森下 敬一 早川 貞夫 増田 進致 篠島 敏子 久田 美智子
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.15, no.3, pp.105-112, 1968 (Released:2010-03-12)

Blood pressures, specific gravities of whole blood and the hematocrit values of more than 4000 volunteer donors (male 2900, female 1300) who visited The Tokyo Red Cross Blood Center from January, 1965 till December, 1966, ranging from 16 to 60 years old, were tested. The correlation between the specific gravities of whole blood by copper sulfate method and the hematocrit values was investigated. The results obtained were summarized as follows.1. Blood pressure: The systolic blood pressure was higher in young people, both men and women, than the standard value of the Japanese reported by Watanabe in 1947, whereas the diastolic blood pressure was the same as the standard. It is noteworthy that the systolic blood pressure of young people became higher than at 20 years ago.2. Specific gravities of whole blood: Specific gravities of whole blood lay around 1.) 57 in male and around 1.) 53 in female.3. Hematocrit values: Hematocrit values obtained by using capillaries made of Panlite corresponded to the standard values, being 45% for male and 40% for female.4. Some correlation existed between the specific gravities of whole blood and the hematocrit values. There was a tendency, however, that the latter showed a relatively wide range against one definite value of the former. For example, the hematocrit values of blood samples which have the same specific gravity of 1.052 had a range from 32% to 48%.5. Judging from the specific gravities persons whose values are 1.051 or lower cannot donate blood. Judging from the hematocrit values, however, 89.3% and 62.5% of persons whose specific gravities are 1.051 and 1.050 respectively, can donate their blood for transfusion.6. According to our opinion exclusion of prospective donors on the basis of specific gravities of whole blood does not seem superior than on the basis of hematocrit values.
森下 敬一 越智 久男
社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.53, no.5, pp.588-600, 2003-11-01 (Released:2011-03-18)

・1975以降、森下世界的長寿郷調査団は、毎年2~3回の頻度で「世界三大長寿郷 (コーカサス、フンザ及び南米・ビルカバンバ) 」の実地調査を実施してきた。・1984年-新彊ウイグル特に南彊が「第四の世界的長寿郷」であることを認定した。・1987年-コーカサス、中央アジア、パミール高原周辺 (フンザを含む) 及び南彊の北緯40度前後、東西8000kmに及ぶベルト地帯を「絲綱之路・長寿郷」と命名し、第16回・自然医学・国際シンポジウムに於いて研究発表を行った。・1991年-広西壮族自治区・巴馬の実地調査を試み、是が「第五の世界的長寿郷」である事を認定した。世界の百歳長寿者達は、シルクロード沿いのベルト状地帯に多く存在し、幾つかの共通項があることが判明した。主食が挽きぐるみの未精白穀物であり、竈に貼り付けて焼くこと。生まれた土地を離れず、その土地で収穫できる作物を食していること。文明の侵襲を受けていない長寿郷では、土壌→食物→身体の生命エネルギーが循環していた。