林 洋輔
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.617-635, 2013 (Released:2013-12-07)

In the present study, an attempt was made to clarify a process of improving bodily movements in the context of physical education, centering on René Descartes' (1596-1650) theory of the passions of the soul. In the study of physical education philosophy, some attempts have been made to reconsider the mind-body relationship proposed by Descartes. To date, however, there has been little discussion about the passion of the soul theory from the viewpoint of an individual's bodily movements. Accordingly, it seems informative to examine a process of changing bodily movements from the philosophical perspective of Descartes.  The passion of desire and wonder, according to Descartes, has a profound influence on bodily movements, because, according to him, if the soul desires anything, the whole body becomes more agile and ready to move than without such desire. Curbing our desire for wonder disposes us to acquire scientific knowledge, thus leading us to achieve a specific aim. So we humans strive to control passion, desire and wonder through reason. Descartes also indicated the effect of habit, which leads us to change our bodily movements. Habits are applied not only in animals, but also humans. Therefore, these should be utilized for changing or improving our bodily movements. In addition, forethought can make our bodily movements more appropriate, because if we take care to be aware of our desire, which is dependent only on us, and seek to gain a goal as a result for it, we can enjoy the passion of joy, which brings pleasant emotion recognized by the soul. Bodily movements can thus change in a series of processes.  More enlightened discussion can ensue by elaborating on Descartes' mind-body theory and the passions of the soul.
林 洋輔
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14035, (Released:2015-04-10)
3 1

In the present study, an attempt was made to clarify the whole structure and originality of Taiiku-gaku (Science of PE, Health and Sport Sciences), centering on the ‘tree of sciences’ theory of René Descartes (1596-1650). In the study of physical education philosophy, some attempts have been made to reveal the whole structure and originality of Taiiku-gaku. It seems more appropriate to discuss and address this issue by defining certain principles at the outset. For this purpose, it would informative to examine this issue from the philosophical perspective of Descartes’ ‘tree of sciences’ philosophy. In the history of discussion to clarify the whole structure and originality of Taiiku-gaku among researchers, three essential characteristics become evident: (1) Science should be aimed at being practical and useful, (2) it should contribute to our well-being, and (3) it should aid the search for wisdom. Up to now, it appears that Taiiku-gaku as a science has advanced in line with these characteristics. However, Descartes revealed his vision of the purpose of science through the “tree of sciences” in his Principia Philosophiae (Principles of Philosophy). He analogized the whole structure of science (philosophy) to a tree with its roots, trunk, branches and fruit. The present paper therefore utilizes this concept of Descartes to answer the question. In conclusion, the whole structure of Taiiku-gaku could be understood as being analogous to a tree, and the originality of Taiiku-gaku does not depend on humans themselves or human movement as a fundamental research object. The originality of Taiiku-gaku can be analogized with the achievement of Generosity, which is the goal of the “tree of sciences”. Thus, on the basis of output diversity analogous to fruit taken from branches of the tree, the originality can be characterized as a science that tries to achieve the highest performance of human movement imaginable. More enlightened discussion can ensue by reconsidering the concept of taiiku (which is different from Physical Education) and the identity of Taiiku-gaku researchers.
林 洋輔
大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University (ISSN:24329622)
vol.68, pp.71-79, 2020-02

本論文においては,20世紀フランスの哲学者・哲学史家であるピエール・アド(1922-2010)が中心となって提唱された「生き方としての哲学Philosophy as a Way of Life」--その実質は「精神の修練Spiritual Exercise」--が教育思想として捉え直されることの可能性が明らかにされた。アドにおいて,哲学とは「生き方」およびその実現である。彼によれば,哲学を学ぶことは生き方を選ぶことと同義である。というのもアドが論じた古代哲学において,任意の生き方を選ぶことは同時に任意の「学派」に入門することを意味しており,その学派で学ばれるのが「精神の修練」と呼ばれるエクササイズだからである。各学派によってその実質は異なるものの,「精神の修練」では自らの生を変容させる知恵の獲得が目指されている。それゆえ「哲学の生を歩むこと」とは自らの完全な変容を期して知恵を求める営みである。アドの議論を精査していくことにより,ある生き方を決意した者が入門した学派において哲学者より「精神の修練」を通じて自らの生き方を創る,との過程を確認できる。それゆえ,学習者が哲学者となる過程は「精神の進歩」の方法とも捉えうるものであって,その進歩において学習者は自らを「精神の修練」によって教育する。「精神の修練」とは学習者が任意の学派において哲学者により手解きを受け,獲得された知恵の内面化によって変容を期するものである。この観点において「精神の修練」とは,学習者がそれによって哲学に拠る生き方を創る点において,教育思想と密接なつながりを有することが明らかとなる。
林 洋輔

筑波大学博士 (体育科学) 学位論文・平成24年4月30日授与 (甲第6280号)