江口 潔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.129-149, 2013

本研究では戦前期百貨店の女子店員を取り上げて,技能観の変容過程を検討する。女子店員の職域が拡大したのは,彼女たちの賃金が安いというばかりでなく,彼女たちの対人技能が評価されたからでもあった。彼女たちが売場の過半数を占めるようになると,彼女たちの振る舞いは標準化されていくこととなる。ここでは,三越の女子店員を取り上げて,以下の3点について検討した。<br> 女子店員が採用されるようになった当初,百貨店では,彼女たちが永続的に勤めることを前提としていた。ところが,花嫁修業として働く女子店員が多かったこともあり,短い勤務年数が一般的となった。彼女たちの多くは昇進とは無関係に店員生活を過ごすこととなる。<br> 1900年代初頭には,女子店員は簡単な職務に配属されていた。それというのも,男子店員ほどには専門的な知識を身につけることができないと考えられたからである。その後,百貨店化がすすめられる中で女子店員の丁寧な応対が評価されたことにより女子店員は様々な売場に用いられていくようになる。<br> 1930年代には店舗の拡大を受けて,女子店員が売場の過半数を占めるようになる。この頃から三越では映画や写真を用いた店員訓練を導入して,標準化された対人技能を女子店員たちに学ばせるようになった。そこでは不特定多数の人に開かれた振る舞い方を身につけられると考えられていたのである。
江口 潔
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.54, pp.45-57, 2011-10-01 (Released:2017-06-01)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect that the modernization of department store salesclerk training had on young salesclerks in the interwar period. Department stores were among the first to adopt modern management techniques, thus becoming the model for other businesses. Modern salesclerk training shortened the time necessary for youth to acquire sales skills through practical training, and started short-term courses on the department store and sales. Previous studies recognize the influence that the "method of organized cultural transmission" has had on department store salesclerk training. However, little attention has been given to the differentiation of continuing education in salesclerk training. The separation between these two kinds of training is important when considering the process of skill acquisition in order to become a salesclerk in Japan. This study considers salesclerk training at Shirokiya Department Store because Shirokiya actively sought to adopt new management techniques that influenced the differentiation of training in the interwar period. The first section considers continuing education in kimono fabric shops prior to 1920. Since the Edo period, apprentices learned to read and write from senior salesclerks and learned the trade through practical training. At the end of the nineteenth century, clerks began to receive continuing education from teachers hired by the shop. In-store training followed the traditional method that required a long period of practical training, although the organization of continuing education represented the introduction of modern methods. The second section presents the efficient salesclerk training that spread throughout department stores by the end of the 1920s. Previously, an apprentice became a regular salesclerk by acquiring experience over a long period. With the introduction of scientific management methods in the early 1910s, department stores changed their method of the salesclerk training. At Shirokiya by the end of the 1920s, apprentices became regular salesclerks after a brief period of instruction in standardized skills and knowledge of sales. As a result, young women who had worked for only a short time could be promoted to salesclerk. The third section describes in detail how department stores in the 1930s considered experience as an apprentice as less important. By this time, secondary school graduates were replacing higher primary school graduates as department store salesclerks. Department store promotion policies changed because the specialization of labor reduced available work for apprentices, and stores preferred the possibility of training secondary school graduates. Consequently, department stores entrusted general education to secondary education while improving the efficiency of salesclerk training.
江口 潔
大学院教育学研究紀要 (ISSN:13451677)
no.22, pp.43-58, 2020

