入日 茜 村上 克介 Irihi Akane Murakami Katsusuke
大学教育研究 : 三重大学授業研究交流誌
vol.15, pp.1-9, 2007-09

昨年の講演内容をこのように公刊誌に掲載いただき、誠に光栄に存じますと共に、いささか恐縮いたしております。大学時代に学んだ授業に触発され、私はシンガー・ソングライターを志しました。録音スタジオオーナーとの出会いを経て、オーディションに応募し、お誘いをいただきました。こだわりのある熱意を持ったプロダクションの所属となり、尊敬できる共演者たち、頼もしいスタッフ、温かいファンの方々に囲まれながら、華々しくはなくとも幸せな音楽人生を過ごして来ました。時には失敗や挫折も経験しながらの作詞、作曲、CD制作、ライブ活動、この約十年間を経て、オリジナリティは人生の中でとても大切なものであり、しかも、それは、個々人の感性によって作られることに気付きました。感性は、芸術鑑賞、恋愛や読書、旅などによっても磨かれますが、人とのつながりによる影響がとても大きいものです。本稿を読んで下さる皆様が、より良き感性を育まれ、生活においても仕事においても、より創造的な人生を歩まれるのなら、私にとってこんなにうれしいことはありません。The significance of indivisual originality in the activities of human life was reported from the perspective of a singer-songwriter by Ms. Akane Irihi in a special lecture on 12 December 2006, at the Common Education Center, Mie University. The 'musical' lessons that she recieved at Nara Education University encouraged her to become a musician and singer-songwriter. Thereafter she successfully auditioned her composition at a recording company in Tokyo. Numerous experiences in human co-relations (i.e. co-musicians, staffs and fans) helped her, to grow as a better musician. Through performances of her art (live performance, recordings and compositions of music) and life experiences over about 10 years, she found that originality in the activities of human life, including art, investigation and so on, is extremely important, and that originality is created by the unique sensitivities of each person, which are the result of human relations with other persons, appreciation of arts, book readings, travels and so on. It seems that young persons should be encouraged to grow the good sensitivities in their lives, thanking people for supporting them, in order to promote better dreams and happiness for their lives and works in the future.
鎌田 基司 村上 克介 松本 隆仁 村瀬 治比古 諸見里 聰 増田 篤稔 洞口 公俊 向阪 信一
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会 全国大会講演論文集
vol.35, pp.159, 2002

モズクは健康食品として消費が伸びてきている。モズク養殖生産の効率化と安定化を図る上で、光環境の作用&middot;効果の解明が必要である。そこで光環境の基礎的知見を得るため、モズク盤状体の光合成特性について実験検討を行った。培養には40W3波長形蛍光ランプを用いた。光合成特性は光合成有効光子照度(PPFD)を0&sim;1000&mu;mol m<SUP>-2</SUP>s<SUP>-1</SUP>として測定した。実験検討の結果、日数の経過とともに盤状体の濃度は高まり、光の透過率が低くなった。高濃度のモズクは低濃度のモズクより低いPPFDで酸素発生速度が速くなる結果が得られた。モズク盤状体の光合成における最適な光飽和点は150&sim;300&mu;mol m<SUP>-2</SUP>s<SUP>-1</SUP>であった。今後、モズクの光合成特性の測定&middot;把握と併せて、補光設備を配設した実験用人工採苗水槽試作機での実験を重ねていきたい。
村上 克介 洞口 公俊 森田 政明 相賀 一郎
Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists
生物環境調節 (ISSN:05824087)
vol.29, no.2, pp.73-79, 1991-06-30 (Released:2010-06-22)
4 8

