辞書を用いる.本手法による類似度により,同一テーマで記述された文章と真似して書かれた文章とを明確に区別することができることを示す.In this research, we propose a method of calculating the similarity between documents for identifying the imitated document. Many of imitated documents consist of the sentences similar to the sentence contained in an original documents, and their surface-expression changes by transposing to a synonym etc. Then, our method compares two documents in the sentence unit that constitutes each document by using term frequency and concept dictionary. We show that we can distinguish clearly the document described by the same theme, and the imitated document by using our method.