松本 涼佑 奥田 大樹 深澤 紀子
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.140, no.10, pp.769-781, 2020

<p>A train schedule in Japan includes regular trains which is fixed on annual basis and pre-planned extra trains whose operation dates are not predetermined. Accordingly, in order to provide efficient transport services, a plan for the daily operation of extra trains must be established based on accurate passenger demand fluctuations forecasts by day/time. Therefore, we developed a method to forecast for the demand fluctuation by day/time on a certain day in the future. The method was developed by combining several fundamental waves, which are extracted by applying independent component analysis to actual ridership records with calendar information, and information on events which was held in target areas. We confirmed that the method has high accuracy by verifying its reproducibility and forecasting accuracy. In addition, the extra trains' operation planning system, which implements the forecasting method, can estimate the load factor of all trains between stations on the planning schedule based on the forecasted demand fluctuations. Then, the system can suggest an optimal extra trains' operation plan based on these values. We estimated the load factor based on forecasted demand fluctuations with the system, and we verified its accuracy. As a result, we confirmed that we can estimate the load factor with high accuracy.</p>
後藤浩一 松原 広 深澤 紀子 水上 直樹
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.44, no.12, pp.3256-3268, 2003-12-15

携帯端末を用いて,鉄道の駅における視覚障害者の行動を支援する情報提供システムを開発した.視覚障害者の行動支援のためには利用者の現在位置を特定する必要がある.画像認識や音声認識による環境の認識はまだ実用レベルではなく,GPSや携帯電話の基地局等による位置の把握は,精度的にも利用可能な場所の面からも要求を満たせない.本システムでは,視覚障害者が移動のときの目安としている視覚障害者用誘導ブロックに位置情報を保持するRFIDタグを埋め込んで位置情報を取得し,携帯端末が持つ利用者情報や地図情報を用いて現在地の案内や目的地までの誘導案内を行う.利用者はシステムへ要求を音声で伝え,システムも音声で必要な情報を提供する.本稿では,現状の問題点とシステムへの要求を整理したのち,開発したシステムの構成と機能を説明する.実際の駅で行った評価試験の結果,目標とした機能を果たせることを確認した.本システムが提供する機能は,駅だけでなく一般市街地でも活用できることが期待でき,今後は歩行者ITS等の同様のシステムとの共通化を図り,実用化を目指す.We have developed a information guide system for visually disabled people by embedding location data in the station environment. This system consists of a portable information device, a cane carried by the user and guide blocks embedded RF-ID tags which have location data. The datum of a RF-ID tag is read by the cane and transmitted by radio wave to the portable information device. Then information about the current location is provided vocally to the user. When the user tells the information device where he/she wants to go, the device computes a route and guides the user to the destination. This paper also includes the result of a field test executed in a real railway station.