小林 輝雄 藤橋 芳弘 円谷 哲男 佐藤 純一 大浦 泰 藤井 保和
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.117, no.5, pp.609-615, 1997-04-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

In Japan speed tests in 300km/h region have been carried out since Oyama Test Line recorded a 319km/h run in 1979. Meanwhile TGV recorded a 515.3km/h run by an electric locomotive installed with a pantograph in 1990 and ICE did 406.9km/h using similar train in 1988. High speed current collection tests over 400km/h using electric railcars have been desired in Japan. Problems of high speed tests are: train speed approaching wave propagation velocity, multi-pantographs resonance, and too large uplift of contact wires caused by lift. It is necessary to keep wave propagation velocity of contact wire higher than train speed. CS contact wire and TA contact wire were compared in high speed tests because it was impossible to get a good current collecting performance by using hard-drawn copper contact wires. In December, 1993 using these contact wires we carried out high speed running tests of 400km/h region on Jyoetsu Shinkansen with the test train STAR 21 which JR EAST built for high speed tests. This paper gives the current collecting performance of these contact wires predicted by simulation and running tests at 425km/h.
網干 光雄 大浦 泰 小林 輝雄 円谷 哲男 上野 勝禧 金子 誠
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.116, no.4, pp.490-496, 1996-03-20 (Released:2008-12-19)
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For Projected Shinkansen, it is necessary to develop an economical overhead catenary system allowing stable train operation at high-speed and meeting the transport demands. In order to develop a new overhead catenary system for this purpose, we designed a high tension simple catenary system with CS contact wire (Copper contact wire with Steel-core), and constructed this system on Tohoku Shinkansen line for operation test. During 4 years, we measured contact loss of pantograph, uplift and stress of contact wire, its maintainability including the wear of contact wire, and others. The test results so far obtained prove that its performance is as high as that of high-tension heavy compound catenary system.
田所 義晃 西島 正博 林 輝雄 根本 荘一 吉原 一 巽 英樹 島田 信宏 新井 正夫 鶴野 和則 飯島 美典 天野 広子
北里医学 (ISSN:03855449)
vol.18, no.3, pp.267-274, 1988-06-30

北里大学病院における1982年1月から1985年8月までの胎児超音波計測値を用いて,胎児Biparietal Diameter (BPD),及びFemur Length (FL)の標準発育曲線を作成した。さらに妊娠期間の推定についても検討を行った。計測値は各週数ごとにまとめ,平均値,標準偏差を算出した。これを3点移動平均法で平滑化し,高次回帰曲線で近似した。BPDの平均発育は,y=(-3.45)×10^<-4>x^3+(2.34)×10^<-1>x^2+(-2.31)x+(2.73)×10となり,FLの発育はy=(-2.76)×10^<-2>x^<-2>+(3.70)x+(-3.18)×10(y: 計測値(mm), x: 過数)と示された。また同じ方法を用いて計測値から妊娠期間を推定する回帰式を作成した。BPD, FLからの平均妊娠期間の予測は,それぞれy=(0.17)x10^<-1>x^2+(5.34)×10^<-1>x+(79.7), y=(0.18)×10^<-1>x^2+(1.43)x+(82.8), (y: 妊娠期間(days), x: 計測値(mm))と示された。また±1.5SDで規定される範囲を推定の幅とすると,妊娠中期では±1週,末期では±2週程度の誤差で妊娠期間が推定されることが示された。