小田 史郎 清野 彩 森谷 〓
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.245-254, 2001-04-01
1 1 3

The present study was aimed to survey the relation between habitual exercise and the quality of nocturnal sleep. Questionnaires on exercise behavior and sleep were given to 452 male and female unuversity students. The questionnaires included such questions as; on their habitual exercise the kind of exercise, duration and frequency of doing the exercise, the period of continuation, rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and subjective feeling of their exercise load for health (heavy, suitable, light). TMIN Life Habits Inventory were conducted to ascertain the quality of sleep. The results of all the students showed that they were more likely to experience insufficient asleep period (64.6%), were not refreshed in the morning (40.0%), found unbearable daytime napping (38.5%). The student group with habitual exercise (n=237) showed significant "more easily fall asleep" (p<0.05) and" more insufficient asleep period" (p<0.05) tendencies than the group without habitual exercise. Further, three groups divided by their subjective feeling toward their exercise load showed some significantly different quality of sleep. The students who felt that their habitual exercise was "suitable" or "light" showed better sleep, with reference to frequency of naid-sleep awakening and deepness of sleep, as compared with students who felt that their exercise was "heavy" (p<0.05). These results indicate that suitable or light habitual exercise might facilitate better quality of sleep while heavy exercise which strongly activate the sympathetic nervous system, pose a risk to disrupt sleep.
弥政 晋輔 廣田 映五 板橋 正幸 北條 慶一 森谷 〓皓 沢田 俊夫
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.21, no.1, pp.75-81, 1988-01-01

大腸粘液癌症例116例の臨床病理学的検討を行った. 発生頻度は 6.9% であり非粘液癌症例よりも若年発症であり (p < 0.01), 右側結腸における発生率が高い (p < 0.025). またリンパ節転移, 壁深達度ともに進行した症例が多く, 腹膜播種陽性率も高いため治癒切除率は有意に低く (p < 0.05). 治癒切除例においても局所再発を中心とした再発率が高く, 非粘液癌と比べて5生率は有意に低い (p < 0.001). また粘液癌を腫瘍細胞型により分化型と印環型に亜分類して比較検討すると, 印環型はより強く粘液癌の特徴を有していた. したがって生検で印環細胞が陽性であったり少しでも粘液癌が疑われる場合は広域なリンパ節郭清と主病巣の広範囲切除が必要と思われた.