澤田 萌
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.53, no.1, pp.106-119, 2010

The Malamatiyyah is a group of Islamic mystics who appeared in Nishapur in the ninth century. Although its secrecy made unclear its historical details, one famous Nishapuan Sufi author, Sulamī (d. 1021) provides us with valuable information on them in <i>al-Risālah al-Malāmatiyyah</i>. It tells about some of their unique practices which were designed to help them avoid arrogance and to aid them in the purification of their souls, such as their practice of deliberately committing acts that would draw people's censure (<i>malāmah</i>), concealing their high spiritual state, and earning their livelihood through mundane work. It is said that this group was absorbed by the rising tide of Baghdad Sufism in the tenth century.<br> In the eleventh century, Nishapur produced one of the most famous Sufi authors, Qushayrī (d. 1072), whose <i>Risālah</i> is probably the most widely read Sufi manual in Islamic world. The present paper focuses on his regional link with Nishapur, and attempts to show how Qushayrī adopted some of the unique Malāmati precepts in his <i>Risālah</i>, such as their concept of <i>futuwwah</i> the insistence on the need for the purification of the soul (<i>nafs</i>), and the acceptance of censure. Especially in connection with the last of these items, it is noteworthy that Qushayrī devotes a whole chapter of his <i>Risālah</i> to "backbiting (<i>ghībah</i>)", which is an unusual topic in a Sufi manual, and tells us there that being exposed to backbiting from others is directly linked with merit in the afterworld. These considerations not only us a new understanding of the Sufi thought of Qushayrī, but also suggest that Baghdad Sufism itself was transformed and underwent new developments under the influence of one particular local tradition, the Malāmatiyyah of Nishapur.
吉川 和孝 梅田 未希 中村 仁美 澤田 萌
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.37, no.3, pp.355-359, 2022 (Released:2022-06-20)

〔目的〕間質性肺炎増悪が胸郭出口症候群発症の要因になった可能性のある症例に対して行った介入が,症状改善をもたらした例を報告する.〔対象と方法〕間質性肺炎により常時0.5 L/分の在宅酸素療法を行っていたが,呼吸困難感と左上肢の疼痛,感覚障害を呈し, 間質性肺炎増悪による経皮的動脈血酸素飽和度低下で入院となった80代女性を対象とし,左斜角筋群ストレッチ,リラクゼーション,胸郭ストレッチなどの呼吸リハビリテーションを中心に介入を行った.〔結果〕その結果,疼痛消失と感覚障害消失がみられた.〔結語〕呼吸機能に着目して行った介入が,間質性肺炎増悪が発症の要因になった可能性のある胸郭出口症候群の症状を緩和にしたことから,呼吸器疾患による胸郭出口症候群発症の可能性が示唆された.