池田 博昭 高本 彩音 池田 純子 河野 清尊 中妻 章 徳村 忠一 森 久美子 飯原 なおみ 芳地 一 二宮 昌樹
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.20-00136, (Released:2020-09-29)

We investigated the success rates of eyedrop instillation and the distance between the cornea and the dropper tip in 100 volunteers using high-speed digital video recording. Past eyedrop adherence studies assumed that instillation occurred without failure. The ideal distance between the cornea and dropper tip remained unclear, although the general estimate was approximately 2.54 cm (1 inch). This study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of all participating medical institutions, and all volunteers provided written, informed consent. Successful instillation was defined as when 1 drop fell accurately into the eye on the first attempt. The instillation of ≥2 drops or drops delivered outside the eye was considered a failure. The distance between the eye and dropper tip was measured using still images from a paused digital video camera and a digital ruler. Forty percent of the volunteers instilled eyedrops without instructions from ophthalmologists, pharmacists, or other healthcare workers. When the images were analyzed, the success rate of the first instillation was 70.1%. When the eye was arbitrarily divided into 9 sections, most of the drop sites were the iris or the center of the eye. The distance between the dropper tip and cornea was 2.62 ± 1.75 (median 2.20) cm. These results indicate that the generally recommended distance is usually followed. The successful instillation rate based on the distance from the dropper tip to the cornea was 77% at 1.6 ± 0.88 cm and 54.9% at 4.8 ± 1.25 cm.
池田 博昭 高本 彩音 池田 純子 河野 清尊 中妻 章 徳村 忠一 森 久美子 飯原 なおみ 芳地 一 二宮 昌樹
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.12, pp.1455-1462, 2020-12-01 (Released:2020-12-01)

We investigated the success rates of eyedrop instillation and the distance between the cornea and the dropper tip in 100 volunteers using high-speed digital video recording. Past eyedrop adherence studies assumed that instillation occurred without failure. The ideal distance between the cornea and dropper tip remained unclear, although the general estimate was approximately 2.54 cm (1 inch). This study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of all participating medical institutions, and all volunteers provided written, informed consent. Successful instillation was defined as when 1 drop fell accurately into the eye on the first attempt. The instillation of ≥2 drops or drops delivered outside the eye was considered a failure. The distance between the eye and dropper tip was measured using still images from a paused digital video camera and a digital ruler. Forty percent of the volunteers instilled eyedrops without instructions from ophthalmologists, pharmacists, or other healthcare workers. When the images were analyzed, the success rate of the first instillation was 70.1%. When the eye was arbitrarily divided into 9 sections, most of the drop sites were the iris or the center of the eye. The distance between the dropper tip and cornea was 2.62±1.75 (median 2.20) cm. These results indicate that the generally recommended distance is usually followed. The successful instillation rate based on the distance from the dropper tip to the cornea was 77% at 1.6±0.88 cm and 54.9% at 4.8±1.25 cm.
池田 博昭 中妻 章 森 久美子 飯原 なおみ 芳地 一 二宮 昌樹 夛田羅 勝義

【目的】2020年度授業は4月6日より対面授業を開始予定だったが、2週間遅れて4月20日から遠隔授配信授業を開始した。2ヶ月後の6月16日より対面授業を開始したため、学生は遠隔授配信授業と対面授業の2つの授業形態を経験した。学生に遠隔配信授業と対面授業のアンケートを実施し課題を抽出した。【方法】6年生と4年生に同じ質問内容のアンケートを実施した。内容は遠隔配信授業と対面授業のどちらが便利か、好むかなど13項目とした。6年生は筆記式、4年生は遠隔授配信授業で回答した。アンケートは無記名、成績評価に影響しない、結果を学会等で公表する同意を口頭で得た。【結果】6年生の56名中37名(66.1%, 男19名、女18名)が回答した。遠隔配信授業へのストレスは9名(24.1%)が感じ、その内容は通信量不足のためか遠隔配信の通知が遅れるなどWifi環境が原因だった(66.7%)。遠隔配信授業を有効としたのは29名(78.4%)、どちらでもない8名(21.6%)だった。遠隔配信授業に向いた授業は演習科目28名(75.7%)、スライド説明中心科目26名(70.3%)だった。遠隔配信講義の長所は通学時間がない28名(75.7%)、授業データ保存7名(18.9%)、卒業研究の実験しながら2名(5.4%)だった。37名中35名(94.6%)は遠隔配信授業が便利と回答、37名中21名(56.8%)は遠隔配信授業が好きと回答、16名(43.2%)は対面授業が好きと回答した。4年生32名中32名(男9名、女23名)が回答(100%)した。32名中30名(93.9%)は遠隔配信授業が便利と回答、32名中23名(71.9%)は遠隔配信授業が好きと回答、9名(28.1%)は対面授業が好きと回答した。【考察】学生は通学時間が不要などの理由で遠隔配信授業が便利と考える一方、遠隔配信授業は授業科目によると回答した。遠隔配信授業が好きと対面授業が便利に有意差はなく、授業科目に配慮して行えば通信量不足に悩む学生の満足は得られる。