栗本 慎一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.52, no.2, pp.176, 2016 (Released:2016-02-23)

肥満は,がん,糖尿病,循環器疾患などの多くの生活習慣病のリスクファクターであることが知られている.しかしながら,世界規模で肥満人口は増加の一途をたどっており,肥満人口の最も多い米国では,成人の3人に1人が肥満(BMI≧30:国際基準)と言われている.我が国でも,成人男性の約3割,成人女性の約2割が肥満(BMI≧25:日本肥満学会基準)に該当し,健康寿命の延伸や生活習慣病の発症ならびに重症化の予防を目指す上で,肥満人口の減少は大きな課題の1つとなっている.肥満病態の形成に最も密接に関わるのが食習慣であり,それゆえ,食事を通じた肥満の予防・改善を目指した研究が盛んに行われている.ローズマリー(Rosmarinus officinalis L.)はシソ科の多年草であり,香辛料やハーブとして用いられているほか,抽出エキスは食品添加物や記憶力を高めるサプリメントとして利用されている.本稿では,Zhaoらによるローズマリーの抗肥満作用とその活性成分に関する研究を紹介する.なお、本稿は下記の文献に基づいて、その研究成果を紹介するものである。1) Zhao Y. et al., J. Agric. Food. Chem., 63, 4843-4852 (2015).2) Harach T. et al., Planta Med., 76, 566-571 (2010).3) Ibarra A. et al., Br. J. Nutr., 106, 1182-1189 (2011).
栗本 慎一郎
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.35, no.4, pp.397-430,456, 1969-12-20 (Released:2017-08-03)

In Great Britain, the extent of monopoly in the steel industry was not so remarkable as it was in the United States or in Germany. This situation seems to be the result of the character of wrought-iron production in Great Britain. It is generally recognized that the distinctive feature of wrought-iron production shortly before the Great Depression was the dominance of small unit of production. However, few quantitaitve studies which contemplated on the structure of production have been made even in Britain. At the end of the 1860's, the typical organization of the iron industry was that one enterprise operated one workshop. Small enterprises were mostly engaged in a part of different processes. These of middle size were reducing the number of working furnaces, mills, and forges. Despite the dominance of small enterprises, there were some large-scale enterprises which generally operated several workshops successfully. The declining position of the medium-sized enterprise was especially noticiable e. g., in South Staffordshire. The above tendency was a result of the export boom of the late 1860's, which greatly increased the demand for iron and the availability of funds. It was possible for individual firms to integrate or separate by incidental motives, since even marginal firms were permitted to survive during the boom period. Several examples will be given in this paper. Prof. G. C. Allen mentioned that the movement toward integration in South Staffordshire had been accelerated in the 1850's. His argument, however, is not proven, and quantitaive evtdnce shows the opposite trend. Therefore, his argument should be revised. The major statistical sources of this paper are in the Report of the Royal Commission on Coal in the United Kingdom, 1871.
栗本 慎一郎
社會經濟史學 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.44, no.4, pp.323-341, 426-425, 1979-01-10

The very paper read at the national conference of Socio-Economic History Society of May, 1978, was already published at a periodical Shiso, No. 647, with the title of "Economic Anthropology and Economic History'. Therefore this newly writtem essay presents firstly economic anthropologists' radical concepts related to the origins of economic institutions, and secondly their comments on Marxist conception of history, as a complement to the above-mentioned paper. Polanyi, the founder of new economic anthropology, asserts that trade, money and market have their separate origins. Some forms of trade and various money uses gain great importance in economic life, independent of and precedent to markets. Even where market elements are presents, they do not necessarily involve the existence of a supply-demand price mechanism. Prices (equivalencies) are originally set by tradition, and their change, if it occurs, is brought about by such institutional means, not by market methods. Polanyist's (substantivist's) views naturally leads us to the position critical against Marxist economic history. We indicate that the substructure of society, production style, should not be purely materialistic, but just epistemological. Relating to this, a French Marxist, Louis Althusser's understanding about it and history can be regarded as thoughts with some same base as ours. Materialistic conception should be epistemological, if it is to try to keep valid.