The purpose of this paper is to examine the evaluation of school knowledge in stores. Large stores, in-cluding department stores, actively provided apprentices with educational opportunities, while small and medium-sized stores took a negative approach to even atend vocational supplementary school and youth training centers. First, I touch upon cultivation of commercial apprentices at the Tokyo Textile Wholesalers Trade Asso-ciation. The association has formed a youth group to encourage atendance at supplementary education, as well as to provide opportunities for physical education and lecture on moral education. These efforts focused on cultivation and civil education. Second, I would like to consider the evaluation of educational institutions in the association. One of the major issues in the association was to promote supplementary education. However, the association have become unable to play an enlightening role for working youth as the limitations of conditions for main-taining youth groups have become apparent. Third, I take up the report "Japan Occupational Classification" in the 1930s to examine the relationship between jobs and school knowledge. It was in the stores of large corporate organizations that they were able to link jobs and school knowledge. The evaluation of school knowledge in the stores vary according to the type of organization.
江口 潔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.129-149, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

本研究では戦前期百貨店の女子店員を取り上げて,技能観の変容過程を検討する。女子店員の職域が拡大したのは,彼女たちの賃金が安いというばかりでなく,彼女たちの対人技能が評価されたからでもあった。彼女たちが売場の過半数を占めるようになると,彼女たちの振る舞いは標準化されていくこととなる。ここでは,三越の女子店員を取り上げて,以下の3点について検討した。 女子店員が採用されるようになった当初,百貨店では,彼女たちが永続的に勤めることを前提としていた。ところが,花嫁修業として働く女子店員が多かったこともあり,短い勤務年数が一般的となった。彼女たちの多くは昇進とは無関係に店員生活を過ごすこととなる。 1900年代初頭には,女子店員は簡単な職務に配属されていた。それというのも,男子店員ほどには専門的な知識を身につけることができないと考えられたからである。その後,百貨店化がすすめられる中で女子店員の丁寧な応対が評価されたことにより女子店員は様々な売場に用いられていくようになる。 1930年代には店舗の拡大を受けて,女子店員が売場の過半数を占めるようになる。この頃から三越では映画や写真を用いた店員訓練を導入して,標準化された対人技能を女子店員たちに学ばせるようになった。そこでは不特定多数の人に開かれた振る舞い方を身につけられると考えられていたのである。
江口 潔
日本の教育史学 : 教育史学会紀要 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.54, pp.45-57, 2011-10-01

The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect that the modernization of department store salesclerk training had on young salesclerks in the interwar period. Department stores were among the first to adopt modern management techniques, thus becoming the model for other businesses. Modern salesclerk training shortened the time necessary for youth to acquire sales skills through practical training, and started short-term courses on the department store and sales. Previous studies recognize the influence that the "method of organized cultural transmission" has had on department store salesclerk training. However, little attention has been given to the differentiation of continuing education in salesclerk training. The separation between these two kinds of training is important when considering the process of skill acquisition in order to become a salesclerk in Japan. This study considers salesclerk training at Shirokiya Department Store because Shirokiya actively sought to adopt new management techniques that influenced the differentiation of training in the interwar period. The first section considers continuing education in kimono fabric shops prior to 1920. Since the Edo period, apprentices learned to read and write from senior salesclerks and learned the trade through practical training. At the end of the nineteenth century, clerks began to receive continuing education from teachers hired by the shop. In-store training followed the traditional method that required a long period of practical training, although the organization of continuing education represented the introduction of modern methods. The second section presents the efficient salesclerk training that spread throughout department stores by the end of the 1920s. Previously, an apprentice became a regular salesclerk by acquiring experience over a long period. With the introduction of scientific management methods in the early 1910s, department stores changed their method of the salesclerk training. At Shirokiya by the end of the 1920s, apprentices became regular salesclerks after a brief period of instruction in standardized skills and knowledge of sales. As a result, young women who had worked for only a short time could be promoted to salesclerk. The third section describes in detail how department stores in the 1930s considered experience as an apprentice as less important. By this time, secondary school graduates were replacing higher primary school graduates as department store salesclerks. Department store promotion policies changed because the specialization of labor reduced available work for apprentices, and stores preferred the possibility of training secondary school graduates. Consequently, department stores entrusted general education to secondary education while improving the efficiency of salesclerk training.