石田 勝裕 渡邉 鉄也 田中 基八郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ジョイント・シンポジウム講演論文集:スポーツ工学シンポジウム:シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミックス 2007 (ISSN:24331309)
pp.172-177, 2007-11-13 (Released:2017-08-01)

Lure fishing and fly-fishing have been positioned as sports deliberately different from the traditional Japanese fishing-style. In the case of fly-fishing, casting is the element which anglers must master in order to cast a fly, done so by using the weight of a line. This study uses experimental and computational analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of a fly line. Fly-fishing constitutes various elements, but the importance that casting holds is extremely large. Fling speed, the casting process and the loop shape of the line while in flight are important for the proper presentation of flies. Moreover, the shape of a fly line is also important for a long cast or controlled cast. However, it is difficult to grasp the phenomenon or to make a numerical model because a fly line is an object of flexible string. Therefore, the most suitable casting method will be clarified from the viewpoint of sports engineering and human dynamics. In addition, measuring an angler performing movements with a flexible object such as a rod or a line is difficult. So establishing a method to measure the dynamic behavior precisely is also one of the purposes of this study. For the past study, casting that uses only one hand have been analyzed. However, casting that uses both hands is often done in the actual fishing field. In this paper, line's behavior is examined in double haul casting.
大友 康平 渡邉 鉄也 鞆田 顕章
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00623, (Released:2015-06-12)
2 2

Lure fishing and fly-fishing have been positioned as sports deliberately different from the traditional Japanese fishing-style. In the case of fly-fishing, casting is the element which anglers must master in order to cast a fly, done so by using the weight of a line. This study uses experimental and computational analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of a fly line. Fly-fishing is constituted by various elements, but the importance that casting holds is extremely large. Fling speed, the casting process and the loop shape of the line while in flight are important that casting holds is extremely large. Fling speed, the casting process and the loop shape of the line while in flight are important for the proper presentation of flies. Moreover, the shape of a fly line is also important for a long cast or controlled cast. Fly is a lure that imitates an aquatic insect or a small fish, and becomes the prey of the target fish. And, there are countless of fly patterns. Therefore, anglers necessary to select an appropriate rod or line according to the size of the fly. In this paper, a rod, a line and arms are modeled by using rigid bodies and links. The time history behavior of the model is calculated by pseudo angler velocity of the arms. The validity of the model in detail is investigated. And, proper rod and line in accordance with the fly of the size is verified.
渡邉 鉄也
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.74, no.8, pp.877-882, 2008-08-05 (Released:2010-09-15)

Fly-fishing and lure fishing have been positioned as sports deliberately different from the traditional Japanese fishing-style. In the case of lure fishing, casting is the element which anglers must master in order to cast a lure at an appropriate position. Lure fishing constitutes various elements, for example, casting, reeling, hooking and landing, but the importance that casting holds is extremely large. This study uses experimental and computational analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of lure casting. The casting process and the timing of the line leaves are important for the proper presentation of lure. Moreover, the shape of a rod before the lure released is important for a long cast or controlled cast. However, it is difficult to grasp the phenomenon or to make a numerical model. Therefore, the most suitable casting method will be clarified from the viewpoint of sports engineering and human dynamics. In this paper, the system of rod and lure is modeled, and the behavior of the rod and the flying distance of a lure are calculated in the case that line tension is considered. The difference of the behavior and flying distance with line tension is investigated. And suitable timing that angler releases the line is clarified. Moreover, hang length of lure is investigated and proper length is obtained.
飯島 直紀 渡邉 鉄也 成澤 慶宜
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.887, pp.20-00010, 2020 (Released:2020-07-25)

This paper deals with seismic isolation system with nonlinear characteristics for vertical ground motion. The vertical seismic isolation system consists of a rhombus shaped link mechanism, a tension coil spring, and a leaf spring. The restoring force of the system is obtained by the sum of the restoring force of the buckling deformation of leaf spring and the restoring force of the rhombus shaped link. The purpose of this paper is to create design guidelines for seismic isolation system. Random waves were input to the experimental model with nonlinear restoring force, and the reduction effect was about 0.1 times. In addition, the validity of the analytical model was confirmed by comparing the experimental results with the calculated results. By setting dimensionless parameters and performing analysis, combinations of parameters with high seismic isolation effect were clarified. When the seismic isolation object was determined, a guideline on how to design it was given to make the seismic isolation design easier.
渡邉 鉄也 伊藤 淳二 田中 基八郎 細矢 直基
感性工学研究論文集 (ISSN:13461958)
vol.2, no.2, pp.43-48, 2002-08-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

A human being laughs in every day life when happy, and a facial expression changes unconsciously. It is thought that the facial expression has close relation to feelings and Kansei. The facial expression is more intelligibly than the expression by word, and can convey a delicate nuance when introducing feelings. Intention communication with a different foreigner is possible by a facial expression and a gesture. In this way, the role that a facial expression serves as by communication is very big. The aim of this study is to control a mind state by the intentionally modified facial expression. The final aim is the application to a field of the medical welfare. In this study, measuring the behavior of each muscle of a face using electromyogram in order to evaluate the expression quantitatively elucidates the mechanism of a facial expression. Six facial expressions is paid attention. When a human being made a facial expression intentionally, it is thought that a mind state changes by the facial expression. For example, it is said that a mind state is stable unconsciously when making a smile intentionally. On the other hand, it is thought that a mind state becomes unstable when a partner makes a facial expression of anger. In this way it is thought that a mind state is closely related to a facial expression, but there are many subjects that have not been elucidated. So the relation of a facial expression and a mind state is cleared from bio-information such as electromyogram or brain waves as an engineering approach and will be applied to the medical welfare.
森 裕介 田中 基八郎 渡邉 鉄也 戸田 富士夫
Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D (ISSN:13480235)
vol.2000, 2000-09-01

Triangle is a popular instrument of high frequency sound. But its generation mechanism of sound is not clear. In this paper, we investigated frequency characteristics and mode shape of vibration of the triangle, and measured distribution of sound pressure level around the triangle. As a result, we were able to make certain that those were closely related. Considering that hanging position is an important parameter of damping property, we experimented using a C type curved beam. We compared its damping result with that of the triangle.
鈴木 健太 渡邉 鉄也 田中 基八郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.746, pp.2549-2554, 2008-10-25

rights: 社団法人日本機械学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006967447/Generally a coefficient of friction of a human finger is very higher than a coefficient of friction of metal. The physical characteristics of a human finger are important in the work by hand. Therefore, the physical and numerical modeling of fingertip is useful for the design of various equipments, for example, a handrail of stairs, a robot hand, an operation simulator, and so on. In this study, "Coulomb friction", "absorption by fingerprint and sweat" and "elasticity of finger" are considered as the element of the friction characteristics. The aim of this study is to express the force by these characteristics as function model and to make the physical fingertip model. At first, the force by friction and absorption are measured, and the contact area between fingertip and board is calculated. Next, the function of friction force with respect to vertical force acting on the contact surface between fingertip and board is suggested. Finally, the actual finger model is made and the friction force is modeled to the function.