渡部 泰弘 平尾 和也 田原 雄一郎
日本衛生動物学会地方支部大会要旨抄録集 第54回 日本衛生動物学会東日本支部大会要旨抄録集
pp.3, 2003 (Released:2003-07-01)

渡部 泰弘 田原 雄一郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-8, 2010
3 1

Lethality and repellency of emulsifiable concentrates (EC) or microencapsulated concentrates (MC) of fenitrothion, diazinon, propetamphos and chlorpyrifos-methyl were examined with 12 separate colonies of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. Field colony individuals were collected from 5 different restaurants situated on the 7th floor of a building in Koto-ku, and 7 restaurants located on the 5th floor of another building in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Adult male progeny of each colony were released into a container with insecticide-treated harborage surfaces. All colonies, except for the one from the Italian restaurant in Koto-ku, showed low levels of susceptibility to fenitrothion EC and MC, diazinon EC and MC, chlorpyrifos-methyl EC and propetamphos EC. However, the levels of lethality against colonies varied even though they originated from the same floor of a building. The poor efficacy of the test insecticides was probably a result of long-term use of these compounds in this area of building. Various susceptibilities among colonies indicate that the German cockroach does not frequently hybridize between restaurants even located on the same floor of a building. Propetamphos MC was the most effective against all exposed colonies, followed by fenitrothion MC and diazinon MC. Changes in behavior toward insecticides and insecticide resistance in the EC formulations may cause low mortalities in cockroaches. The test colonies showed two different types of low susceptibilities, one due to high aversion to the test formulations and another due to insecticide resistance.
田原 雄一郎 神谷 桜 渡部 泰弘
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.62, no.2, pp.101-107, 2011-06-15 (Released:2011-12-15)

粘着トラップによる3種ゴキブリ(チャバネゴキブリ,ワモンゴキブリおよびトビイロゴキブリ)の捕獲率「(捕獲数÷放飼数)×100」は日ごとに低下した.これは粘着トラップを避ける個体が増加したことによると判断した.チャバネゴキブリでは令別,雌雄での比較で♂>♀>老齢>若令の順に捕獲率は高かった.特に,若令は捕獲されにくかった.一週間にわたり捕獲をまぬがれた個体(経験群)と新しく放飼された個体(未経験群) では,常に前者の捕獲率が低かった.これは,経験ゴキブリ群が粘着トラップに捕獲されないような行動を「学習」したものと推察した.経験群をしばらくトラップから避けて飼育する中断期間を与えたところ,トラップを避ける行動は5週間まで維持された.粘着板を避けるには触角の働きが大きいと思われる.触角の先端部の微毛は粘着面を感知するだけでなく,粘着面への付着を防いでいると考えられる.生きている間は触角を空中に保持し,死亡すると付着した.モニタリングや殺虫剤の効果判定の目的で,粘着トラップを連続して使用したり,頻繁に使用したりすると,トラップ捕獲率が低下し,得られたゴキブリ指数がその場のゴキブリ生息状況を正しく反映しない可能性があることに留意すべきである.
渡部 泰弘 田原 雄一郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-8, 2010
3 1

Lethality and repellency of emulsifiable concentrates (EC) or microencapsulated concentrates (MC) of fenitrothion, diazinon, propetamphos and chlorpyrifos-methyl were examined with 12 separate colonies of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. Field colony individuals were collected from 5 different restaurants situated on the 7th floor of a building in Koto-ku, and 7 restaurants located on the 5th floor of another building in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Adult male progeny of each colony were released into a container with insecticide-treated harborage surfaces. All colonies, except for the one from the Italian restaurant in Koto-ku, showed low levels of susceptibility to fenitrothion EC and MC, diazinon EC and MC, chlorpyrifos-methyl EC and propetamphos EC. However, the levels of lethality against colonies varied even though they originated from the same floor of a building. The poor efficacy of the test insecticides was probably a result of long-term use of these compounds in this area of building. Various susceptibilities among colonies indicate that the German cockroach does not frequently hybridize between restaurants even located on the same floor of a building. Propetamphos MC was the most effective against all exposed colonies, followed by fenitrothion MC and diazinon MC. Changes in behavior toward insecticides and insecticide resistance in the EC formulations may cause low mortalities in cockroaches. The test colonies showed two different types of low susceptibilities, one due to high aversion to the test formulations and another due to insecticide resistance.