清水 泰生 岡村 正史 梅津 顕一郎 松田 恵示
スポーツ社会学研究 (ISSN:09192751)
vol.14, pp.25-45,119, 2006

本稿は、平成15、16年度の2年間にわたり、本学会において設置された「スポーツとことば」に関するプロジェクト研究報告である。最初にテレビのスポーツ実況中継の特長について整理をした。そして、札幌オリンピックと長野オリンピックの純ジャンプ競技の中継を文字おこししたものを基に両者に違いがあるかどうかを調べた。札幌は文の形 (主語+述語) がしっかりしているのに対して長野は述語の反復の表現が目立つなどの違いが見られた。このことを踏まえて考えると1972年から1998年の間に実況中継に変化があったと考えられる。次に、この変化を説明するために、プロレスと「古舘伊知郎」という問題に着目してみた。プロレスはスポーツにとって周縁的な存在である。近代スポーツが真剣勝負を追求することによって抜け落ちた要素を体現したからだ。古舘伊知郎は1980年代初頭にプロレスの虚実皮膜性を過剰な言葉で表現し、それ自身虚実皮膜的な「古舘節」を創った。プロレス実況を辞めた後の彼は主として芸能畑をフィールドとしたが、舞台でのトークショーの試みの中で新境地を開き、今ニュースキャスターとして、「古舘節」を抑える日々を送っている。そして最後に、我々は1980年代における新日本プロレスブームと古舘節の、ポストモダン的文脈について考察した。周知のようにプロレスは80年代に再びテレビ文化の主役に踊り出たが、それはかつての力道山時代ような大衆文化としてではなく、若者を中心としたサブカルチャーとしてであった。そして、1980年代における状況は、その後のポストモダン状況に比べればほんの入り口に過ぎず、東浩紀も指摘するように、日本の若者文化は1996年以降、ポストモダンの新たなる段階へと突入する。そうした中80年代型スノッブ文化の申し子とも言うべきプロレスは埋没し、古舘節だけがプロレスという本来の文脈を離れ、スポーツ観戦のサブカルチャーにおける、ある種の「萌え要素」として機能することとなったのである。
清水 泰生 シミズ ヤスオ Shimizu Yasuo
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.30, no.2, pp.91-103, 2017-01-31

Haruki Murakami is a novelist who also competes in triathlons and marathons. How has his running affected him and his literary work? Furthermore, has he read any books about running that offer interesting viewpoints? In addition, how does he train? For this report, I considered works that feature in printed media, such as interviews, essays and other texts. Since many novelists do not participate in sports, Murakami was regarded as a heretic and received continuous criticism. He fought for people who were criticized all the time. It may be said that he is an atypical runner, and is therefore isolated. Also, it can be seen from the Murakami works that literary language and rhythm are important attributes. As well as music, running must affect the form of writing immensely. Additionally, there is the theoretical question about his training, but it may be said that his original training has helped him form a writing style.
清水 泰生 シミズ ヤスオ Yasuo Shimizu
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.2, pp.131-141, 2015-01-31 (Released:2015-02-04)

The Tokyo marathon has become the first full-scale urban marathon in Japan. People who previously took no interest in running have begun to show interest in the Tokyo marathon. Thus a second running boom is now taking place. This is different from that of the late 1970s because the media covers marathons on a large scale. I would like to consider how Japanese running culture has been built up by the media and how the culture has penetrated Japanese society. The results are as follows. Newspapers covered ordinary participants and citizen runners in the Tokyo marathon and spotlighted them. Family ties was seen in the newspaper articles, and such words as Thanks, thank you and supporting appeared frequently. These words may be closely connected with the fact that marathons are extreme and that no one can run without the support of other people. They may also be connected with Japanese gregariousness and bonding.
清水 泰生
学校法人 京都外国語大学国際言語文化学会
国際言語文化学会日本学研究 (ISSN:2424046X)
vol.6, pp.71-80, 2021 (Released:2022-01-06)

This paper examines the relationships among Haruki Murakami's running, music and his creative activities, such as novel writing. First, I describe the characteristics of Murakami's style and introduce Makino (2013)'s idea that music is what makes his style, along with Shimizu (2017)' s idea that running influences his writing. Based on these considerations, this paper introduces a theory on connecting these two assertions. It next examines the characteristics of Murakami's running in terms of exercise physiology. The results show that running produces serotonin, which greatly influences his creative activities.
清水 泰生 シミズ ヤスオ Shimizu Yasuo
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.30, no.2, pp.91-103, 2017-01

Haruki Murakami is a novelist who also competes in triathlons and marathons. How has his running affected him and his literary work? Furthermore, has he read any books about running that offer interesting viewpoints? In addition, how does he train? For this report, I considered works that feature in printed media, such as interviews, essays and other texts. Since many novelists do not participate in sports, Murakami was regarded as a heretic and received continuous criticism. He fought for people who were criticized all the time. It may be said that he is an atypical runner, and is therefore isolated. Also, it can be seen from the Murakami works that literary language and rhythm are important attributes. As well as music, running must affect the form of writing immensely. Additionally, there is the theoretical question about his training, but it may be said that his original training has helped him form a writing style.
清水 泰生
vol.18, no.2, pp.18-19, 2011-09-10

In this study a researcher considered how the Japanese teaching materials took up sports. As to the textbooks of the beginner's class level, many differences were seen in sporting events and in the terms depending on the textbooks. The textbooks for the intermediate and the advanced classes did not take up so much sports. And the researcher introduced the example of the class using the newspaper article about sports (Tokyo marathon).