鈴木 健吾 中野 良平 山口 日出樹 丸田 彩子 中野 長久
The Society of Powder Technology, Japan
粉体工学会誌 (ISSN:03866157)
vol.50, no.10, pp.728-732, 2013-10-10 (Released:2013-10-18)

There is a higher demand for naturally derived organic fillers than for conventional inorganic fillers, which have a greater environmental impact. For example, cellulose is commonly available organic filler ; however its dispersion in the matrix such as polymers may be poor depending on the base material, and it cannot even form a complex. In this study, we focused on paramylon, which is a naturally derived polysaccharide having unique physical properties. Using a universal testing machine EZ Graph-10 kN, we compared the physical properties of a compound containing 100 polypropylene, 20 paramylon, and 5 maleic-acid-modified low-molecular-weight polypropylene resin as a compatibilizer, with a filler-free compound of the same formulation It was found that with increasing paramylon, the maximum point stress and elasticity increased, while the maximum point displacement decreased. This result suggests that paramylon is a novel prospective filler material.
中野 長久 大串 美沙 渡邊 敏明
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.91, no.5.6, pp.323-330, 2017 (Released:2018-06-30)

Food includes complicated and wide-ranging ingredients. In order to support life, we digest and absorb only necessary ingredients (nutrients), which are selectively metabolized for the formation of energy and/ or body components, to utilize the necessary nutrients. However, eating habits under full-feeding in our country seem to be in the process to transform disrupted eating habits leading to health damage, because a gap between health expectancy and life expectancy remains still large due to the development of lifestyle diseases including obesity which are caused by an unbalanced diet and/or disrupted food style. In order to bring health expectancy near to life expectancy by correcting disrupted eating habits as much as possible, we should consider the factor to reduce the gap between health expectancy and life expectancy. One of the ways to reduce the gap is a skillful application of food functions to the improvement of disrupted eating habits and also the combination of the improvement of disrupted eating habits by application of food functions with exercise can be thought to be an important factor to reduce the gap. As an example of the application of food functions to the improvement of disrupted eating habits, we will introduce the application of Euglena (Japanese name, Euglena gracilis) based on its physiological functions as a nutrient to improve disrupted eating habits in this review.
金井 猛徳 谷岡 由梨 中野 長久 小山 修平
一般社団法人 CIEC
コンピュータ&エデュケーション (ISSN:21862168)
vol.46, pp.70-75, 2019

<p> 管理栄養士・栄養士養成課程における調理実習工程は,まず教員が模範を見せ,それを学生は見ながら教材にメモをとる。その後,各自の班に分かれ実習を行うという形式である。しかし,実習の工程は複雑であること,衛生的な観点からも教材を確認することが困難な場合があるため,非接触で操作可能な教育支援システムを導入することで学習効果が高まると考えられる。そこで,本研究では調理実習において3次元深度センサを利用したジェスチャ操作を可能とするデジタル教材システムを開発した。本システムは,操作者の動作をモニタする3次元深度センサ(Kinect),ディスプレイモニタおよびそれらを制御するアプリケーションが導入されたPCで構成した。また,本システムは,栄養士養成課程の学生を対象に実際に操作を体験した上でアンケート調査を実施し,システムの有用性について検証した。</p>
松本 隆仁 乾 博 宮武 和孝 中野 長久 村上 克介
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.19, no.4, pp.223-227, 2007-10-31 (Released:2008-03-29)

We have investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration (0.04% and 10%) on growth of Euglena as a fundamental study. Useful nutrients such as high quality protein and fatty acid, as well as specific saccharide (β-1,3 glucan), contained in Euglena are now being highlighted. In the present study, we investigated the effects of light quality and CO2 concentration on the production of protein, paramylon and fatty acid. Under the CO2 concentration of 0.04%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 105.0 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 48.2 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid was 20.3 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in other light conditions. Whereas under the CO2 concentration of 10%, protein contents in Euglena cultured in red and blue light were 125.6 μg 106 cells-1, paramylon 57.6 μg 106 cells-1, and in blue light fatty acid 29.7 μg 106 cells-1, higher than those in ordinary air conditions (with 0.04% CO2). No significant differences in these nutrient contents were found between the four light quality treatments under the CO2 concentration of 10%. As previous data we showed growth of Euglena depended on chlorophyll contents, protein and paramylon contents depended on chlorophyll contents, too. It was concluded that Euglena would be good nutrition source when they are cultured in each light conditions under CO2 concentration of 10%, so CO2 discharged from industrials, power stations and so on, will be utilized to this new food production system, effectively.