津村 眞輝子
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.49, no.2, pp.40-69, 2006

This article discusses the meaning of the "score mark" left on the Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian silver coins discovered in 1959 at Wuqia in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of northwest China.<br>The Wuqia hoard was studied by Chinese and Japanese researchers, including the present author, and the results were published in 2003. The hoard consists of 918 Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian silver drachms with dates between A. D. 588 and 679.<br>During our study of those coins, a number of discoveries were made. One of them was the presence of "score marks" in the margin of 84 coins. By comparing the "score marks" with other characteristics of the coins, the mark was determined to be related to the "countermark". A "countermark" is a stamp or mark impressed on a coin to verify its use by another government, or to indicate revaluation. Similar sets of "score marks" and "countermarks" also appear on other Sasanian silver coins stored in private and public collections.<br>Thus, the author concludes that the "score mark" was probably used to test the quality of the silver before striking a specific "countermark".
津村 眞輝子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.49, no.2, pp.40-69, 2006 (Released:2010-03-12)

This article discusses the meaning of the “score mark” left on the Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian silver coins discovered in 1959 at Wuqia in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of northwest China.The Wuqia hoard was studied by Chinese and Japanese researchers, including the present author, and the results were published in 2003. The hoard consists of 918 Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian silver drachms with dates between A. D. 588 and 679.During our study of those coins, a number of discoveries were made. One of them was the presence of “score marks” in the margin of 84 coins. By comparing the “score marks” with other characteristics of the coins, the mark was determined to be related to the “countermark”. A “countermark” is a stamp or mark impressed on a coin to verify its use by another government, or to indicate revaluation. Similar sets of “score marks” and “countermarks” also appear on other Sasanian silver coins stored in private and public collections.Thus, the author concludes that the “score mark” was probably used to test the quality of the silver before striking a specific “countermark”.
勝野 剛太郎 津村 眞 國土 泰孝 村岡 篤 鶴野 正基
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.64, no.10, pp.2378-2383, 2003-10-25 (Released:2009-03-31)
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1992年3月より2001年8月までに胸腔鏡手術を行った自然気胸症例88側(81例)を対象とし術前検査(CT,胸腔造影)所見をもとに術後再発との検討を行った.術前胸部CT,胸腔造影が各82側, 41側(air leak持続例: 25例)に行われた.術後再発は8側(9.1%)でそのうち3例に対しVATSにて再手術を施行,いずれの症例もブラの新生を認めた.検討の結果,残念ながらいずれも統計学的に有意な所見に乏しくVATS術後再発の危険因子を術前に予測することは現時点においては困難であると考えられた.しかし,その一方で胸腔造影はair leak部位の局在を確認するという意味において重要であることも明らかになった.