鎌田 基司 村上 克介 松本 隆仁 村瀬 治比古 諸見里 聰 増田 篤稔 洞口 公俊 向阪 信一
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会 全国大会講演論文集
vol.35, pp.159, 2002

モズクは健康食品として消費が伸びてきている。モズク養殖生産の効率化と安定化を図る上で、光環境の作用&middot;効果の解明が必要である。そこで光環境の基礎的知見を得るため、モズク盤状体の光合成特性について実験検討を行った。培養には40W3波長形蛍光ランプを用いた。光合成特性は光合成有効光子照度(PPFD)を0&sim;1000&mu;mol m<SUP>-2</SUP>s<SUP>-1</SUP>として測定した。実験検討の結果、日数の経過とともに盤状体の濃度は高まり、光の透過率が低くなった。高濃度のモズクは低濃度のモズクより低いPPFDで酸素発生速度が速くなる結果が得られた。モズク盤状体の光合成における最適な光飽和点は150&sim;300&mu;mol m<SUP>-2</SUP>s<SUP>-1</SUP>であった。今後、モズクの光合成特性の測定&middot;把握と併せて、補光設備を配設した実験用人工採苗水槽試作機での実験を重ねていきたい。
松本 隆仁 乾 博 宮武 和孝 中野 長久 村上 克介
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.19, no.4, pp.223-227, 2007-10-31 (Released:2008-03-29)

We have investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration (0.04% and 10%) on growth of Euglena as a fundamental study. Useful nutrients such as high quality protein and fatty acid, as well as specific saccharide (β-1,3 glucan), contained in Euglena are now being highlighted. In the present study, we investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration on the production of protein, paramylon and fatty acid. Under the CO2 concentration of 0.04%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 105.0 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 48.2 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid was 20.3 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in other light conditions. Whereas under the CO2 concentration of 10%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 125.6 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 57.6 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid 29.7 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in ordinary air conditions (with 0.04% CO2). No significant differences in these nutrient contents were found between the four light quality treatments under the CO2 concentration of 10%. As previous data we showed growth of Euglena depended on chlorophyll contents, protein and paramylon contents depended on chlorophyll contents, too. It was concluded that Euglena would be good nutrition source when they are cultured in each light conditions under CO2 concentration of 10%, so CO2 discharged from industrials, power stations and so on, will be utilized to this new food production system, effectively.