The seedlings of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Russian Mammoth) were hydroponic-cultured in a controlled environment at 25°C and at 70% relative humidity. Using three band fluorescent lamps (5000 K) as the main lighting source, the PPFD (400-700 nm) was kept at 200, μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1, and each additional PFD (700-800 nm) of far-red (FR) irradiation in four experiments, using FR fluorescent lamps, was kept at 107.1, 50.1, 25.6, and 9.3 umol⋅m-2⋅s-1, respectively.According to the additional level of FR irradiation, the fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area and stem length of the seedlings were increased. The stem length was extended greatly by additional FR irradiation, and leaf/stem dry weight ratio was also changed. Eight days after the treatment by FR irradiation, the stem length was extended 3.8 times longer in FR, 107.1, μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1 treatment in comparison with the 9.3μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1treatment, and leaf/stem dry weight ratio was 5.8 to 2.7.It was found that stem extension and leaf/stem dry weight ratio could be controlled artificially by the level of the additional FR irradiation. As a result, it indicates that the evaluation of FR irradiation may be useful in designing the lighting conditions of plant factories or in atria.
松本 隆仁 乾 博 宮武 和孝 中野 長久 村上 克介
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.19, no.4, pp.223-227, 2007-10-31 (Released:2008-03-29)

We have investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration (0.04% and 10%) on growth of Euglena as a fundamental study. Useful nutrients such as high quality protein and fatty acid, as well as specific saccharide (β-1,3 glucan), contained in Euglena are now being highlighted. In the present study, we investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration on the production of protein, paramylon and fatty acid. Under the CO2 concentration of 0.04%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 105.0 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 48.2 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid was 20.3 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in other light conditions. Whereas under the CO2 concentration of 10%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 125.6 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 57.6 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid 29.7 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in ordinary air conditions (with 0.04% CO2). No significant differences in these nutrient contents were found between the four light quality treatments under the CO2 concentration of 10%. As previous data we showed growth of Euglena depended on chlorophyll contents, protein and paramylon contents depended on chlorophyll contents, too. It was concluded that Euglena would be good nutrition source when they are cultured in each light conditions under CO2 concentration of 10%, so CO2 discharged from industrials, power stations and so on, will be utilized to this new food production system, effectively.
増田 篤稔 隠地 武彦 村上 克介
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.27, no.3, pp.67-72, 2015-07-01 (Released:2015-08-26)

Controlling dissolved oxygen (DO) level in rearing tank is one of the most important for intermediate breeding of abalones with land based production facilities. Continuous DO measurement was conducted for two rearing tanks of 15.5 m3 seawater each and containing 19,000 abalone of 50 mm length and 60,000 abalone of 23 mm length in running seawater condition of 17.6 m3 per hour. Oxygen consumption of abalone was also examined. A model formula expressing oxygen distribution in rearing tank was made based on these data. There are diurnal changes in DO concentration in rearing tank, higher in afternoon and lower in midnight, and DO decreased to less than 80% of saturation couple of times, harmful level for good growth.
向阪 信一 洞口 公俊 齋藤 直樹 上條 和彦 黒越 治 村上 克介
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.90, no.11, pp.808-815, 2006-11-01

For stable mass production of vegetable seedlings with good quality, a commercial greenhouse nursery needs a supplemental lighting system that is not affected by light fluctuations under natural solar conditions. Therefore, a practical plant nursery covering a 12 ×24 m area, and using a supplemental lighting system, was developed for the growth of vegetable seedlings. The developed lighting system had 400-W mercury-free, high pressure sodium lamps with reflectors, which produced a red radiation to far-red radiation photon flux(R/FR PF)ratio of 1.1. This is similar to that of solar radiation. And over about 60 µml m-2 s-1 of PPFD was realized for stable and healthy gronth of vegetable seedlings. By using a simulation model of horizontal distribution of PPFD on two cultivation beds(each bed area: 4.6 × 22.6 m) under 100lamps, it was found that the system had high uniformity of lighting on the two beds. Observed value of illulninance and PPFD and unifomity also satisfied the planned specifications. By repeating a seedling growth experiment using various plants in this greenhouse,it is expected that the practical and effective use of this supplemental lighting system will be possible in rainy seasons or in the late winter period.