柴田 康太郎
音楽学 (ISSN:00302597)
vol.64, no.1, pp.1-16, 2018 (Released:2019-10-15)

柴田 康太郎
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.68, no.1, pp.109-120, 2017 (Released:2018-07-01)

Movie theaters in the silent era had a feature as a concert hall. Especially in Japan in the Taisho era, they were central places where ordinary people heard Western music. Though they are important case for Japanese receptive study of Western music, how film audiences received it had scarcely been investigated. This study, focusing on some theaters in Tokyo especially around 1920 and 1927, tries to show their receptions of Western music. First three sections consider on the audiences’ columns in the pamphlets issued by one of the main movie theaters, Teikokukan in Asakusa. They show that audiences were so interested in Western music which was frequently played as intermission music that, when the same music was used for film accompaniment, it sometimes gained audiences’ attention more than the film it was used for. But until 1927, musical medleys had gradually gained popularity as a new form of intermission music. The popularity was based on each tunes’ associative images which had been formed in audience through their repetitive use in film accompaniment. The peculiar associations formed in the movie theaters gave birth to a unique musical practice.
柴田 康太郎
美学 = Aesthetics (ISSN:05200962)
vol.66, no.1, pp.173-184, 2015

In Japanese film history, the late 1930s was known as a period when interest in filmic "realism" rose. This study examines how this interest in filmic realism influenced musical accompaniment in narrative films in the late 1930s. It mainly focuses on two complementary aspects of filmic realism: one based on naturalist/ socialist realism in literature and the other based on a new conception of filmic representation that emphasized audiovisual realism. This study investigates the contrasting influences of these two aspects. One influence was the decrease in the use of non-diegetic music, a practice reported in contemporary texts that can be confirmed by existing realist films. The first half of the paper analyzes contemporary discourse on filmic realism and anti-musical accompaniment arguments and reveals that musical accompaniment was considered unsuitable for both the above-mentioned aspects of realism. This influence, however, was not restricted to the decrease in use of non-diegetic music. In fact musical accompaniment was not completely abandoned, and some contemporary Japanese film composers sought an effective way of using it in realist films. The latter half of this paper shows the efforts of Fukai Shiro, one such leading Japanese composer, in this regard.
柴田 康太郎
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.66, no.1, pp.173-184, 2015-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

In Japanese film history, the late 1930s was known as a period when interest in filmic "realism" rose. This study examines how this interest in filmic realism influenced musical accompaniment in narrative films in the late 1930s. It mainly focuses on two complementary aspects of filmic realism: one based on naturalist/ socialist realism in literature and the other based on a new conception of filmic representation that emphasized audiovisual realism. This study investigates the contrasting influences of these two aspects. One influence was the decrease in the use of non-diegetic music, a practice reported in contemporary texts that can be confirmed by existing realist films. The first half of the paper analyzes contemporary discourse on filmic realism and anti-musical accompaniment arguments and reveals that musical accompaniment was considered unsuitable for both the above-mentioned aspects of realism. This influence, however, was not restricted to the decrease in use of non-diegetic music. In fact musical accompaniment was not completely abandoned, and some contemporary Japanese film composers sought an effective way of using it in realist films. The latter half of this paper shows the efforts of Fukai Shiro, one such leading Japanese composer, in this regard.