栗崎 由貴子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.9, no.1, pp.3-12, 2012-12-20 (Released:2014-03-13)

In this essay the author will consider an aspect of the theory of language in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbols. In Chap.6, Part 2, Vol. 3 of his Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, he takes up the pathology of symbolic consciousness in discussing the Phenomenology of Knowledge. He examines Kurt Goldstein’s notion of “impairment of categorical attitude”. Goldstein is persuaded that an analysis of symptoms characteristic of amnesic aphasia will finally prove quite important to inquire into the way humans set themselves up against the world. Cassirer regards the same pathological cases as pathways by following which we can discover the process in which human mind acquires its ability to make the symbolic form of language and develops its cognitive powers. How Cassirer incorporates Goldstein’s observations into his own system of philosophy? This is what we are concerned with in this thesis.
栗崎 由貴子 能登谷 晶子 小山 善子 鈴木 重忠 藤井 博之
日本失語症学会 (現 一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会)
失語症研究 (ISSN:02859513)
vol.16, no.4, pp.308-313, 1996 (Released:2006-05-24)

右被殻出血により,失語症と左片麻痺を呈した生来右利きの一症例を報告した。症例は発症時 49歳,男性。当科初診の発症から 16ヵ月経過時の言語症状は,軽度の言語理解障害および音韻性錯語を中心とした表出面の障害であった。とくに復唱障害が著しかった。発症から 40ヵ月経過時には,表出面で自発語や音読の改善は良好であったが,復唱の際に文レベルで,助詞が他の助詞に置換される障害が認められた。この傾向は発症から 55ヵ月時も同様であった。本例の復唱障害の誤り方は,波多野(1991)の錯文法性錯語を主症状とした伝導失語例に類似していた。
栗崎 由貴子
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.9, no.1, pp.3-12, 2012

In this essay the author will consider an aspect of the theory of language in Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of symbols. In Chap.6, Part 2, Vol. 3 of his <i>Philosophy of Symbolic Forms,</i> he takes up the pathology of symbolic consciousness in discussing the Phenomenology of Knowledge. He examines Kurt Goldstein's notion of "impairment of categorical attitude". Goldstein is persuaded that an analysis of symptoms characteristic of amnesic aphasia will finally prove quite important to inquire into the way humans set themselves up against the world. Cassirer regards the same pathological cases as pathways by following which we can discover the process in which human mind acquires its ability to make the symbolic form of language and develops its cognitive powers. How Cassirer incorporates Goldstein's observations into his own system of philosophy? This is what we are concerned with in this thesis.