松永 幸子
イギリス哲学研究 (ISSN:03877450)
vol.33, pp.67-82, 2010-03-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

In this study, the writer has attempted to clarify the characteristics of Royal Humane Society (RHS), the first association for life-saving and suicide prevention in England, analyzing theories of its founders and endeavors. The debate on suicide was much heater than elsewhere in early modern England, and the verdict “non compos mentis” has been increased. In this stream, RHS was founded by two medical men. Doctors and priests cooperated to prevent suicide in RHS, where the key conceptions of their theories were ʻself-loveʼ, ʻbenevolenceʼ and ʻcompassionʼ. They insisted ʻthe patientsʼ who attempted suicide need medical care and emphasized the importance of education that control passions.
松永 幸子 Sachiko MATSUNAGA
埼玉学園大学紀要. 人間学部篇 = Bulletin of Saitama Gakuen University. Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13470515)
vol.15, pp.67-76, 2015-12-01

松永 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.44, pp.59-64, 2005-03-10

David Hume (1711-1776), a philosopher of Scotland in 18 th century, treats 'education'concerned with the artificial virtues in his moral theory, especially in his most important work A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740). But his theory about 'education'has been neglected, as compared with other conceptions. In this paper, the writer has attempted to clarify Hume's moral theory concentrating on his treatise of 'education'. Hume divides the virtues into two, the natural virtues and the artificial virtues. He treats justice as one of the main artificial virtues and insists it is to be created not only by the human conventions but also by 'education'. As same as justice, other artificial virtues like chastity and modesty are formed mainly by 'education'. 'Education'occupies a quite important position in his theory as the principle that produces the artificial virtues.
松永 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.42, pp.11-20, 2003-03-10

Is committing suicide sin? This is the issue on which has been debated for a long time. In early modern Europe, suicide was called "English Malady". One of the reasons is that the debates on suicide in England was much heater than elsewhere, and the word "suicide" was coined in the seventeenth century England. In this paper, the writer has attempted to clarify the characteristics of the arguments on suicide in its early stages in England, analyzing the contents of their theses. The first runners were John Sym (Lifes Preservative against Self-Killing, 1637) and John Donne (Biathanatos, 1647). Sym enlarged the category of "exempt cases" and included suicide which was committed by "passion" or those who could not judge morally, proposing his dietetic measures which prevented from people committing suicide. Donne demonstrated that all suicide could not be sin, using the neutral term "Self-homicide" for the first time. According to Donne, suicide could be "Self-preservation" itself. On the ground built by them, the following debates on suicide evolved in the 17th and 18th century England, where suicide became to be considered as "non compos mentis".