林 公則
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.45, no.2, pp.49-58, 2008-07-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

Environmental destructions caused by military activities ("military-related environmental problems"), though these cause serious damages, don't have taken up as academic research subject. So military-related environmental problems even the actual condition on damages has been left. As a result of this the responsibility on the occurrence of damages has not been demonstrated and effective countermeasures have not been adopted. As I think knowing the history on military-related environmental problems will lead to trace the cause on damages and to demonstrate responsibility, I study about this in this paper. To demonstrate above I analyze the documents on Yokota Air Base pollution that disclosed by U. S. force. And I put together military base pollution problem from view of a phenomenon. In addition I focus on a political-economics aspect and demonstrate how military-industrial complex has participated in the occurrence or military base pollution problem. In this paper I demonstrate below. First by that military-industrial complex that has had strong influence after World War II has developed environment-destructive military technology, environment has been destructed in various areas by military activities. The cause on occurrence of military base pollution is that environment doesn't restore any more by new weapons and pollution is accumulated. Second after military base pollution came to light through the end of the Cold War military-industrial complex was not broken up and exists in other form. And military-industrial complex has developed weapons that draw military-related environmental problems even after the end of the Cold War. Third military expenditures that reduce after the end of the Cold War increase after "9・11". By U. S. force transformation not only military activities that draw military base pollution are strengthened but also the resources that save by base closures inject into the countermeasures against terrorism. The transformation after the end of the Cold War is proceeded not peaceful world but to a new dimension on war. Therefore wars and military activities don't reduce. By contraries after "9・11" the world affairs has been instability. Military technology has been sophisticated and military-industrial complex has developed environment-destructive weapons. To get rid of this situation we must realize the century that respect of peace and environment preservation that shoot for disarmament and conversion.
林 公則
環境社会学研究 (ISSN:24340618)
vol.25, pp.18-34, 2019-12-05 (Released:2022-10-18)

本稿では,軍事と財政・金融の密接な関係性を軍事財政論や日本経済論の成果から明らかにしたうえで,日本政府による基地維持財政政策の主要な対象となってきた沖縄で 2015 年に立ち上げられた辺野古基金の意義を考察している。沖縄県内外の多人数の資金的援助(寄付)を通じて辺野古移設反対運動を支えようというのが辺野古基金の取り組みである。税金を資金源とする各種の政府活動は軍事も含め,国家全体の公益のために実施されることになっている。にもかかわらず公共の利益のためとされている活動が軍需産業によって資本の利益に置き換えられていたり,自然環境や生活環境を破壊し各種の被害を出す軍事基地が各種補助金によって非民主主義的な形で維持されたりしてきている。また預貯金を中心とする日本の現在の金融システムも,軍事関連産業の発展のために利用されてきた。資金の出し手(納税者や預貯金者)と資金の受け手(軍需産業や基地受け入れ自治体など)との無関係性が,軍事優先の国家安全保障や辺野古新基地建設を推進することにつながっている。辺野古基金は軍事による国家安全保障政策への,寄付を通じての市民による異議申し立てである。そして,軍事を国家の専管事項にしないための取り組みである。軍事は中央集権的な財政・金融で 進められてきた。一方で,辺野古基金は寄付を含めた金融が市民関与の新たな可能性であることを 示しているし,中央集権的な財政・金融よりも正当性を有する可能性を示している。
川瀬 光義 林 公則 金 淳植 真喜屋 美樹
